Grimms Maerchen Clan vs Enemy Territory Tiefflieger (4049 views)
13.08.06 20:30 CEST
Status: | Finished | Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | Enemy Territory | |
Rating: | ||
League: | GET-Liga | |
Hosting: | | |
Manager: | (Requestee) | |
Maps: | Sw_goldrush_te | |
Radar |
Broadcasted by
Enemy Territory TV | ||||, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots) By: andyF1 (ettvd) |
ttp:// |
[GMC]ETTV War-Server By: GTVd | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 55
Viewer Peak: 55
Saturday, 12th August 2006 20:37
omg -.- highskilled but gl gmc
ett just flamer lamer´s :<
ett just flamer lamer´s :<
I bet all my money that GMC wins
The match will be played @20:30 and will be broadcasted over our
ET-TV Server:
ET-TV Server:
why dont you add your ettv here?
I would, gladly... if i knew how :(
get brotkastenstatus
^^ How ^^ :) ?
ask arni or and other admin in ,then u will recive the broadcast status
:) good luck bith hehe XD
We post this Match here because, one of our Member must leave us for 10 month, to study in usa!! It is his famously last Match and its a present from us for him to have it on ETTv! Wichtelmann we are very sad to see you go!! But have fun tomorow evening!!
und da habt ihr euch gleich den leichtesten gegner gesucht? ETT ham wir im mixed geowned oO...rofl
das geht bei gmc auch
alles owned ett -.-
mxd 1mann weniger
aber finde den zug dann doch ganz nett von gmc sowas als abschied zu machen is ne gute idee
mxd 1mann weniger
aber finde den zug dann doch ganz nett von gmc sowas als abschied zu machen is ne gute idee
viel glück vom nwo-clan, gmc
English pls OMG?!?!
This Match is a league war in Get (German Enemy Territory League)league, this challenge is for rank 6!!
lol gl gmc...
aber passt auf hab gehört et sind highskilled :/
Echt ein schöner abschied!
aber passt auf hab gehört et sind highskilled :/
Echt ein schöner abschied!
its a nice idea for a last match to make it a special "one" - good luck both teams :)
voll komisch das ett NIE specs wollte aba jetzt zustimmt auf ettv zu spielen :]]]
i smell otter :O
I smell idiots. They asked us nicely one day before the war, and we didn't see any reason to deny them this nice request. This isn't our ettv, this isn't our idea. I think especially otternase should shut the hell up, because he seems to be a biased asshole.
And Feres, you may beat one of our mixed teams, but you cant beat our main lineup, thats for sure, so set the facts right.
And Feres, you may beat one of our mixed teams, but you cant beat our main lineup, thats for sure, so set the facts right.
full ack for middle part
so true !!!
btw im just telling my experiences with you so no need to be offensive little friend.
btw im just telling my experiences with you so no need to be offensive little friend.
try enjoying the game instead of caring about wins or loses
challenge them back with your so called main lineup and ask gtv for cast again
try enjoying the game saves a lot of whines :P
challenge them back with your so called main lineup and ask gtv for cast again
try enjoying the game saves a lot of whines :P
it was main lineup faggot :D
wichtelmann 4 the win!
man scheisse ett ich hab 10 euro verloren weil ihr net gepwned habt....