aToOn vs 8Bits/FiF*Green* (14497 views)

de Sal
fi shitty
in Hype
de RoXoR
ee eurUz
gb bLITZ
nl ins
nl jo0f
nl vaNqu1sh
be Worm
nl Barbon
be Jere
ClanBase Fall '08
6o6 SW OpenCup
Premier League

CB Matchlink
01.12.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2008
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: m1st3r (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 117250
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
de sIN.Gaming Stream #1
By: pstarz-nemesis
Listen to pstarz-nemesis
Language: English

Total Slots: 200
Listener Peak: 42

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de #LoFT ETTV2
By: benJi (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: Anaconda (ettvd)
de #1
By: Broodman (ettvd)
de #2
By: Broodman (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: 8Bits|OldMan (ettvd)
gb #Anti-Gaming ETTV
By: derbinator (ettvd)
By: Lama (ettvd)
ua ClanBase ETTV
By: doneX (ettvd)
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 173


alles geven jongens !!
GL !!! <3
gl blitz & the other toonZ :>
Let's hope the history to repeat itself.
izi for FiFg
gl both teams
blitz ftw

go aToOn :)
gl both :o)))
izi bash for hype
Pieface will probably be playing for hype
bLITZ YOU BETTER WIN, or i'll come after you with my stick1!
my fist > your stick ;D
your head> my stick i hope
Aiiii Hardi Papi's easy for the ones that survived the bijlmer. Btw Lekker Koud??
Swa, begin niet te praten, jwz.
It will be hard for the 2 squads
We can't play at this time. I have to go out eating at 19.00 and Worm goes to watch a footballgame wich ends at 20.00, so we could play this match after BB (at 22.00/22.15 cet) or on monday/wednesday (prefer 22.00 cet). If you read this roxor, can you pmme on irc? I'm trying to contact you guys, but you're all offline atm. thx
aTooN \o/
np 4 Mads !
No Eim no win :)
izi4 8bits gl worm and jere!
I wish the whole atoon team good luck !
haha final? :D

(gl hype)
hf ins.. gl euruz.. you will need it!
gl koerUz & jo0f
gonna be rescheduled
dont fuck up hype or no ec next season !
gl FiF
easy for bl1tz...
hf jere, hype & jo0f :C
GL shitty shitty cheat
Gl euruz , blitz and worm :)
You have € 0.00

.... what now?
gl jere
match will be played at thurdsay 4 december 21.00 cet if cb admins agree.
no they won't agree it , the match will be seen as 0-0 ; there will be no final DOMMAGE!
they agreed !!!!!!!!!

btw: we'll play monday 21.00 :D
will be played monday 21cet
be siL cant play because of work, nl Barbon will play in his place
For the be siL fans i have some bad news.
I have to work untill 10 pm so i wont be avi for this game.
My replacement however is the one and only nl barbon !
JAAAAAH eindelijk de barby wee rin actieee
niet te uitbundig eh maat
dude omg tis te finale, neem vrij :[
naja gl @ rest tho, moet izi bash zijn ;d
hij heeft genoeg zelfkennis om te weten dat barbon beter is dan hem... :D
oh lol, naja da wistk niet xDDDDDDDD

You have € 73 on de aToOn Cancel bet
Possible win: € 170.09
gl mads en leon!
You have € 21 on de aToOn Cancel bet
Possible win: € 77.7
Die Früchte meiner Lenden auf dem Weg zu Victoria, nur aufzuhalten durch Loki!
hf Worm and jere
gl FiF
gl blitz
GL groen !
some time ago fif was an oc 12th div team. now they will get EC invite / quali.

Good Luck BOTH!

even cod4 only has 11 divisions :p
4th division btw, 1 year ago.
but they play very well and kinda professional. So all the credits to them
GL fif
gl 8bits
atoon-who ? :-/
a team full of nonames..
never heard of those random yermans

gl Worm.
lul xiiiter detected
izi4 8bits gl worm and jere!
OC final full of haxors/exhaxors.. GREAT SUCCES FOR ET!
so who do u think is a real hacker? or was a real hacker?
Vanquish 'was' a nC customer and cheated on a high level for a long time.
Jere ;<
go atoon

You have € 300 on aToOn
Possible win: € 1209
You have € 5 on aToOn
Possible win: € 20.15

dont have nemore =[

gl atoon / jere if you think im cheating you wait till you play vs euruz!
landmine hax!
plz dont underate the beast that euruz is!
I was just in a bad mood that day, so I was just randomly flaming because I got owned all the time :(
dont really know if you cheat or not, and I'm not really interested in it :p
go greenies !

gl fif
Gl powners! xD
merci :D

ze misten u gisteren nogal denk ik :P
by that i presume me ty :DD
Best of Luck <3 :)
all my money on FiF ! GL!
jereeeeeeeeeeeee <3
this worm guy was owning me in 3on3 i wish gl to him ;O
gL blitzi 8D
gl Hype n bl1tz

go scott me boy!
Jere do not dissapoint me!
nemesis -.- stop with chemical romance and that style of music :DDD heard enough linkin park yesterday :D

Play some hardstyle and i will <3 u forever and ever and ever :DD

Or some T.I :P
we kinda won fifg @ prac so easy for atoon!!1111111
uh but fif g>bb so izi for fif G
THANK YOU Nemesis :) !!! <333333
go groentjes go!
lol, aToon picked some crappy shit server, gg
its good for them so who cares ? :D
it's gay tbh, aToon picked it on purpose cause they knew it would give them a large benefit, I hope they will lose anyway
nah i doubt that atoon will lose :P
yeah, they cranked up their cheats too high
what the fuck are you talking about. they agreed to play on the server and had over 40 minutes time to test it.
fock off mate.. Only one of us agreed (without asking us btw).

And when we connected and 3 of us had 150 ping... you didnt want to switch all of a sudden?! Good going.
is it there fault if a dick in your team agreed?

Had probably the shittest lag out of all of you, so please.. cry me a river mr skilldrop!

Also, funny how your pings settled and none of you ever had above 100 in the match, n1 ;D
they had 40 mins to test ping tbh though donex wouldnt allow a change anways
GL atoon !
2:0 for Atoon NIICE :P glad i changed my bet to atoon instead :D
bb money :(
You have € 604 on 8B|FiFg
Possible win: € 869.76

Lost :/
big fat rape
You have € 73 on de aToOn
Possible win: € 238.71
easy for hype !
gg :>>>
winning against BB, losing against aToOn, very strange I say!
whats so overrated team of ET
no ziff no win
You have € 530 on 8B|FiFg
You lost :<<<<
well done guys, awesome game(server)
loel that was shit
cu @ eC
AGAIN !?!?!!?
I only got in n1ce cos of Latvia fuckup :<
You have € 8425 on de aToOn
Possible win: € 27549.75
You have € 5000 on de aToOn
You won € 16350 thx atoon
rofl man, nice gbooky history
so fifg beat BB, but atoon just over run on them, its getting more and more interesting. too bad we wont see them on lan
cu @ cc5 with infinity skills
oh wait...
lol made my day, wp blitz
cu @ ec, fuckaas
cu @ real life, or_not
damn, you got me there ;-|
You have € 239 on be 8B|FiFg
You lost
gg guys.
Donex you bum, buy a real server.

Atoon played well, but we played with 3 guys and 3 mongoloidcripples caus of the lag :x
you have played too long with those beltard, you even start whingin like them
thx :D

You have € 1000 on de aToOn
You won € 3270
You have € 50 on be 8B|FiFg
You lost

fu retards
atoon > fif > bb

and if bb wins over MAMUT, atoon is the best team in ET:DDDDDd
shit brixx
gg wp

server was shit (blame me), but thats not the reason we lost imo
You have € 15 on de aToOn
You won € 49.05

You have € 39 on de aToOn
You won € 127.53
You have € 200 on de aToOn
You won € 654
gg wp, everything just seemed to go right for us..

sorry vanq and ins :* <3 !

its because barbon is in there lineup he blows bigtime
You have € 21 on de aToOn
You won € 68.67

cheers hype mate
et Today 15:00 one4one eu 5.17 vs. 1.24 eu TAG 12 € on eu TAG Lost
qw Today 15:00 si 1.16 vs. 7.34 pl Designate 50 € on si mamut Lost
et Today 15:00 aToOn de 3.27 vs. 1.44 be 8Bits/FiF*Green* 50 € on be 8B|FiFg Lost
et 30.11 15:00 8Bits/FiF*Green* be 15.74 vs. 1.07 eu ButtonBashers 50 € on eu bb Lost
sc 30.11 05:00 ToSky[S.G] kr 4.73 vs. 1.27 kr Goojila 12 € on kr ToSky Lost
et 26.11 15:00 zero.E- Aclmx eu 3.71 vs. 1.37 be rodcAd-gaming 8 € on be rodcAd Lost
et 23.11 14:00 8Bits/FiF*Green* be 10.39 vs. 1.11 gb FatGames ET 40 € on gb FG Lost
et 19.11 21:30 Internet! us 29.83 vs. 1.03 us zeroE 14 € on us NET Lost
et 19.11 21:00 poutine ca 12.00 vs. 1.09 us Enhanced-Gaming 15 € on ca poutine Lost
et 16.11 21:00 Maroon Platoon us 2.13 vs. 1.88 ca Enemy Territory Killerss 14 € on us mp* Lost
et 16.11 15:30 ButtonBashers eu 1.36 vs. 3.76 pl k1ck eSports Team 15 € on pl k1ck Lost
et 16.11 15:30 re-play Devilry pl 5.38 vs. 1.23 si 16 € on pl re-play Lost

You have € 17353 on 8B|FiFg
You lost
Jere -_-
You have € 15 on de aToOn
You won € 49.05

You have € 3000 on be 8B|FiFg
You lost

ha ha ha I knew it

You have € 110 on aToOn
You won € 359.7
unexpected, more obvious cheaters won :D
yea indeed :D

pathetic retard.
i admire cheaters in a way. writing ten times a day comments like "haha, funny, pathetic... blabla" and having in mind when writing anything that you have to act like you dont cheat :D
how do we know you dont cheat?
you dont. There are two ways of thinking. Either you know the guy is cheating (like atoon guys) or you cant tell whether he is or not.
dont talk to me cheater
lol cheater cu wlan???????
i know that this is 2 years old by now but i just saw this match / those comments and i'm wondering if you changed your opinion about the ex-atoon guys by now? :D
Does jealousy hurt that much? :'(
should i be jealous at someone who wins thanks to haxes? :D lulz
You are just pitiable. Bring on any evidence or shut the fuck up. Atoon is clean.
thx shitty my lovely fintard :) <3 <3
You have € 130 on aToOn
You won € 425.1

ahhh..and i bet on the beta squad.. :(..
You have € 250 on aToOn
You won € 817.5

überraschung überraschung
kack xiiter.
et 01.12 22:00 Epic Fail eu 2.57 vs. 1.64 nl 50 € on nl charism Won 82€
et 01.12 22:00 aToOn de 3.27 vs. 1.44 be 8Bits/FiF*Green* 50 € on de aToOn Won 164€
et 01.12 22:00 one4one eu 5.17 vs. 1.24 eu TAG 50 € on eu 141 Won 259€
et 01.12 20:00 RazZaH. tr 1.35 vs. 3.83 ee Camparii 51 € on ee Camparii Won 195€
et 30.11 22:15 k1ck eSports Team pl 5.49 vs. 1.22 si 38 € on si MAMUT.SI Won 46€
et 30.11 20:30 Detonation XL nl 2.08 vs. 1.92 ee frag1Lity 20 € on ee frag1 Won 38€
thx atoon
Atoon = best wtf??

fif won BB and now atoon won fif? :D:D: wtf? LOL? :D LOLOL :D atoon EC winner
You have € 250 on de aToOn
You won € 817.5