Poland vs Belgium (7528 views)

pl aA
pl suri
pl DoM1Na7oR
pl Robertos
pl nsk
pl Am1go
be Cloud
be Bjorn
be Bangor
be ex0z
be Thomas.
be sdk
01.02.09 19:00 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: ClanBase NationsCup XII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Seanza (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Area22

Total Pot: € 23425
The bets are closed.

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Radio Commentary
xx ET.tv EU Shoutcasting
By: Seanza
Listen to Seanza
Language: English

Total Slots: 125
Listener Peak: 38

ET Quake Wars TV
gb #etqw.comeback ET:QW TV 2
By: Seanza (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)
sk #vae`ETQW.TV Server
By: Bestik (none)
us EnemyTerritory.tv ETQW:TV
By: Seanza (none)
xx Kapoks Battlegrounds
By: Seanza (none)


Total Slots: 186
Viewer Peak: 104


Gl, Dominat0r!
Have fun every1

i think Polland will win.
4 from designate? is it by the Rules?

btw GL Belgia!!!!!!
Only 3 players from 1 team are allowed to play @ once.. I think.
pssst dont tell them
i think gothmog will play instead of robertos, not sure tho
pl Sexybertos! <3
gl nsk
go, pl !
I hope Belgium wins, but i dont think thats possible GL tho!
oh wa is em weer grapipg :D :P
gl bjorn ;)
gogo Ubertos!
Btw, why there isn't pl Am1go? I tought he's better than pl DoM1Na7oR ... No offence ofcourse. :x
im almost never avi at thursday, but if i will be there then i'll prolly play
Oh, I see :)
LIES, he has to do homework! ahmagawd
...well, strange sense of humor.
what sense of homor? where do you see him joking x_x
gl be
Gl, Dominat0r!
Have fun every1

i think Polland will win. Yay!
Yes POLagz will proly take it. GL teammates.
No Ojciec & Ziolo - no win! Ha! :D

nsk w et byl zwyklym low a tu w reprze wow
a ty i tu i tu low, wow !
a ja nie gram w et:qw zjebie wiec morda i pod stol skoncz co mu zaczales robic
jak juz starasz sie popelniac takie pelne elokwencji i wdzieku wpisy, nie uzywaj polskich znakow :*
nsk nigdy nie gral w et ;> w sumie nikt z wiechurow nie gral w et :D
to widocznie inny nsk , tak mi wlasnie tu nie pasowal ten co ja myslalem
w sumie az tak trudno nie jest sie domyslec ;D
No win w/o Am1go!
ill play, match is rescheduled, info on gtv later!
lol how did they dig exoz out of his hole.
it waz like: NATIONSCUPTIME. And here i am :D.

anyway, rescheduled to sunday at 19.00CET
be will fail!
some info: polaks or even more unhittable in ETQW than in ET.

gl AMIGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
You're trippin' ; )
add me to team pl mr admin, i'll play
easy for deh polaks!
Robertos et player?
nie et player tylko et komedia Xd
siema Wonti :) tak to ja :>
gl nsk!
krzz lol
its at 19.00 CET
bingie bangie bingo bangor ftw <3
soee won't be able to play, so am1go or gothmog will replace him (or me if i gonna fail ^^)
and YES, we know max 3 of dsn can play, will be more fun for everybody ;)
PL 1.08 13.37 BE
You have € 8 on pl PL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 8.64
easy win for 13.37 BE
wow Seanza funny admin instead of doing things right he's doing things shit :/ im not il and its Am1go ffs not amigo! i won't flame you only because you're mr admin :/
Typo with the flag, my bad.

Funny 1 though :D

il instead of pl
go go Robe ! :) show some impression sexy-actions !
Gl nsk
hf nsk ;]
polska tu polska tam polska wpierdol spusci wam!
gl hf ;)
hf polskas
score ?
le match est dimanche :)
un peu de patience^^
ogien wiechury ;>
Robcio Robcio whiner maly nie pogardzi ssaniem ... la la la :P
<3 POL & Robonis :P
GL Domi :D
Amigo loal... easy bash for my drut
i Pan Lufa Robercik loal :)
i tak bedzie w/o :P

P.S a to sa dobre zarty :P And between aA and DoM1Na7oR, they have two of the most spectacular gunners in the game, who'll definitely make a lasting impression.
nie bedzie zadnego w/o ^^
ktos tu zazdrosci :D ^^ no trudno :D
^^ ja nie gram w ET:QW bo bylem za rzadki... :)
!! GL Team Poland !!
gl hf
Moar slot !
GL Zielarz !
PL 4 sure
thomas and bjorn were fkn amazing on area def : o
I blame lags, should I?
blame bruce dickinson! ;]
Then I have to blame Janick Gers, I bought guitar on thursday, just started to pwn my fingers :)
-_- hope you dont have lag ROCKING OUT!
So who won, omg?
2:2 salvage decider PL set about 11 mins time
GGs, nice match. Tremendous gameplay by BJORN !
So PL won
ET.tv EU Shoutcasting
By: Seanza Listen to Seanza
Language: English

Should change that to:

ET.tv EU Shoutcasting
By: Seanza Listen to VERTICAE
Language: English
You have € 12 on be BE
You lost

fu polaks :P
gg zielarz
too bad BE , not embarrassed at all for betting on u guys :-)
was nice match guys, wp
i played like shit but still it was enough =D
Bjorn was awesome, one man army. :)