Croatia vs Germany (55500 views)

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Group D

CB Match Link
03.02.09 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 120116
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
il Enemy Territory Radio - ET.VGAMES.CO.IL
By: TheoDor
Listen to TheoDor
Language: Hebrew

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
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By: TheoDor (ettvd)
ua ClanBase ETTV
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By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)
xx ETTV-2
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 612


gl cro !! ajmo decki-razvalite ih-mozete vi to :D radar will go 2 cro :D
gl hf...ger wins =)
gl CRO !!!
hf snoop hazer drago
France 24-19 Croatia

Germany - the one and only dream team in ET ... clean ...
have fun my lovely yermans :D
gl fireball
np 4 ger :)
np 4 ger

win 4:0 :)
danL! hf and GL
go butchji go!!
gl vedran :)
ez for suvi
gl cro :)
izi 4 komar
nice germany for NC this year
Sretno Hrvatska
gl fireball and calisto! <3
Schland !!! GL
You have € 1 on hr CRO Cancel bet
Possible win: € 20.97

nice bets omg :D...
germany nazi team =( look that flag.
gtfo - its just the reichsadler
Bundesadler! Reichsadler ist ein bissl älter und leicht anders in der symbolik.
und wenn? der reichsadler war kein symbol der nsdap geschweige denn des nationalsozialismus also psssst
Der Adler ansich vielleicht nicht, aber die Ausführung und intention dahinter. Der Adler- mit dem Hackenkreuz (was der komplette Reichsadler als Symbol ist) ist 100% das Symbol des nazianlsozialischtischen deutschen Reiches. Ich hab mal gehört, es wurde von der NSDAP gegründet.
ja in verbindung mit dem hakenkreuz ist es ja keine frage da muss ich dir recht geben . ich prinzip wollt ich nur sagen das mir der orginale reichsadler besser gefällt !!!
Auch in Nichtverbindung mit dem Hakenkreuz ist die stilisierte Form des Reichadlers ein Produkt des Nationalsozialismus und sollte insofern nicht verwendet werden, auch schon aus Rücksicht auf unsere europäischen Nachbarn nicht, die Grundform allerdings ist hunderte von Jahren alt. :)
und nun? die autobahnen sind auch ein produkt des nationalsozialismus und reissen wir sie nun ab?
Schlechter Vergleich, die Verwendung der stilisierten Form des Adlers ist nicht zwingend notwendig, unsere heutige Form reicht vollkommen, Autobahnen hingegen sind notwendig. Im Übrigen ist es eine Urban Legend das Autobahnen eine Erfindung des NS sind, denn sie wurden auch schon vor der Machtergreifung gebaut.
Das ist genau der Punkt. Der eigentliche Adler taucht in der deutschen Geschichte schon viel früher auf als n Typpes ausm Ösiland dessen Namen wir nicht hören wollen.
Sich der Verantwortung bewusst sein muss nicht heißen, dass die Republik auf ihre Ursprünge und deren Symbole verzichten muss.

Der Adler ist schließlich immernoch im "Bundesschield" enthalten - die Dienstflagge, welche an jeder Institution der Regierung zu präsentieren ist.

jaja ich geb mich ja geschlagen , 10 minuten recherche pro beitrag da kann ich nicht mithalten
Ich sage nichts anderes, ich bin stolz auf unseren Adler, ich rede nur von der 'stilisierten' Form und das ist die Form wie er im Dritten Reich verwendet wurde.
Und das ist eben jener:
ger will win NC !
id say first place will be close between japan/estonia/poland/germany
Germany ! HF snupi butch & rest ;)
gl gumilowsens calistomakeshs frozz6v6med- komarlagger rimiteamplay suViyoungfella !
You have € 476 on de GER Cancel bet
Possible win: € 499.8

This NC
GER 1, EST 2...

GL Germany

btw, Alarm für Cobra 11 rules : D
Izi for ger but gl suvi:>
croatiacalisto.: jebote pukne u brdo i od brda se nekako skuri u mene
hf snoop hazer drago and <3 butch
omg poor croatians...getting pwned again :-/
gogo cro!!
I think cro will win..
Good luck ! the best will win
Only 3 matches tonight!! I'm so disappointed :(
:D going to be interesting
what an ugly bitch
we just kicked ur ass :-)
made me cry
ye you did!

wait! did germany reach to the SemiFinals? Not? Oh :( And PL took 3rd.. How cute.. =p
Ukrainian pls.
Playing for Ukraine doesn't mean I'm Ukrainian ;) I AM POLISH :)
Then you're truly retarded, dunno why you're allowed to play anyway.
far too early to watch this but DON'T FORGET MY USUAL SHOUTOUT suVi u pussy!!
daj frozzen stavite ovo u 7, imam kolokvij u 4 i upis ocjena u 5, neznam do kada sam gotov
tko je uopce dogovorio ovaj match?
eeh for Ger too easy
You have € 299 on GER
Possible win: € 319.93
GL Croatia
HF germany ! <3
Go ger =)
where is accoz?
hf drago und co
Easy for Croatia. Like in Handball WC Final against France.
danL will take this
Wird butchji heute mitspielen?
Ist das wichtig?
Ja, ich würde ihn gerne noch mal "specen".
hab gehört, dass man voll high davon wird!
specen bringt nichts, benutz lieber seine config um gut zu werden
Haltet doch einfach die Schnauze ihr Freaks oder habt ihr was dagegen das ich ihn specen will?
gogo suVi fuck u !

You have € 100 on hr CRO Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1904

yes the beer is good :)
true dat...bavarian beer <3
thats why im i <3 german xD
but im portuguese ;(
i dont think it is the main point of that picture
actually there are 2 main points in it.
there can be only one point...and that's beer :P
well, i'd choose something else that is pointed on the picture :)
bavarian beer is donkey piss, but she has nice boobs (assuming she's bavarian)
says a dutchy O_o...which bavarian beer were you drinking?
look at the size of those jugs!!!
haha, "das Oktoberfest" .. had to learn a text for my German exam yesterday, and that pic was the above the text :D
the world is small !
oktoberfest is fucking pwnage :)
This chick is hot
will be at 19-20 cet most likely
should be fun gl both
hf suVi
kurvin sine suvi
gl <3 suvi and germany :o
Nice beer
hf butch ;x
20cet? omgg...thank u!
no acozz no change
no chance of winning for croatia in front of that german lineup.

match will most likely be rescheduled !
you have a match straight after how the fuck can you be not 6?
we already told you yesterday that we cannot play today
maybe because match is 1,5h later and people are able to play than?
maybe play it after that game?
no gaem
Ok wtf is goin on??
read 3 lines above you
So they cant play?...
Well thats just bs lol
et teams are known to be not very reliable
.................... wenn man mal ein spiel anschauen will -_-
game = cancelled ?
wth o_O
not comfirmed yet but i think so ye...
aight . no chance it will be just delayed ?
doubt it team cro have game after 1.5 h
hmm ok ty for info :D u know when they are gonna play it ?
mUnduS Today 16:16

prolly played 20-21h CET

w8 & see
i don't think they gonna play lol cro have game later .. read comments ...
new date coming soon

Edit: 3.02 19:45 CET

one girl doesnt fit to the picture :P
thats why im i <3 german xD
but im portuguese ;(
girls are cute .. but those ass are ugly... brazilians FTW

ye but the have no tits :x
izi fix with some silicone!
haha thats why i love reef ^^
look the1 on the right u can kinda see her pussy!! xD
i bet they all have dicks
you can always dream about it!
GL cro
should be a tight game
Are you refering to the brazilian arses?
gl cro
hf phate, weak und hazer
No Coment! ^^
cheaper :P
i dont think that is izi going for germany ... look @ that ... this match can be the reatch ;)
no accoz no win
izi 4 ger
i notice it too... kinda OLDDDDDDDD
ye and croatia lineup looks so different now
go go germany!!
suVi will get bashed
should be np 4 ger..
rly way to easy for germany :s
gl jungZ
gl weak
he does not need luck....way to izi
You have 7479.66
Possible Win: 144793.44 MAKE ME RICH!
Germany ;)
gl germany !! izi bash !!
suvi m8, gl :))
izi for germany <3
hf :D
izi for croatia
croatia what ?
GL butchji my pal :(
You have € 35 on hr CRO Cancel bet
Possible win: € 626.85

fail bet stouda
What if Croatia wins O.o
hebr[j]ew radio commentary?!

ehm pls.....
get a german or english.....
my middle eastern voice pownz :~>
i tot jews hated why shoutcast the match YOU TRAITOR! <3 :D
well some of the israeli community players ask me to shoutcast the game
in hebrew !

np we hate nazis
germans are nice and sexy :~>
Radio Commentary
By: TheoDor

Total Slots: 500
Used Slots: 0
Listener Peak: 0 looooooooooool
now that was a success :D

prolly the whole hebrew community died already in this israel war
they betrayed you, no one listened :<
Germany gonna own hard and gonna win nation cup !!!!!!!!!! :)
gl drago. :D
Have Fun fireball, drago, snoop, cha ming-ji and kuuuurija.
all in cro
Theo , i wanna hear your lovely english voice fo sho =D cuz i dont think so that anyone understands hebrew :DDD
hi to you
lol its in hebrew :~D
for the israeli community D:
make it english
in order to make it english i need to talk english !
you want english shoutcast, pm tosspot :~<

have fun germanen
ALL-IN on germany
gogogo germans!!!
You have € 10 on hr CRO Cancel bet
Possible win: € 184.5

hahah fail

score atm:

2 - 0 croatia
lol i guess 4 - 0 soon :x
You have € 20 on hr CRO
Possible win: € 369.2
np cro ;]
2-2 :>
just 4 jews

Total Slots: 500
Used Slots: 0
Listener Peak: 0

i gonna laugh at him so hard bout that :D
to himself? :D
4.2 geR?
thanks germany wp
wp RoXoR :)
callvote map " suvi blind ? "
moar like i was already aiming upstairs so there wasn't any way i could have seen him :-) shit happens :D
gg :) Fireball <3
really well played cro!
koji si ti match gledao?
lol dobro,je da su vas zgazili na goldu ali vi ste njih na radaru ste bili tu negdje.Malo ekipa ce uopce dobiti mapu protiv njih
fu suvi
how much did u lose? :D
gg cro
CRO hr 18.46
1.06 de GER
You have € 250 on hr CRO
You lost
battery , and croatia would have won?
probably, croatia seems really shit on goldrush, they lost it to both poland and estonia last year I think(got raged actually)
radar was close, much closer than expected, well played, suvi blind on goldrush
shit happens :DD
yeah, but you guys fucked up the radar attack(someone really failed there when taking the radar and getting stuck), the defense was good, it could have easily been 3-1, goldrush was expected, you shouldn't have picked goldrush for decider, better battery, you would win it on teamplay against german aim
well radar attack was a complete disaster, we had a lot of chances to take west radar and we simply failed :(
blame calisto
Who played for GER?
roxor - weak - snoop - drago - urtier - fireball
why no battery ?:_s
blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto blame calisto