bijemyPLEBS vs beringenMijn (4624 views)
03.02.09 22:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 3on3 Ladder | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Et_ice | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
Broadcasted by
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![]() By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: w0nd3r (ettvd) | |
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![]() By: Der_Haase (ettvd) | |
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 31
Viewer Peak: 31

gogo pawcio
You have 50 on be bmg
make me proud guys
make me proud guys
You have 50 on at bijemy
Possible win: 90
Possible win: 90
2:2 decider
4-2 BMG I r proud of grush!
gg negers
where is al1 when you need him :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
where is al1 when you need him :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
can you fill in score? i want my money
polaks went whiney... and I wants money too :(
You have 50 on be bmg
Possible win: 112.5
You have 50 on be bmg
Possible win: 112.5
LAdny z ciebie gtv no-life
gg, plz accept cb =)
gg ^^
You have 320 on bmg
You won 720
You won 720
You have 15 on be bmg
You won 33.75
You won 33.75
You have 100 on bmg
You won 225
You won 225
You have 666 on bmg
You won 1498.5
You won 1498.5
We won't accept match :> u will be banned soon
haha ok =), just be an adult and accept like we did last time when we lost.
^^ i like your lameness, it reminds me of gifted
at the end the winners win and the losers lose ^^
at the end the winners win and the losers lose ^^
that's cool :) I can die in peace now.
retardness detector overload... seriously grow up kids
good because bmg doesn't accpt any match either when they loose @ CB =)
we wont make conflict if u want lowbirds with hax
just accept then :<, only some points. You can easly win them back. We accepted without whining too last time.
^^ i like your lameness, it reminds me of gifted
at the end the winners win and the losers lose ^^
at the end the winners win and the losers lose ^^
that's cool :) I can die in peace now.
n1 bmg :)
gimme infos bout the e-drama!
ban every1 for winning offis imo
jes !! ^^
that's what i said we wont accept make conflict lowtards
one player from fin(toni) have on gold ping 300 + and a lots of warps and shooting 3hs:XD funny :]
morda cwelu, basketballe kompletuj
powiedz mi to w twarz to pogadamy:XDDD dziciaku internetowy
przyjedz to pogadamy, do plebsu nie bede jezdzil
Ziomek ja cie prosze... ty kurwa dalej jestes takim idiota jak kiedys... I kto tu j est dzieckiem to ja wiem mr.twoja stara, twoj stary
probujesz wrzucajac mi wyluzowac sie bo wiesz ze nie masz zycia pozdro:DD
ziomekpvp nie rozpierdalaj mnie bo mi cisnienie wypierdala w glowe. Jestes najwiekszym debilem na scenie oglaszasz sie skill high na CF i avi 7 dni w tygodniu ogarnij pizde i nie uzywaj takich pojec bo sam po sobie jedziesz osle. Powiedz mi to w twarz, a gdzie ty kurwa na lanie byles/bedziesz?.
roox aka pr0nade plz wyjdz na dwor bo jestes straszy xDDDDD
Jakie mam wnioski wyciagnac z twojego komenatrza 'roox pls aka pr0nade' nie moge sobie nicku zmienic pajacu ? Skad ty mozesz wiedziec kiedy ja wychodze, a kiedy nie. Ja stwierdzilem fakty sam napisales ze jestes pierdolonym nolifem na crossfire wiec miej pretensje do siebie parowo.
o nie wydalo sie nie mam zycia
Generalnie z rooxem zawsze sie wyzywalismy, ale on przynajmniej mial jajca na lana przyjechac i przynajmniej zamknal jape i juz nie pisze durnych tekstow wiec ziomku MORDA I NAPRAWDE WSADZ SOBIE W DUPE "cu@lan" bo takiego leszcza Polska jeszcze nie widziala a na lana to Ty przybedziesz... chyba w snach ;D
toNi is the guy who landodged(guess why) and fucked up re-play sleeperz for cc5 and then bmg recruited him :DDDDDDD
fucking up lazio was a good thing and landodging does not equal cheating =)
You have 1200 on bmg
You won 2700
thx 4 money xD
You won 2700
thx 4 money xD
haha and ADD Online:] best team online (meybe)
hey you forgot to accept on cb mate!
toni 150-300 ping laggy warps etc and shoot many heads.. thats good
ec skill mate!
Stopt es met dieje cheater te spelen
ik cheat niet ^^