Kapoks vs The Fight Club (3433 views)

pl Am1go
be Bangor
gb pred4tor
nl cattle
es Metal
es salego
es Srp
es Thrunx
4v4 INF Premier League Playoffs
30.11.08 20:30 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: Clanbase OpenCup
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Orrie (Generaladmin)
Maps: Area22

Total Pot: € 2948
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)
sk r3volta* CW server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 40
Viewer Peak: 4


For the pl Am1go!
woo! will do my best for ya!
This match is gunna be EPIC.

But tFc have shown they're a beast at infantry, and so are Kapoks.

Not gunna miss this at all.
I hope it will be good, dont know yet if i can play, Else cattledecapitation will play.
Dont know what to expect from tFc because we never played them in prac/match.
But on paper it looks like a good match.
Suerte warrillas, casi estáis en la final :p
tFc gonna take it, np.
depends if zenix will play or not, and depends how i will play
also depends if tfc will have a good or bad day

so many things!

You have € 1 on eu Kapoks
Possible win: € 3.35
gl Kapoks ;)
Zenix and Pred4tor both haxxers, Am1go's Polish unhitableness and Bangors Belgian connection VS Laggy Spain

This match has everything tbh <3
No drama yet, let's start some!
GTV + No Drama = fail game!
lolled :D
You have € 113 on Kapoks
Possible win: € 297.19

My last moniez
you can change your bets. zenix is in hospital. orrie replace him with cat.
ouch and ouch :(

once again FOR ZENIX!
gl guys from the hospital.
we are NOT from the hospital! :D
Lup [Srp, Thrunx, Salego, Metal] HF friends
sorry for everybody who bet on us but it's going to be easy for kapoks.

Match is going to be played on neutral server, unfortunately no TV info for that server ... sorry.
ffs :<
there was nothing to watch really except our shit game
i played like a turd with a gun : /

but wp from tfc too

srry zenix i faild :<
Sorry and GL!
4-0 tFc