vs Defix (6949 views)

si JaKaZc
ee Night
fi Spirea
fi Sanda
fi Lepari
fi matias
Week One ETPro 3v3 $120 Tournament EU Bracket

si Mamut.Si vs fi Defix
08.02.09 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: etproleague
Manager: n00n1337 (Generaladmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 27314
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettvod Demo recorder
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #2 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)
jp #Fragpoint TV 2
By: kmkr (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 57


zlol tooizi for mamut..
Lepari!! All in on Defix!
gonna be n1ce
GL mamut
Spirea :!!
Don't think Lpri is going to play :p
dfx needs funky :D gl both
lepari :o
i say sanda and spirea > all

grz drxje:D
gl defix lowbirds :>D
ez 4 mamut
night&RELOAd FTW lihtsalt:))
gl spirea, but the opponent is tough :p
anyway hope you guys will have a good day and present us great teamplay - that's the way you can touch the win!!!
gl spirea & Sanda
dfx needs skepty , only a cheater like that can beat
gl spirea
nic3 match.....
mmmm good luck mamut :P
gonna be good match
why havent it started yet? :o
what the fuck,,were is mamut>(?:>
not today
amagadlepari :OOO
Lepari got no inet, matias playing fin vs fr and admin doesn't allow us any merc or play 2on3 first map or anything, so mamut gets forfeit :(
cmon, gtfo.. just delay it a bit till FIN wins FRA? :\
admin gave us just 20 mins delay or so, est got game vs sui so we can't delay it a lot
and they don't let us postpone either
ok.. too bad for you, it would have been very nice match, one of the best 3v3 matches these days.
I am official member of so ye why I am not allowed?:o Totally shit decision by admin..... .
oh crap :-(
so 4:0 mamut?
why 4:0? did they play the match? cmon, just use your logic a little bit, please.
"Lepari got no inet, matias playing fin vs fr and admin doesn't allow us any merc or play 2on3 first map or anything, so mamut gets forfeit :("
so that is?
"so mamut gets forfeit :("
so that is?
its win, same shit 4:0 or forfeit, defix lost mamut win
It isn't 4-0 if they get forfeit dumbass.. -_-
if we talk about leagues: forfeit means 1:0, not 4:0. 4:0 would mean mamut won map one and mamut won map two. but they didnt play any map, so they didnt gain 4 rounds, got that?
if we talk about gamestv: forfeit means cancelled bet.
Retard admin.
so final decision is mamut 4-0 dfx
is trut?
Sounds like the admin is a complete retard.
So is the score going to be submitted or bets cancelled?
forfeit = bets cancelled
gl mamut
update plz.
update plz.
update plz.
my money plz
Why cant I cancel my bet? I want to go all in on defix
money pls :<
tjing tjing!!
no Lepari, no win :(
Update please, i want my fucking money back !
gl mamut
:) thank you.