Canada vs Hungary (7110 views)

ca anim
ca rossko
ca punkk
ca KaKu
ca Empty
ca sHAUN
ca Tranix
ca CrimZon
hu BoRi
hu Nonix
hu sebi
hu powi
hu Ocelot
hu Leo
hu Karrde
Group C
08.02.09 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 16050
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Enemy Territory TV
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 111


gl rossko & bebit

lol gotta schedule it
gl rossko punkk KaKu
anim not playing
lol you wish
gl hun!
Sima ügy :)
You have € 65 on hu HUN Cancel bet
Possible win: € 111.15

csak ennyim van a többit buktam multkor rajtatok :DD
gl rossko & anim & shaun love you dude's!
gl rossko
gl kyle, anim and punkk :)
I'm very excited to see Karrde's first match in team-hungary
same here, but it wont happen
It seems like the people who bet think Canada hasmore chance to win that match. No.. that can't happen.
You have € 106 on hu HUN

GL Anime, Logic, Team-HUN
gl hun!
gl Anim, rossko & Tranix :D
gl Cr1mz0n
is going to be very close imo
not close at all are u looking at the same match/lineup's?????!?!
you missing abit of your contry :O gl rossko! need rockstar :P
Hun! Madariiiii podmeeeeeeee :]
easy for canada
i dont think so, HUN is a good team, just that many ppl dont know them, and almost everyone think canada is very high skilled
rofl who thinks canada is high skilled
u just proved u know nothing at ET
e-drama :D
still mad that you were only good when you were hacking?
*edit: sorry you were never good
no adze no win
gl sebi & rossko
gl anim
HUN need Tuvok
joke of the year:)
you are right Kirark :]
true :) maybe in RTCW2

:DDDD bori látom a humorod még nem hagyott el. gl a meccshez.

*EDIT* csak seby - -- by sebi :D
the guy who left TH in the middle of the season last year? You are fucking right mate. And I'm sure he won't be selected even as a member in RTCW2.
e: rumor has it he sucks at cod4 too
Now that's the joke of the year !
True you fucking bastard :D How the flying fuck can you even make a comment without laughing at yourself ? You are barely 15 and claiming so much attention. Before your almighty team folded you said that Tuvok is a god, Tuvok is the MAN. And then when your team folded you said Tuvok sucks big time at COD4 such as he did at ET and how retarded he is (same goes to his other old team mates, hi xrayne and kris). Now you are playing with him again in COD4. And just to clear the things you are and never were high skilled.
Says the guy, that last season left the nation team for 4 weeks only, for 2 weeks we didn't even know if he's alive or not.
Yes, I left it, cuz the half of the team went to play cod4, (logic, phobeus) and I stated, that I won't create a new team , so close to the end of the season.
So I love you too <3
Doesnt matter why you left, you left. It wasnt a problem because you were replecable the problem was you were the captain. so it gave a bad attitude to the team and the whole hungarian et community.

I still dont understand adze why dont want to play with us this season, I heard he dont like me because i said something few months ago.
[HUN]Adze addict. Sírok helyetted is MILETTTBELŐLED[/HUN]
basssszátok neki
Kirark ofc ... :)
verhetőek ..
You have € 100 on hu HUN Cancel bet
Possible win: € 246

rossko gl!
hf shaun i think you lose because of rossko :DD
You have € 1000 on HUN
Possible win: € 2130
Karrde gl! <3!
gl canada & hungary both
GL Husi , Karrde
gl powi
gl nonix
gogo rossko and company <3
rossko if u will loose i will go there and fuck u up and then put it on youtube
EDIT: JOKE!:D GL GUYS go rossko
that was fast
That fag should be proud of that victory. He could quote me! Anime won that match for Canada... damn
its anim ffs

anime sounds so gay
kaku was a clutch monster
for canada it was

ca anim
ca shaun
ca punkk
ca empty
ca rossko
ca kaku
what a shame medskill clan beats hungary
what a shame you must be low+ then
egomuch? you guys arent even that good... maybe don't underestimate your opponents.
I know we are not good but we did horrible mistakes, cant even understand how the hell can a clan lost like this.
ca SHAUN's Gambling Stats:

Bet Result
250 € on hu HUN Lost
ya never underestimate :DDDDDDDD
canada is underrated

You have € 177 on ca CAN
You won € 311.52

hun team is overrated
They pretty much raped you with 150+ pings.
You have € 191 on CAN
You won € 336.16
What is this shit? I don't play for canada and they start winning?
You have € 3000 on ca CAN
You won € 5280
haha i took a nap instead of playing. Good job.