CZech tactiX TF2 B squad vs CZech tactiX TF2 A squad (4079 views)
ESL Czech 6on6 League
23.12.08 20:00 CET
Status: | Finished | Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | Team Fortress 2 | |
Rating: | ||
League: | ESL 6on6 League | |
Hosting: | Electronic Sports League | |
Manager: | Khenyk (Requestee) | |
Maps: | Cp_granary | |
Cp_dustbowl |
Broadcasted by
Team Fortress 2 TV | |||| Source TV By: Khenyk (none) | |
Blank TV 1 (50300) By: Khenyk (none) | |
Total Slots: 256
Viewer Peak: 16
Viewer Peak: 16
Sunday, 21st December 2008 14:10
gl hf czetax
I think, that czetax will win. ;-)
nah, I heard it'll be double noshow, so Czetax, in a logic-defying step, has actually lost
draw would be nice ;)
draw = CZetaX win :)
easy for czetax
btw CZetaXA4sure .)
gl hf
You have 987 on [CZetaX] B
Possible win: 2309.58
Nice, vyhlasuji bankrot...
Possible win: 2309.58
Nice, vyhlasuji bankrot...
Nemas cekat zazraky a jednoduse sazet na ty lepsi.
Vsak presne to sem udelal :)
tak v tom pripade: dobre ti tak :)
You have 1000 on [CZetaX] B
You lost
forcenet to prodal!
You lost
forcenet to prodal!
all in ti nic nerika? troskari :)
lol a to ja pres vsechny rady vsadil na A xD