gods.inc vs ratatosk (4371 views)

18.12.05 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: doneX (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #GI.gaming ETTV
By: GTVd
de reT!reD.ettv #2
By: deej (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


gogo ;o
4-0 gods.inc
Whenn will maps be announced!?
gods rock ,,/
maps 1 hour before game.
Okey txs wing <3, gl anyway hope u play better then war vs wA ;)
|:-| LOL
gogogogoogoggo pannnnnnzzzzzzaaaaa
offline...and its 21:00 -.-
gods.inc ftw
predi, today is tuesday :DDDDD

Wednesday, 14. 12. 2005
god vs rA
agree #2
gl :]
how i can go and watch that match ?

what server i have to join ?
or hows that work ?

(lol, iam new here so i dont know)

plz someone help me =)) :|:|
i actually think YOU are the chosen one who cant watch it*-)
god.inc wins imo :@
gods will win
winghaven make us proud!:D:DDDD
Ratatosk own !:@
Ratatosk FTW! I hope JaKaZc will play (l)
ra will take it
god will win think whatever you want.. wing.ftw
agree! :>
i have all that, newst etpro and patch :(

it only says : awaitnig connection

my 2 favorites team :(

i hope we will see nice war !!

Chaostic, dont worry match in 22 mn xD
yeah, im connectin allready :P :P

ratatosk (l)
shewie (l) |:-|
21:00 and not :(
meh .. no server up yet .. hope it will get on in a bit -.-
AAAARGH :D hurry up people ! :D put the server up allready ! I WANNA SEE THE MATCH ! =P
Why not bambz
why they dont play ? :O
why why? babz speak pls :(
NO ! i have waited this match allday :D

and now they dont play ? :O noooo ! :(
shit happens :P;)
have u watched many those fights ? or is this ur first one ?
oops, i gotta download match configs :D
not the first one |-)
it happens sometime that they cancel a match a few minutes before gametime.
Get over it, tomorrow u can watch new matchs /:/

so, when play ratatosk? with god? tomorow?
no never,
rA forfeit this war and ec due to admin :(
NO !

omg, i just would liked see that match, shewie and ganon =(

well shit happens :/
Shewie + Ganon (l)(l)(l)
Damned this match is now only half an hour difference from idle vs uQ match! :(
My heart beats for rA (l)
give some of these slots to idle vs uq much more interesting.
shewie ganon potter > god :o
rA 4:2 god
Shewie Ganon <3(l)
2 times ETTV with 2 open ET?s runs at 75 FPS for me :)
anu, yea i play and watch 2x ettv sametime and ~76 fps :P
u can see other of this greatest mathes in replay:)
only 1 ettv....