geCore wave vs 9th-Dimension Omega (3296 views)

pl klejf
pl wssquad
pl jaguar
pl lest
pl pipens
pl Lukey krul
pl i okolyc
at v1ech
de mUnduS
at xXx
de flR
be vaRit
at transistor
18.01.09 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 6on6 Winter League 08
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: klejf (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6405
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #2
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #9th-Dimension [ETTV]
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
de #LoFT ETTV2
By: benJi (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #1 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


GL lest, Lukey, Pipens, wssquad, jaguar ;D
gl Lukey (:
gl wave...
gl hf klejf
gl hf 9th omega
Gl mundus :)
gl 9th dont loooose plz ; /
we are not in the mood to loose... :XD
nice engrish

EDIT: nice edit, first u said: we DONT in the mood to lose..
thx.... ur the best! REALLY! :XD
unmute me on the server, then YOU are the best :D

"unmute me on the server, then YOU are the best :D"

What the hell are u talking about?
youre in the same gamestv server as me mongol
nice engrish
i dont see any typing errors, do you?
how can u be IN the gtv server? u must be real tiny :O
almost funny? its proper english grammar
yes imo :XD
LOLZ sure... its like "I is laughing" :X

brilliant comparism
lol...not reallyl!!! im not watching anything....EPICFAIL!

You are a joke at all
did i say you were watching it? i said: you ARE in the same server as ME. i didnt say anything about watching it

epic fail, gg wp bb

EDIT: stop editing your messages mundus :(
lol? ihr coolen xD
wat labert ihr da
First of all: i cant be in a server, i only able to be ON a server. Your english is awesome!

Second of all: On what server i should be? Im not connected anywhere...but as usual the other always fail....ofc not u
gl heute mundus!
sure u can!!! and obviously u are :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

edit: i edited
please dude, get cancer
sry i have to disappoint you, but im ON hell already :XDDDD
ill pray for you that you will get a job soon ok? listen up. proper english grammar is: im IN the server, not ON mongol.. and u were in the same gtv server as me, i saw it on xfire, i checked the people who are in the server.. your name was mUnduS <3 ...... so again: FAIL
this is a really nice subject to argue about!
u wasnt connected on any server today...but care........ u must be right. XFIRE IS THE TRUTH! :XDDDD foolishness ftw

Quote by mokeri saw it on xfire, i checked the people who are in the server.. your name was mUnduS <3 ...... so again: FAIL

stop talking please fucking cancerretard, go search a fucking job instead of spending your whole fucking cancerday behind your computer


better u do so..... i got a job...even u havnt got any....obviously u are in need to try insult poeple..if ur arguments are empty

ahhh and yes...../quit et pls...would be awesome for the community!
is there a secret message In (yea god damn fuckin hell yea its 'in' IN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN OMG OMG OMG.. or maybe its on? ONN??? :X) there?
perhaps :DD

but now im missing his cheeky comments!
dein english is genauso scheisse also mach maln punkt.
hat irgendwer dich nach deinem müll gefragt? :D nee...weiss nicht warum du immer dein brei dazu geben musst, den eh hier keinen interessiert?!
manche leute regen dazu an den eigenen müll dazuzugeben.
du bist einer davon
trag mal score ein pls
gl hf 9th
gl klejf gl v1ech :****
4-0 for geCore, np
kurwa na pingu 50 nie byloby co z nich zbierac -.-
Plebs rozkurwiony

dobry mecz

oh wait lowplus