Switchback vs NEB! (4913 views)

ru chronic
pl missioN
ca rossko
us TheEnd
ca Anim
us TwoGuns
08.12.08 03:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Evil Territory League North America
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: chronic111 (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te

Total Pot: € 9375
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #RoN.et'ETTV/#1?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de kai.eyeshoot.de
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

By: Lama (ettvd)

us #Ghulnah.et ETTV
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)

xx #mx.org ETTV
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 36



gl rossko, chronic

gl anim
2nd oh btw chronic gl you'll need it :P
make sure you give false places again
gl mission
easily the preview to the etl finals :D GL CHRONIC U GOT THIS ALL MONEY ON SWITCHBACK!
see sean. :D this is the other account idk who the guy above me is! nub gl chronic and rossko <3
that doesn't mean that nubs account isn't yours :)
it's not me lol. !!! think what you want biatch
I heard that TwoGuns was busted?
everyone think's he hack's most people know it just no proof :D so therefore no ban ;( <3 you nemesis i wanna hear your sexy ass shoutcast more.
ru Chronic >> us The End
ca Rossko << ca Animal
ca MissioN >> us TwoGuns

my prediction's are obviously hurting people so i'll just keep it at this
I personally thought that mission was the most retarded person in ET, but now with this comment you have taken over that position.
was that necassary?
especially when it's your own opinion.. :P
don't get me wrong ain't a critic but ya.
it was well worth it
he's a hater golden just let him be.
no im not a hater, but obviously you know nothing.
so what are your prediction's smart ass. and im pretty sure i know more then you
do not predict when u just started playing this game for a year and came from 2.55
been playing for about 2 years tyvm and never played .55 in my life. played .6b from the beginning because of a friend that wanted me to ring for him for twl. what about u mr.team canada didnt let rossko play for canada because you disliked him. when he was better then half of team canada. nice
really i thought i didnt let him on because hes was on pb bans? YOU KNOW EVERYTHING
im just posting here so theres atleast one euro-flag within the recent comments... dont pay attention to me :D
lol your a waste of time and my nickname was nubs from the beginning. jus never play with usa team's usally play with euro's tyvm.
just let rossko play shaun :<
nickname please?
if rossko is better than half of team canada then canada isnt as good as i thought!
honestly rossko would own you any day so your really not the 1 to talk :P not starting any drama.
well yeah i know. but im just saying rossko isn't the best canadian out there
but the way you said "then Canada isent as good as i thought!" you were saying he sucks basicly.
oh haha no, rossko is a great player, but there are other canadians just as good 8d
gl swb :D
chronic said he love's you clay lol he's a homo
real love only exists between men :D
Looks like Neb wins in my book
lol drama already beautiful ;D
not even worth ettv.... just download road to the gold=instant win
lol gl neb

Chronic >> The End
what kind of conversation is this?
where's dominator

oops nvm
gl sb, gl neb! everyone have fun( go chronic and rossko oO) and anim oO
no shoutcast :O?
who shoutcasts 3v3s
not this match ..
i think he's off watching another movie anyway. =/
pfft i mean chronic....the shoutcasters doesn't even wanna start talking about him.
kidding :P
Win me some money Chron please I'm broke.
hf rossko ;]
Anim is not showing up nor am I ......
wth? why not. you serious
gl boys luv y'all <3 chronic rossko
gl dominator and 2guns

oh wait...
killberboy i love you for catching everyone !! but 2guns hasen't been caught T.T
force him to play on CB/ettv and record him
oh killer everyone know's twogun's hack's he just hasen't been caught yet you can easily tell with his snaps on ettv :D everyone know's it just not enough proof to ban him of leagues :(
our et democrew can review the demos of anyone who you think is suspicious, got any link to when he was snapping? We can ban for demos. :P

TLR vs NEB, watch NEB.
gl chronic :)
gl miSSIOn!
easy for rossko!
de chronic :DDDDDDD
pl missioN :D!
how u write flag?
[flag=*insert country abbreviation*]

2-1 ggs
haha switchback retards :DD
You have e 65 on swb''
You lost

Total Money 0.65 e

gg... -_-"
You have € 5 on us NEB!
You won € 18.4

thx, wp sb
such a fucking close game. come on switchback you shuda fucking had em gg.... disappointing. underdog's really shuda had it
who the fuck are you?, are you like some kind of water boy?
um i told you already your worst nightmare and if i was anyone's waterboy i would be squall's water boy thank you <3.
nice preds you sure know alot :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
did you even watch the game? didn't you see how close it was lol shaun. can't wait 2 see your team get rolled by netz
cant wait to see you play, oh wait your a no name
ur a no name to me too :DD coz i only know european players, before i tot usa/canada didnt play ET :D but americans r damn good @ css
wow vous etes a chier
ta mere, c fif jouer avec des fags lol, en plus je joue mm pu a ET ^^ css only

achete toi CSS dude, c ben meilleur que ET
You have € 50 on us NEB!
You won € 184

ez money, I didnt bother to watch
Switch back should have had that: /
You have € 412 on swb''
You lost

thx rossko
it was Easy for NEB
You have € 1119 on ch swb''
You lost
I bet nubs is chronics other account for betting ;)
lol idoit. your completely wrong. lamb is my other account idk who the fuck is nubs. but all i know is he's our waterboy <3 suck a cockjustin
I also bet if i played the game would have turned out much different ;)

noobs @ my team