pHys1x Multigaming vs [1stCav] Multigaming (4186 views)

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cz etkar
nl Onoez
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nl Rebel
lv Loland
pl CommonSense
pl SzpaqPL
pl eNgine
pl PrimeK
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pl Dr_Doom_PL
6v6 SW Second League Playoffs
27.11.08 20:45 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Clanbase OpenCup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Orrie (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sewer

Total Pot: € 4752
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
de #etqw.comeback ET:QW TV 1 - Sponsored by Kartan
By: Seanza (none)
de 1stCav multigaming ET:QW private Server #1
By: Orrie (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 75
Viewer Peak: 27


Tough one to call IMO. Usually I would have said phx, but [1stCav] team B have been really strong recently when we've played them.
GL [1stCav] :)
diff to say, but i think that pHys1x will take it. especially if there will be no huge connection probs for Etkar and Conker =) Like it was on our recent pcw.
[1stCav] will take it :o
No problem 4 lv Loland!

You have € 25 on eu pHx Cancel bet
Possible win: € 40.5

I won't play, since I'm in Estonia and with computer which can't handle even flash games .. ;X
I hope phx wins, but it will be very hard. Hard one to bet on!
Lag them out 1stCav!
gl pHys1x Multigaming ;)
I think our team has better aim and stuff in general but 1stcav have WAY MORE experience, so it won't be an easy game. GL HF
Better aim & stuff? What's "stuff"? Like weed? Dutch weed > .pl weed!
Lets hope you are not the high aimer then ^^
hope they get enought plyn do kapiely for this game
hf 1stCav
GL Primek!!!!
easy bash :P
im not watching

its Club Brugge tonight!!
If you're not watching, nobody will watch! WTF WE GONNA DO?!
I might out money on Phys1x just because Onoez is ginger... hmm..
You have € 100 on 1stcav
Possible win: € 519

You have € 23 on pl 1stcav
Possible win: € 131.56
Score so far? ;X
4-0 so far
You have € 23 on pl 1stcav
You lost

i blame cod5 shit game
Best part of the game was when Onoez took control of the tank on Sewer. They had a decent tanker then!

You have € 10 on 1stcav
You lost

Not even an ounce of lag for 1stCav :(

Sorry Onoez :(
You putting money on 1stcav = moar money for me :D
Also I lol'd when I was in tank, got owned by the cyclops immediately should've gone constructing :p

Enjoy yer moniez!