imp-> vs mess´ (8268 views)
28.12.08 20:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
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Rating: |
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League: | Miscellaneous | |
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Maps: | Sp_delivery_te |
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![]() By: benJi (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: Lama (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 41
Viewer Peak: 41

Hopefully this is some better shit then last time we played..
x je moeder
x je moeder
Go imp make me rich xd
GL imp-> :P
exceed sorry about the last time lol..
Yes cmon imp-> make me rich LOL
Yes cmon imp-> make me rich LOL
gl all
You have 11 on eu mess´ Cancel bet
Possible win: 19.8
GL! xD
Possible win: 19.8
GL! xD
stop showing 2.55 wars on ettv
is not 2.55 lol tardo
omg pfff then stop showing 2.60b squads of 2.55 rating gaming tard clans -.-
hey killer :D
hey firzy :D
GL KILLER...ask ur team to /specinvite =)
gl dual
omfg just let them play.
imp-> and mess' are 2 etpro teams. so what if they have a 2.55 squad.
so what? fuck you all, go away here, go bitching somewhere else.
imp-> and mess' are 2 etpro teams. so what if they have a 2.55 squad.
so what? fuck you all, go away here, go bitching somewhere else.
krijg is kanker mafketel
x 999
zullen we gewoon een beetje spammen nu?
waarom niet?
ik zou een docu over kanker doen..
en aan hex kan ik je niet helpen, moet je niet bij mij zijn :(
[13:30] eXceed: refkanker
[13:30] eXceed: wordt dat niet verwijderd
[13:30] eXceed: door admins ofzo
[13:30] eXceed: xD
[13:30] eXceed: refkanker
[13:30] eXceed: wordt dat niet verwijderd
[13:30] eXceed: door admins ofzo
[13:30] eXceed: xD
heb je gewoon zelf snel net getypt
everyone knows mess is low-
look at this :D
theyre trying to get skill with hax :D:D:D:D:D:D
everyone knows mess is low-
look at this :D
theyre trying to get skill with hax :D:D:D:D:D:D
exzaad en dual will epic fail
u failed dude :<
can any admin pls delete this reply .
Gl Soho, Killer , Aniq <3 gl IMP !!!!
Who the fuck care if ur playing or not rly
u do since ur looking it and u posted, so stfu
agreed :D
you fail at whinning, sad. oh snap! you're french, I can't blame you then =o
Gl Dual!
eXceed wtf o.O je 1e fail match!!
eXceed wtf o.O je 1e fail match!!
ik speel for the lulz mee, er is geen kans dat we dit verliezen :DDDD
same 4 me
gl anikee
its good if pokemons still play ET only way is to keep this game alive. gl both
pokemons like u? xDD OFC Its good!
Ban these people.
retards talk in english :O
shut the fuck up ghandi
lil kids
ozee please? youre low- man, please play sunday so i can laugh!! i dont know what the hell youre doing here, go try to play for rating against noobies with adre, pro.
lol u seem to know him a lot, whats ur real name? if u know him of jaymod then ur a jaymodder too tard
and idk what u doing here if u know just to talk bullshit, if u dont like smth here dont post, dont watch this game.
learn to reply please.
ahh lol thats why we get those hostile comments :p
what?! thought you were playing constantly on ettv soho/escobar, since you told me your team beats med+ teams.. :-O
what a surprise(!)
what a surprise(!)
het is niet een grap exceed! :D
weet je dat zeker?
med+ mn moeder
als soho med+ is, wat zijn ik en exceed dan wel niet
ouch u still hurt cuz u gotfight with me and now u make non-sense comments , grow up a bit imo.
gl duality! from the fus family!
go all in on imp, trust me on this1 :D
omfg go all on mess ffs
i need to win big want nice odds.
i need to win big want nice odds.
Indian Boy make me rich!
omfg and about the mAnqo guy, i dont like it either. i didnt even say he was in mess'. i kicked him out mess' anyway xD
pff really im low- on etpro so what i play jaymod so what dude? omg i have fun in the game, and fun at etpro so stfu
pff really im low- on etpro so what i play jaymod so what dude? omg i have fun in the game, and fun at etpro so stfu
learn to reply please.
and u learn to get life + learn to use hacks without beeing busted.
i have a life?
+ your 'hacks' story, listen again faggot: it was a DETECTED HACK, A KANKERBOT THAT IS SO OBVIOUS. i just wanted to use it for fun with dhana on a empty server. we chose a server without pb, appereantly it was with pb.
so i got banned by pb for 3 days
thats all, im a hacker man woooow fucking hacker
+ your 'hacks' story, listen again faggot: it was a DETECTED HACK, A KANKERBOT THAT IS SO OBVIOUS. i just wanted to use it for fun with dhana on a empty server. we chose a server without pb, appereantly it was with pb.
so i got banned by pb for 3 days
thats all, im a hacker man woooow fucking hacker
im hot in my opinion..
for all the horny girls out there,
Xfire: winneducatie
for all the horny girls out there,
Xfire: winneducatie

almost funny?
It isn't meant to be funny, it's true, get eyes and mirror you cuntwad
that picture doesnt look even a bit like me, i guess you have a tumor between your eyes so u put a picture of your mother on gamestv and say its me..
get well soon!
get well soon!
right, there is only one person with tumor here, the one that has this kankermongool looks, which is you, and the one sees a woman on that picture, which is you again.
get well soon my zakkewasser! (K)
get well soon my zakkewasser! (K)
izi bash...oh wait
dont know any team here =(
dont know any team here =(
vote on mess mate :)
id bet on them,i hope u dint kidding me and i loose my money =(
gl lekkere dual

hmkay :XD
nice...where can i get more picture like this?
idiot XD
this dutch guys are like retards
1 match of them on ettv and they are spamming gtv fully wully rofl n3rds
1 match of them on ettv and they are spamming gtv fully wully rofl n3rds
So fuck off then ghandi
swieta sa pojeby , nie grac !!!!!!
Saturday - 27 December
hahahahaha dutch nerds gone mad.... calm down..
gL imp-> ;D
gL Killer :D
gL imp-> ;D
gL Killer :D
hi :)
hi :D
now i m also here :D (not to spam like others xD)
now i m also here :D (not to spam like others xD)
hey eshan
the funny thing is that all hostile comments come from ex members haha winnie, alleviate .yea you
even from inside your team :O
what exceed/alleviate tell me is that you guys are obsessed by me, winne this winne that. alot of talking about me in your geeky forum, like you faggots are stalking me or something.. so thats why the hostile comments. getting really scary now,
you digg? ;)
what exceed/alleviate tell me is that you guys are obsessed by me, winne this winne that. alot of talking about me in your geeky forum, like you faggots are stalking me or something.. so thats why the hostile comments. getting really scary now,
you digg? ;)
dont have time of nabs like u
whahahahahah please alleviate/exceed post that screen where those retards say: winne whiner - yeah winne whiner - fuck winne
and learn some proper english man, ill correct that sentence for you: i dont have time FOR nabs like u
and learn some proper english man, ill correct that sentence for you: i dont have time FOR nabs like u
lol? actualy i never talk about u, but now since ur here watching this, i really think u whine a bti too much...u cry about ping, fps lags, etc, all the time, but really "dude" we dotn talk about u,. at least not me., and btw "lag" is a gay excuse imo coming from a guy with 40 ping, since i play all the time with 200 to 300 ping, with constant fps drops , so just get used to it my tip , instead of whining about it when u die or dont hit.
i didnt think that was funny btw. and btw our clan isnt shit only cuz u say it is after u got hurt, and i know u have those bad feelings at me cuz i didnt put u in imp- when u were in the clan, but honestly i tougth u were not good enough, i just think ur being a bit annoying atm, like u were in my xfire when we fought, if u think our clan is shit, if u think we suck, etc, why the fuck u care and take the time to come here and make ur useless posts., same for winnie man, u say we talk a lot abotu u (which is not true lol) , and u say leave me alone but yet u come here and comment about our scrim, ur stalking us imo. "leave us alone"
they are like little kiddies here :D everyone is spamming ...omg ur worser than loekino on crossfire
they are like little kiddies here :D everyone is spamming ...omg ur worser than loekino on crossfire
who should i put my money on i don't know both of these no name team's?
why u even post.?
because i can and i was only asking a question kiddo
gl for dual and exceed ,i hope u win :D
KANKERS ftw =)
KANKERS ftw =)
whine more pls =D
:> GL imp :D ( and winne for the fail! :o) :p
maak me nou niet boos
you forgot to mention their epic etpro team that is actually playing
so what? omfg is a 2.55 not allowed to play scrims? we never asked to play for ETTV omfg.
Just go bitch somewhere else and when you on it, go search for a life to.
Just go bitch somewhere else and when you on it, go search for a life to.
Still an epic etpro team.
im playing for imp, and i lolled :D
Still an epic etpro team.
Still an epic etpro team.
lol i dont care.
then why do you keep replying
kanker in t het kwadraat met zon 2tje -> ²
LOL @ johny
no need to explain to him wats etpro and wats jaymod or wats 2.55 or 2.60....just dont reply dual to these guys.....they have much time to spam, but u dont ;)
Still an epic etpro team =D
no need to explain to him wats etpro and wats jaymod or wats 2.55 or 2.60....just dont reply dual to these guys.....they have much time to spam, but u dont ;)
Still an epic etpro team =D
wtf you telling we are an epic etpro team? what you want? we know it now so stfu you asshole
ozee, people are only flaming because you keep making these replies back
brainfucks spam more
soho pussy
first time ettv and just spam xD
exceed banned pls kthx.
dual I rofled.
dual I rofled.
[03:00] Tomoslav: wtf
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: ?
[03:01] Tomoslav: spookt hier
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: xD
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: ja nu ga je dood he
[03:01] Tomoslav: nee serieus lol
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: je word zo gedood
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: door een geest
[03:01] Tomoslav: ahahah flikker
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: D::D:D:D:D
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: aahahahaa
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: door zon geest zonder hoofd
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: misschien is er wel is iemand in je huis vermoord
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: dat die nu rondspookt omdat het kerst is toch
[03:01] Tomoslav: nee maar zo'n rieten mand viel opeens om en bureaublad bewoog opeens terwijl ik aan het TJ'en was
[03:09] Tomoslav: 03.00
[03:09] Tomoslav: het gebeurde klokslag 03.00
[03:09] Tomoslav: dat is altijd foute boel
[03:09] kevin HARDCORE: dat gaat die geest bij jou doen, wat die kerel met die schedel doet
[03:10] kevin HARDCORE: ja dan ben je kankerhard genaaid
[03:10] kevin HARDCORE: xD
[03:10] Tomoslav: hahaha
[03:10] kevin HARDCORE: ik zweer t, volgens mij pakt zon geest jou zo echt
[03:10] Tomoslav: KUT OP
[03:11] kevin HARDCORE: ik hoorde net iets kanker engs op de gang
[03:11] kevin HARDCORE: xD
[03:11] Tomoslav: WAT DAN
[03:11] kevin HARDCORE: kijk is achter je
[03:11] kevin HARDCORE: :D
[03:11] Tomoslav: TIEF OP
[03:11] kevin HARDCORE: ahahahahhahaa
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: ?
[03:01] Tomoslav: spookt hier
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: xD
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: ja nu ga je dood he
[03:01] Tomoslav: nee serieus lol
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: je word zo gedood
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: door een geest
[03:01] Tomoslav: ahahah flikker
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: D::D:D:D:D
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: aahahahaa
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: door zon geest zonder hoofd
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: misschien is er wel is iemand in je huis vermoord
[03:01] kevin HARDCORE: dat die nu rondspookt omdat het kerst is toch
[03:01] Tomoslav: nee maar zo'n rieten mand viel opeens om en bureaublad bewoog opeens terwijl ik aan het TJ'en was
[03:09] Tomoslav: 03.00
[03:09] Tomoslav: het gebeurde klokslag 03.00
[03:09] Tomoslav: dat is altijd foute boel
[03:09] kevin HARDCORE: dat gaat die geest bij jou doen, wat die kerel met die schedel doet
[03:10] kevin HARDCORE: ja dan ben je kankerhard genaaid
[03:10] kevin HARDCORE: xD
[03:10] Tomoslav: hahaha
[03:10] kevin HARDCORE: ik zweer t, volgens mij pakt zon geest jou zo echt
[03:10] Tomoslav: KUT OP
[03:11] kevin HARDCORE: ik hoorde net iets kanker engs op de gang
[03:11] kevin HARDCORE: xD
[03:11] Tomoslav: WAT DAN
[03:11] kevin HARDCORE: kijk is achter je
[03:11] kevin HARDCORE: :D
[03:11] Tomoslav: TIEF OP
[03:11] kevin HARDCORE: ahahahahhahaa
depresja u sure love us =)
u just cant resist yourself n have to comment.
u just cant resist yourself n have to comment.
that conversation with tomoslav and me was that he heard sounds in his room that he thought it was a ghost.
was funny so i posted it.
get cancer cow-lover
was funny so i posted it.
get cancer cow-lover
this is not the place to post your retard conversation whiner.
and i commented in general not that convo in particular.
and i commented in general not that convo in particular.
The comments area for this match looks like a goddamn insane asylum.
lol nice
Pub 2.55 Gamer play 2.60b ettv :s :x
Pub 2.55 Gamer play 2.60b ettv :s :x
lol nice another dumb who doesnt have life.
so when someone says that u play 2.55 and play ettv.. that means that michji has no life?
please get cancer kankermongol
please get cancer kankermongol
guys if u dont like smth dont post, dont watch... i dont see whats ur prob.. only u 2 complaining here, cuz ur hated all over.... noone want to be ur friends and now u think u will get popular with this shits u doin? get over it, and start living real life instead of beeing nub like now.
snap out of that gaming world please?
everyone loves me, im like that raymond guy..
listen up gamer4life, im not doing this to be populair or whatever u think, i just wanna make you cry so one day you commit suicide. do you understand that?
ok thnx bye!
everyone loves me, im like that raymond guy..
listen up gamer4life, im not doing this to be populair or whatever u think, i just wanna make you cry so one day you commit suicide. do you understand that?
ok thnx bye!
rofl !!!
i sayed only "2.55 gamer play in ettv"
i dont say u are bad or ...
so hf gl xD
i sayed only "2.55 gamer play in ettv"
i dont say u are bad or ...
so hf gl xD
don't bother what he says, they act like that to everyone who isn't a part of their little pro community, where they are used to be worshiped by recently started players. That is why they can't deal with people who teases a little bit with them..
and to aniqe again: incase you haven't noticed, we reply to your comments, but many of the players who are playing here are literary attacking many of the repliers. just look at you, soho and ozee, at least keep it within the boarders guys instead of insulting everyone..?
and to aniqe again: incase you haven't noticed, we reply to your comments, but many of the players who are playing here are literary attacking many of the repliers. just look at you, soho and ozee, at least keep it within the boarders guys instead of insulting everyone..?
I dont "attack everyone who is nto in my commnunity" lol, i am just trying to state that u and winni are comign here to comment bad about a us stuff, etc then u say u dotn care but yet u come here and watch and u post and u reply...etc, just leave us play in peace, if u or any1 has somethign against us lets make a scrim, tahst why it is a game eh, fighst are to be on the field.!
dont act like youre a holy man, because in your forum you talk behind my back and behinds alleviates. thats why i comment on this kanker match. because its really kankerlame, u know youre gonna win from mess. theyre kankerlow. u guys just want an egoboost so u can say yeahhhhhhhhh we played ettv and we won!!!!!!!!!!!! and not mentioning it was from low-
its the truth and you know it, ozee from mess told me they didnt even wanna play this match on ettv..
its the truth and you know it, ozee from mess told me they didnt even wanna play this match on ettv..
lol i dont talk in ur back, i call u a whiner everytime i see u :S thast not ur back , and lol at ego-boost , we dont need that kinda shit, we just wanted a fun match here
HAHAHAHAHAHA :D cancernoobs :D
soho no need for arrangin scrim against whinner(winnie) because he's going to whine in the middle of the scrim n leave.
n winnie this is just so lame to post just anythin n start makin up things on your own n wishin everyone cancer etc.
what exactly do you want to proove by commenting here???
n winnie this is just so lame to post just anythin n start makin up things on your own n wishin everyone cancer etc.
what exactly do you want to proove by commenting here???
+ i asked him many times to scrim but i wont even say what he answereed cuz i am not like that :its funny tho
dude i dont even have a team to scrim with? i promise when i have a 6 man strong team ill scrim against you kankerfag
i bet "u will"
whats the problem with these guys.....there is gonna b a scrim...two teams....and they will fight on decided time. NOW if u dont like to watch this match then just leave this page. Why coming here again n again...again n again......just like..... ??? If u r not interested in this match then no one cares.
btw apart from 'comment' on spams.....wat r the maps? Just one delivery :?
btw apart from 'comment' on spams.....wat r the maps? Just one delivery :?
no they just havent told us their map yet, but i dont care that much about it really
Ryj gróbasy :(
o exceed, i have an nice demo of you.
within an obvious wh action :o)
have fun...
within an obvious wh action :o)
have fun...

finish our movie please
It's better to swedish the movie.
What do u mean with that`? xDDDD
Finish = to end it.
Finnish = the language in Finland.
Finnish = the language in Finland.
I LOL'D YE , RLY 111!
oh god
exceed still hasnt sent me epic fail :D
because i was making it, and its an unfinnished project.
and also that all my demo's were on my old pc
and also that all my demo's were on my old pc
you wanna have the demo :D?
omg xD Jaymod newbs is here, now et is dead for real :- X
omg xD Jaymod newbs is here, now et is dead for real :- X
Lol, ahah full of retards here as I can see, and funny thing is that ppl replying got same skill as ppl who is gonna play it
maybe it makes u feel "Pro"
Lol nubs get a life instead of replying on a website full of retards like u, in chirstmas holidays , get a life really
EDIT: knAs fuck off, again a retard coment lol, u where a fcking gaymoder whoer until u went out from Pro,and u went back to ETPro coz u didnt got any place because all other clans in gaymod are dumbs. What would happend if u didnt get kicked? eh? U feel in much more skilled than ppl that will Play from Imp?
You all can put your mouth in your ass, better place for it I think, because ppl replying here got same skill as ppl who will play this match. Go play Tetris or ask to santa skills from ebay then u get your chirstmas present and u stop cry
maybe it makes u feel "Pro"
Lol nubs get a life instead of replying on a website full of retards like u, in chirstmas holidays , get a life really
EDIT: knAs fuck off, again a retard coment lol, u where a fcking gaymoder whoer until u went out from Pro,and u went back to ETPro coz u didnt got any place because all other clans in gaymod are dumbs. What would happend if u didnt get kicked? eh? U feel in much more skilled than ppl that will Play from Imp?
You all can put your mouth in your ass, better place for it I think, because ppl replying here got same skill as ppl who will play this match. Go play Tetris or ask to santa skills from ebay then u get your chirstmas present and u stop cry
LOL uniqe...hahaha n1
+1 ;D
I liked the way u suggested where to put their mouth :DDDDDDD
et is dead?? who said this to you....your dog?? ET is stilll alive.
U mayb one of those fps gamer who think only the HD gfx of cod and other games is much better than et......but the thing is ET has all the teamwork elements which needs to b executed to achieve victory. Its not about fragging and its not about high quality is stilll alive and thats y lot of scrims are taking place every week.....the very first example is that u r in a website which is mainly dedicated for ET :PPPPP
+1 ;D
I liked the way u suggested where to put their mouth :DDDDDDD
et is dead?? who said this to you....your dog?? ET is stilll alive.
U mayb one of those fps gamer who think only the HD gfx of cod and other games is much better than et......but the thing is ET has all the teamwork elements which needs to b executed to achieve victory. Its not about fragging and its not about high quality is stilll alive and thats y lot of scrims are taking place every week.....the very first example is that u r in a website which is mainly dedicated for ET :PPPPP
omg xDDD i where playin in jaymod cos i hade probs in school :DDD etpro takes more concentration that jaymod tbh ^^ yaya i dont give a fuck bout u guys opinion still ^^ lol
omg xDDD i where playin in jaymod cos i hade probs in school :DDD etpro takes more concentration that jaymod tbh ^^ yaya i dont give a fuck bout u guys opinion still ^^ lol
lame excuse btw -.-
i still love you
Good Luck imp !!
Good luck nrgy
Im not playing but thanks :)
Failed comments. If you write some longs shit comment like that, you should get a life rofl. It's just a game c'mon..
Edit: and Yes this was an intelligent post, thanks Dual.
Edit: and Yes this was an intelligent post, thanks Dual.
thank you exceed, for this well written masterpiece

man i was gone for less then 1 day and im reading this whole shit for 15 mins omfg.
learn to read faster
dual = win
have fun guys,
dual and exceed, nice that u mercing for them, cya on battelfield :))) just guess which team
dual and exceed, nice that u mercing for them, cya on battelfield :))) just guess which team
no mercs they are on the team..
GG imp :)
You have 278 on eu imp->
You won 355.84
You have 278 on eu imp->
You won 355.84
thanks for money!
imp won im rich! xdd
izi win for imp
yea... we got bashed but whatever.. imp is to strong for the others in my team xD