Bimbos Aow vs (4956 views)
31.12.08 00:45 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
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League: | Coldfire.cup | |
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Maps: | Supply | |
Braundorf_b4 | ||
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![]() By: Bo0om (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: andyF1 (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: stray (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 36
Viewer Peak: 36

I hate 3on3's...
I hate 3on3's...
well, to make it complete, me too :D
<3 multikills with airstrikes
bl4d3, wish u a pleasant game :)
<3 multikills with airstrikes
bl4d3, wish u a pleasant game :)
freaks die kein leben habe...
tzz, ich bleib heut solang wach damit ich morgen durch machen kann ohne Müdigkeit zu spüren :D ich bin ja ned so ein freak der zu silvester et zockt -.- Das ist ERBÄRMLICH!
rofl? :D
so ein unnötiger kommentar.
so ein unnötiger kommentar.
hey TIMEN FTW<33333333333333333333
lösch das.
+1337 mein brauner =)
timen hi
hi wat los
nix, habt uns ja vorhin ganz schön geownd >:D
deine mutter ist ziemlich standard muss ich sagen :8
du musst bei 9th.mythos dingens spielen.
mutter witze sind trotzdem ziemlich low =(
ich passe mich nur an.
tut mir leid dich enttäuschen zu müssen aber in meinem fall warns keine witze. :D
gl pigs
gl bimbos
xrifZiek has no brain nice to watch!
gl lukers :)
we should be in finals :x
2:2 atm
nice excuse xrifz XD
what happened
what happened
a shame...and that on ettv....rofl guy ...:XDDDDD
a shame...and that on ettv....rofl guy ...:XDDDDD
das is witzlos einfach nich verlieren zu können
jopp... :s
filus = slovinec :D
What happened with xrifz?
You have 245 on pigs
Possible win: 1053.5
Make me rich <3
Possible win: 1053.5
Make me rich <3
xrifz the lowskiller said he has 10 fps go spec and get a merc nice excuse just because he is ² low and see that he lose...
Its so lol...
xrifz the med+ crossfire poster is low+ mAX! wp mate...
nice fair play, bob
he just cant lose the matafacka but np.
Its so lol...
xrifz the med+ crossfire poster is low+ mAX! wp mate...
nice fair play, bob
he just cant lose the matafacka but np.
just dont allow them to play with a merc?
The gay admin said they can play...
xrifz has 1000000 players signup for this event...
He is just lowskilled and need highskiller... xD is so lol
xrifz has 1000000 players signup for this event...
He is just lowskilled and need highskiller... xD is so lol
well as long as you know you were better than them, just dont give a shit about having one more archievement or not..
you do know there are retards on this world.
they just know as well as you do that they played worse.
you do know there are retards on this world.
they just know as well as you do that they played worse.
yeah we are playing 3 vs 2 we just play 4 fun and not for the achivements... =) its a game xD
but 4 xrifz its the world!
but 4 xrifz its the world!
ye its a game so take it easy and dont complain about the behaviour of retards.
if destiny would play from the start instead of xrifz, i would not be so sure about that they were better...
well thats another thing, they started playing with xfrz so they gotta finish it this way.
I am sorry that I replaced him so good!
He is doing it in every official matches... there is nothing new about this retarded behaviour :D
-> OLD
but it´s nice to see that on ETTV^^
-> OLD
but it´s nice to see that on ETTV^^
jep, he is just a lowskilled nerd
haha xrifz
<att`xrifziek> 3on3 high hvserver
np for him
<att`xrifziek> 3on3 high hvserver
np for him
his fps increased again.
shoes stfu i got 10FPS there why u didnt choose some other map like adler and i would play fosure but u took gr where i got 10FPS so dont cry and u are fucking lowbird.
Sure lowbob
you seem to be a nice guy
i pwnd you all 3??? and you was the last one oh noes at supply you are rly skilled XDDDDD
it changes nothing
u are not even med+/high with maxfps :D
u are not even med+/high with maxfps :D
4:2 for pigs.xrifz 3 vs 2 np
bullshit admin
just forfeit that shit
just forfeit that shit
why because they cant get merc?
WE ARE 4 PLAYERS! and we are a team 4 ever
WE ARE 4 PLAYERS! and we are a team 4 ever
maybe stop the egoflame.. as you said "its just a game"
if he dont want play grush because fps lags or his ego
if he dont want play grush because fps lags or his ego
fosho 4 ever ^^
we didnt even search :)
Just come to cc6 and say that too us too all of us xD fuckface
keep smile about this lowtard... ;P
i already thought that there must be something to follow when i read "say that too me [ imagined 'me'] as im not thinking ur handling that :D
dont take it personally xD
dont take it personally xD
den hurensohn schlag ich noch das schwör ich dir warscheinlich next oGr die fette sau... Dafür mach ich was fürn Körper und geh 3 mal die Woche fitness studio als da ganzen tag vorm pc und leute für cups suchen...
Schlimsten falls Bl4d3 (Daniel) der haut den allen 3, 3 hs
Schlimsten falls Bl4d3 (Daniel) der haut den allen 3, 3 hs
Gute nacht!
+1 :D:D
ich bitte dich :DD:D::DD:D:D:D:D:D:S:D:SD:SA:D:SA:D:A
thx for the quote of the year!
also not that kind action of blade to turn off his pc tbh
Na his mother was it...
well, actually i also wouldnt be in the mood of playing any further in a serious way if i got bastards to beat.
Who are the bastards?
well, shoes considers them as retards so i just spoke out of his view
kA was los war, ich schätz mal seine mum hat das inet gekappt ^^
:D oki gegen ne mami kommt man net an :P wp trotzdem
thx, ach ja, sry dass es so lang dauert hat, aber ich wollt unebdingt zocken, ich bleib ned extra wegen den cup wach damit ich dann nen forfeit bekomm xD
"Keegi cc6le läheb siit? Mina isiklikult lähen prolly ja ,kui keegi peale nighti,reloadi ja r3versi sinna läheb andke teada."
"Some1 is going to cc6 from here? I am personally going and if some1 after night,reload and revers are going then let me know"
so je he is prolly going, nvm he cant pass the customs station coz he's 14 or smth
"Keegi cc6le läheb siit? Mina isiklikult lähen prolly ja ,kui keegi peale nighti,reloadi ja r3versi sinna läheb andke teada."
"Some1 is going to cc6 from here? I am personally going and if some1 after night,reload and revers are going then let me know"
so je he is prolly going, nvm he cant pass the customs station coz he's 14 or smth
u almost have the most retarded player award in ET :(
du bist ein 15-jährige krebskopf
what's up with this over pwner disqonnect team shoes which should goes on cc6, it's over with it xD and when u go to cc6 90% will laugh about u^^
pigs won ?
jap, they dominated the 3rd map
[°02:07:30°] <pig`xrifZZZZZZZ> nice u arent my mate anymore so fu
i lost a rly good i-net mate
i lost a rly good i-net mate
You have 245 on pigs
You won 1053.5
Thx 4 money
You won 1053.5
Thx 4 money
cancell bets, fcuking stuff happend, i am not sure if i am going to play with xrifz again, because this is... well... cant find better word than retarded... xrifz, u went really down in my eyes...
sry to AoW, especially to my fellow bl4d3 :(
sry to AoW, especially to my fellow bl4d3 :(
cool guy you are
<3 filus and from Bl4d3 too a big <3 i think =)
np Filus you just played with an rly big retard
np Filus you just played with an rly big retard
i hope to see u in some cup in future, but for next time in some normal conditions i hope... wp guys, u r playing well
Thanks mate =)
If we need you for merc or you wanna come Teamspeak just idle
=) <3
If we need you for merc or you wanna come Teamspeak just idle
=) <3
lol u are gay xD
blad3 = hacker.
blad3 = hacker.
played really well on LAN, enough for me + i played some 3on3 cups with him, cool guy...
happy upcoming New Year!
happy upcoming New Year!
you 2
well played!!!
well played!!!
wp daragoj!
nice AoW, I lost all my money ffs
peinlich ohne ende...
warum peinlich? ich fands amüsant :)
ne das amüsemant hört hier irgendwo auf. nach dem ganzem flame und so ist es nur noch peinlich. denken eh alle genauso wie ihr, da muss junior keine 50 flameposts mehr scheiben.
du warst klasse :D aber shoes war epic fail :DDDD (von blade bracuhen wir nich reden auf grush )
hi2u flar3 =) frohe weihnachten nachträglich und einen guten rutsch ;) sauf nicht wieder so viel, dass du nacher mit 2 fremden männern im zelt endest :P
shon passiert :(((((((
cut your wrists aow
You have 217 on ee pigs
You won 933.1
You won 933.1
Shoesiii cancel bets :D.
And must admit it is pretty much nice to see that some other people except estonians see that xrif is a retard.
And must admit it is pretty much nice to see that some other people except estonians see that xrif is a retard.
You have 127 on de AoW
You lost
You have 127 on de AoW
You lost
you sux xD
You have 30 on ee pigs
You won 129
You won 129
Nice i'm retarded because i have 10FPS@gr and i cant play it + i get always merc for grush in cups and ladders and because of it i dont play 6v6s.
stfu u tard? take a better config than yours! i'm sure that u play with etconfig.cfg and details on maximum xD
u are retard.I play with very low details.
just play games which your pc can handle :D:D::!
i can play ET but i cant play few maps gr,radar,oasis,battery with normal FPS so cry me a river?I played 2 maps and then i had to get merc so dont cry.
so stupid always not to play grush and get a merc.
never would take a player such as you in my team, annoying as hell.
never would take a player such as you in my team, annoying as hell.
xrifz said that he can handle 6v6s now, coz he fixed his lagg , but cant play 3on3 grush now :o
no türa ta on ültse äge
jah blondpoiss :D
for sure O.o xD nice excuse, he can play 6o6, but can't play 3o3 xD
.. and because of it i dont play 6v6s.
ee xSet Wednesday, 31st December 2008 01:29
I hate 3on3's...
ee xSet Wednesday, 31st December 2008 01:29
I hate 3on3's...
have to admit, pretty unexpected of xrifz
oh wai..
oh wai..
Is everybody here fucking retarded ?
it sux
issand jummal, millega sa nüüd hakkama said :DDd
So much e-drama for nothing,retards.You lost you lost,get it,face it.
wp pigs!
welcome to the internetz xDD pls delete the "AoW" behind "bimbos" ... do smth for our reputation :P