Astra vs Sluuge (3362 views)

17.01.09 21:30 CET
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Game: tmf Trackmania Forever
League: ESL 1on1 Fun Pro A Winterleague 09
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Sluuge (Requestee)
Maps: ProA1

Total Pot: € 5484
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Trackmania Forever TV
xx Server
By: Gero (none)
Connect to Server
xx #NerdVibes TM-TV
By: Gero (none)
Connect to Server

Total Slots: 116
Viewer Peak: unknown


Go go sluuge, moet wel lukke :)
Astra didn't show up, so the match is won by Sluuge, 7-0 and 7-0 = 14-0
no broadcast - cancel match
aaa szczurek dont you have any money? :D
yee again xD only 9 soon :<
You have € 523 on nl Freakz
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.
ah cmon -.-
Im sorry guys, I was there, had server setup and everything, but Astra didn't show up, even though we agreed all terms earlier this week.
-.- just set score so i can enjoy my money :D