high division - drift and dream vs uNity (5311 views)

pl Bordini
pl exec
pl Libra
pl Przyczaj
ee cms
es Cid
es PnZ
es Neo
es Neom
es Lucy
Second league of Summer Cup 5v5
08.08.06 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET Summer 5v5 (CB Hosted)
Manager: Bordini (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Frostbite

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gl hD
gl hd - exec pokaz klase :D
liczymy tylko na jakies sloty :|
nice job hd wich is earning ladder points on fake clans
yup... donex is investigating it alredy

here u have an usefull screen:

stinks as hell

gl in future existence on et scene
i know done is investigating it :)
they lost all those matches with zenon in their lineup??? :D
7 matches straight with the same opponent (or should i say: with themselves...) ftw!

we need more ladder_points_whores to keep et scene alive! gj hd...
yeah, they played 7 matches vs hD but why they play vs NmS this thursday? :x hope this situation will explain, but now gl for hD
gl uNity :>!
Dream FTW :* Libra, Pcj, exe xD! :* Gl
Bordini Wingheaven :D :*
lab u have right, i hope someone will do something with it
complain - f1 :[
Imo to hd dostanie ostro w dupe :[ .

:> .
sie zobaczy, ale z twoja rifla napewno bysmy wygrali ^^
Ktos cos o mnie mowil? Sory, jezeli wam sie cos nie podoba to nie moja wina.

imo blademaster nie ma skilla i robie mu kare coltem :o
moze blademaster nie ma skilla i robisz mu ta "kare" coltem, ale prawde mowiac to wy nie macie skilla robiac chujnie w ladderze cb
soon hD will be banned @ cb so I wish u luck in esl. n/c...
Blachta Monday, 7th August 2006 21:33 Reply

moze blademaster nie ma skilla i robisz mu ta "kare" coltem, ale prawde mowiac to wy nie macie skilla robiac chujnie w ladderze cb

- ode mnie won, mnie jeszcze w klanie nie było gdy oni z nimi grali bądz jak mówicie - nabijają sobie punkty:O wiec mozesz mi w morde dac mozesz mnie chamem zwac lecz ode mnie won
no to po co jedziesz po blademasterze ?
btw gl uNity
bo mi sie tak podoba, fajny chłopak jest i dupa :O jak nieznasz mnie ani jego to sie nie wypowiadaj ;)
no prawde mowic nie znma was, ale gralem z toba i z nim i zaden z was (ja tez) nie wyroznial sie skillem
jestem ciekawy kiedy ze mna grałes bo sobie nie przypominam ? klan?
a to co sobie robilili w cb to mnie jebie jak narazie ich sprawa tzn. cla. mnie nie było a to ze gram u nich to gram bo fajnie mi sie z nimi gra, i narazie nie mam zamiaru isc nigdzie, a to czy nas wyjebia z cb czy nie, to ich sprawa, ja mam swoje zdanie na ten temat i jego sie trzymam. mi jakos specjalnie na grze w tym cb ladderze juz nie zalezy ja moge grac fun
omg pl nabs, it's not polish site so keep using english here
sry, but my english really sux ;[
bord, nie zlamcie tego. ^^ Moja kasa na was poszla. :D
ofc uNiTy, yeah lab you're right they should use english....maybe they dont go to school:/
they dont say anything worth mentioning so i guess its not so crucial for them to speak english, still its an english site where evry1 speak english.
keep the spam ON more slots :D Dream gl :)
I thought everything will be deleted what's not english? :/
75 slots, lol?
unity gl
anyone got a unity lineup?
hope hD will take this one
unity GL!
hope uNity will win -_-
unity lineup:

Cid, PnZ, Neo, Neom, Lucy
I think 70 % of polish 'flags' here say :

unity GL!

i dont se patriotic thinking here ;DDD

any way. good luck both -_-
there would be some patriotism if Bordini at hD didnt left his shit on our common clanbase backyard imo

now someone will have to clean up the whole area.. but that all stink will stay for a long time

im not familiar with hD anymore.. hf
gosh...Od kiedy to polski plebs jest na ETTV :O ?
Cursed od wtedy kiedy was pobralismy :O
GL uNity, I'm betting my last 39€ on you
Cursed I think that this 'polish plebs' that u called high.d won with ur clan 1 map :DDD
gl uNity!
gl Przyczay : )
Cursed your comment is plaintive, and remember this is not polish site, so use english here
gl dream
Nie Rozśmieszajcie Mistrza GG for me:))
Nie Rozśmieszajcie Mistrza GG for me:)
In my opinion its funny that the strange people judge us even if they dont know how we play, its also strange that people like orsz says that we are lames when we draw or win with them or even people who wanted to join our clan (shoutout blademaster) :< kkthxbye
Bordini show me the moment when i called u lames?
even more: show me the official war when u played with us... dont got one? so how could u draw or win?

one i know: u used fake clan to cancel our challenge at cb.. yeah.. thats the way u wanted to draw or win?

u know the meaning of word truth? guess not, check in dictionary
i'm sorry now i'll try write only in english
flame=lame >:D shoutouts to your parents kkthxbb
blachta we have real life and we can't play all time
you have real life eee ftw ?;o
boze_ty_widzisz_i_nie_grzmisz wow "u r is my idol" :*
boze_ty_widzisz_i_Nie_grzmisz more whine more whine i want have 100 coments about this match! go go power rangers!
if u like this film, kk !
boze_ty_widzisz_i_nie_grzmisz i see u dont have real life plz go away with your firewall !
if u say so... but you don't have it 2 =]
i have real life ! everyday i go with my friends go play football, eat pizza or go to party
damn interesting life you got there dude xD

tell me more
or just i go out with my friends :)
sorry but im not sitting by the computer for the whole day like u, there are a lot of more interesting things to do than playing ffa
then stfu and go do those things instead of whining and posting crap
Pene-z, como no ganeis voy y te curto por mariki...

GL Unity.
dream gl
currently we are preparing for the match, so i have some free time soo stfu boog :O
hope it will help because you are mr i got real life and stuff :o
gl both <3 exec, brd
buahhaha i always knew that polish flame uber alles xDDDD keep up the great work <3
great clans with low skill on ETTV.... gg
pornstar skiller lol31293712
gg uNity (nice FG @ frost), bordini u are 1337 player
lol i won a bet. -_-
GG, awesome Lucy with FG42 ! :)
what can i say? wp sry for all ppl who bet on us
soz for my pingz and gg unty