Mind Tech Gaming vs Defenders of Europe (4805 views)

nl Tomoslav
jm i /<ore
be Smooth
be Meduzza
gb Oasis
gb Sharkie
nl Arawn
gb Solitude
gb Potty
ee Scope
ee Alfa
be Negativ
nl Ratte
de Attax
21.12.08 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: BluhBluh (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 7939
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
gb # pFk ~ ETTV.1
By: Suck
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Total Slots: 25
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de #a.Toon TV
By: neobsen (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 23


the real MTech ? .....
lol elec dont flame them :D
i asked a simple question?
shut your big mouth, you dont even know how to reply
you are the nerd here

HF & GL :)
Good Luck DoE <3 :)

GL tomo ^_^
This gonna be fun xD
to bad i have 999 every few minutes :p

Gl ;)
sjans da die meduzza speelt, das e beest
gl Mind Tech
easy for Xauii & Attax =]
whoops...they are not even in the lineup anymore x]
gl all
GL Tom :D:D:D
well jezix we see about it i say no prob for all members of our team xD
gl luck tomoslav ;)
gl SharKie XDD
line ups? of metech
Good luck to both of the teams. I bet this will be close match.
it will now doe have 2 mercs rofl
well since you nabs got merc then so did we .. so yeh.
whats mercs? theyre backup and seen as some of the guys are on hols we need backups not mercs to help win a match lol
well we got "backups" aswell then since some players are sick
lol use backups instead of members ftw
We don't have mercs lol
well Hukk will be away from sunday till thursday so potty replacin him and potty has been mercin for us alot .. ratte in doe i think now ..
You have € 5 on eu mTech Cancel bet
Possible win: € 11.35
Uhm.. we don't got mercs? And Andres who are you? You aren't in any team?

And btw, we play at 21.00 CET which was announced that way.. otherwise no match cause we won't be online that time.
well your obviously a braindead retard..

Will be at 19.00 just like it says on cb
20.00 CET .. not earlier or I will get another opponent.
any reason u agreed on 19.00 in cb then ?
in CB there stands 20.00.. maybe you see 19.00 because your time-zone is GMT.. mine is CET (GMT+1)
19.00 means 20.00 for you so whats up ?
lol we dont hv merc
then it's oke, but some minutes ago I saw on this site 19.30 CET so thats why
Tomoslav, Sharkie, Meduzza, Dualinity, Smooth, Nick_V
Wy is everyone so negative. Just play the match whoever the players are. HF & GL Mtech
agree nega
Gluck scopeiiiii!
DoE low btw

but gl sCope
and nega , sharkie is just being a little bitch cause elec wouldnt meet him in scotland and now he has nothing else to do exept whine..

ROFL >>>> http://www.goldenpages.ie/search/Sharkies_Head/brain.html
not only that, hes accusing me of trying to steal his GF :D Fucking LOL.. god knows how much other BS he has told ppl. quite funny tho bc some fucktards are believeing the shit that he says. now he thinks hes gonna use a game to prove hes better than me. -1 irl :)
rofl dont need a game to prove im better than you and btw you can stop lying anytime soon otherwise u gonna get all in a mess again like on crossfire and ur kid gonna be a right lying little cunt learning from you good day to you sir

btw why dont you accept my invites on xfire so we can sort it out or do just want me where you can mute me so I cant answer back pussy
after the shit that has come out of ur mouth u can go and fuck yourself as hard as u can. firstly ur the twat who got all confused and made a prick of himself on crossfire not me, accusing me of being angry , and when i asked u when i lost my temper u didnt reply bc u realised u made a tit of urself bc u r the angry guy who has fucked things up for himself. all i know is you have told 1 or more lies to ppl ( they have told me some of what u been sayin) and ppl deleted me from xfire, so u must be a convincing little liar.and if you really want me to prove u wrong ill ask ur gf to post on here if you like ? or she can post on your website so u can check the IP and see its really her maybe that will stop u telling lies? and all the people u have lied to will see the truth aswell. just because you have fucked things up yourself irl, dont start blaming others. GL on sunday tho :)
after the shit that has come out of ur mouth u can go and fuck yourself as hard as u can. firstly ur the twat who got all confused and made a prick of himself on crossfire not me,

whos angry?
i quite calmly told you to go and fuck yourself, you think thats me losing my temper? :D im half temped to say meet me half way we'll sort this out like men, instead of u being a little bitch telling lies to ppl behind my back, when there is no way of me defending myself or telling my side, bc they already deleted me. im not angry at all m8 im actually PISSING myself laughing at u. and after that score earlier im quite a happy little bunny
you cant even accept my invite on xfire so dont think you would meet me halfway prick
you rly have no idea do u ? maybe you belive this lie is true that you are telling ppl? prolly yes bc ur male. i would prolly react the same way bc im male. i tried not to get into an argument with you but seeing as u have a big mouth ill continue (ask ur gf how much repect i told her i had for u). dont you have any female freinds at all ? just bc a guy chats on xfrire to a female doesnt mean anything like what you have assumed. i cant help it im a bit of a soft cunt when some1 has problems and im a good listener,which is pretty much all im guilty of.
and btw if u hadnt flamed me and my son in public forums and deleted my xfire , i might have even been able to give u some advice and talk about stuff instead of me ripping the cunt out of you here.And like i said i was HALF tempted to meet u half way, but watching you make a teat of yourself here is more pleasurable than slapping you. if you fancy it tho just say a time , place and date.
sCope ?????

lololo big gl ;)
lol easybash 4 defanders of europe
tom on cb the match is at 7pm gtm or 8pm your time i check for you guys lmao (this good read :P) gl anyways all wont be there to watch but sure ill hear :P why not electro?
gl scope :D
btw tomoslav add Erove (Czech Republic) in clanbase or he cant playin -.-
Erove is in CB..
heh DoE just won 6:0 vs mTech with no mercs xDD .. izi bash for us on Sunday

eRove that's the worst exscuse ever, play with team with skill <3
maok ik kapot joonge !
gl tomo :)
gl arawn <3
gl DoE
andres that wasnt our main line up you where playin with your line up but i dont care just play and hv fun why is everybody so stressfull with this match come just play and stop whine
wasnt our mine lineup either lol
but i dont care all i wanna do is see tomoslav fail , thats all i want...
Doesn't matter what the score will be, you are the weak spot and even I have raped you, while I'm shit.. says it all about your ego :)
am i the only one here that is playing the match because its for 6on6 ladder?
feel like this is one big pile of shit, both teams talking way to much crap.

GL DoE, hope we can turn this out to be a normal match for all of us
agree dual so just hv a normal match and play we will see and it doesnt matter who wins cose its seems more now a bitch fight than a et fight xD
all my money on mtech

You have € 55 on mTech
Possible win: € 258.5

seriously whys is there so much bitching about a line up?? if im honest it looks pathetic that there is so much of that crap over.....a game.
no andres found in ireland ? :S ... whats so funny about that ?
andres is should say your pants lol my bad!!! :P
coz lows are lows :P lol
ur lower ..and u know it :D I > U

and azz , theres only so much BS bc hes gettin thrown out!!!! and his GF doesnt want him , and he thinks he can pull any fucking merc he wants , and try to get 1 over on me bc he thinks im "stealing" his GF ??? hes getting a ban IRL . -1 for him ......let's all sing ~"AWWWW"
you did rly put much effort in that comment didnt you
Dont let me down sven lol gl Mtech Gl doe hmmm going to be a close 1
btw secondat why u so bothed and posting Nc ? lol
Agree! everyone should stfu and wait and play the game on sunday. Even if we lose we will try and make it a good game, hopefully we wont. GL!

gl tomoslav : )
gl potty
gl Mind Tech Gaming
gl sCope :P
Gl smooth <3.
i demand a shout out from Mtech!
the best of fucking luck to you doe
mtech die in hell
wp mtech ... gl in future matches
Gg ;)
Well i owned on goldrush :P 17 gibs wooo! no nice game doe always nice to play you guys....

but was spoilt by does 20 mins lateness.

well played all
I know the reason we lost, further no comment
yeh because you failed, 2 many players so couldnt pick a team? hahahaha
sharkie rly ... every1 flaming doe bc we start fights ?
no1 sayd a bad comment atm and u start this BS ...
RLY ...

Lose some weight , find a new gf and stfu pls.
lol dont worry potty told me everything btw i have a girlfriend and wouldnt change it for the world grow up andres

Andres Friday, 19th December 2008 15:40
heh DoE just won 6:0 vs mTech with no mercs xDD .. izi bash for us on Sunday


i started what exactly?
Wow your reputation gets worser by the day
You have € 253 on eu mTech
You won € 948.75

errrrh williams bizzy erove and arwan dont lose :P
nice ego quit potty! rofl
+1 :P
yeah that was bad
aye cud do a rematch someday :D
After that 28 min waiting.. no thanks.. after those whines.. no thanks.
21min wait actually xD and no potty , no whine :P
hows ur 6-0 win now izibash ggs
could do better tho , but gg anyway , you doe guys are worst team in et with afo , kthxbb
yea MTech won what now b!tches and the my best player i would have to say williams AKA oasis beczu of the ownage that he does everyday lol:D
gg ;) ( i failed =D )
but our ""MED+"" potty is TOO HIGH and /quit
lol potty never been med+

hes med- max tbh everyone knows that just says hes higher coz ppl make him look good coz plays lows
i know im your girl freind sharkie
yeh yeh ... im probly taller then u midget
im 6 f 5 and dam sexi
Doe fails.
Nice Mtech ty for getting my money back :P stupid idiot sven no shout out ...
to busy trying to play on 40 fps because of stupid virus i gues xD
gg mtech well played, yous deserved to win.
well played soli
thnx to bad we lose though .
aye cant win them all
more like fus v doe imo
hm ? and what does it change on fact you are low skilled ego team ? rather go get skill and stfu
im not ego at all :/
dont care that im low lol
lol fus? errrrrrh fus is a med+/high team.... when we was around 5 months ago....

Good job fus reopening in january then we challenge you to match wait.. my guys dont give shit to play you m8. Btw mtech is mtech just coz players played in fus playing with them... but we hardly play now thats my first offical in 3 months lol

ty for game attax :P shame electro couldnt get his scotish bum on!! :) <3
electro's scotish bum was a bit busy with a black man xDD
:P yeah i said that 2 him! lol
' im not ego at all :/ '

Lol'd when seeing this, got some great quotes saved about how good you were and how shit others were, but I would rather shut up and give you a chance to grow up and learn to see that a mind from an individual isn't the most important thing in a teamgame.
=DDD won :D
AND here we gooo agaaain ..
every1 but mtech now seem alot more humbled by this lol
gg wp
Bad game for me (was cold as ice) and the game stole my wow time, potty should hang himself with ratte because I was needed on both map. But GL for both sides.