Switzerland vs Hungary (6068 views)

ch vegi
ch MTM
ch gifty
ch crAsh
ch GuNnEr
ch ReavEr
ch zeKxa
ch ShAx
hu BoRi
hu Nonix
hu sebi
hu powi
hu Ocelot
hu Leo
hu Karrde
hu Cartman
Group C
15.02.09 21:15 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth <+/ gifty BD 94 kills
Killing Spree <+/ vegi 7 frags without being killed
Accountant <+/ gifty BD 124% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! <+/ crASh 25 gibs
...and stay dead! <+/ zeKxa 62% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning [Ocelot*Hungary] 57 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! <+/ gifty BD 53 SPAM kills
Fragstealer [CARTMAN*Hungary] 136 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! <+/ zeKxa 223 damage per frag
What objective? <+/ crASh 440 XP
Red Shirt [Nonix*LAGary] 79 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? <+/ zeKxa 11 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore <+/ crASh 173 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut <+/ MTM 8 team kills
Gingerbread man <+/ gifty BD 24 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
<+/ MTM683414769110812730888645970/02/539/438/715512847
<+/ gifty BD122432947622172414308777416550/024/819/3853/915210155
<+/ zeKxa49245346821268736684028780/00/931/419/9217120211
<+/ vegi97423616220138961299693670/05/853/386/615815875
<+/ crASh110440575225071010214867212180/11/948/276/617916745
<+/ GuNnEr97388727123361411057811510331/04/645/4417/1415411058
<+/ 90226936539812273776598655179657481/036/6235/4499/1416913157
Player Summary for reactor_final
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
<+/ MTM315461930041080203100/00/26/70/2DKDDDDDDDKD/D/D//KKKDDDKD
<+/ gifty BD627615243027172323432480/01/410/84/1/DDDKDDKDDKDKDD/DTK///DDKKK/KTD/KKKKDKDKD
<+/ zeKxa4154717510116962376930/00/27/110/1DKDDDDKDDKD/DDDSKKDKKDDD
<+/ vegi10710515143001168624281080/01/313/51/1DDKDDDKDD/KKXKKDDKKKDKDDXKKKKKD
<+/ crASh669010151023215226223250/00/412/70/0DDTT//DDDDKD/KKDKKDKDKKDKDK
<+/ GuNnEr4147717300315741958660/00/26/121/1DKDXXDKK/KDD/K/DDDDDDKDKDD
<+/ 58426601061814199911137588400/02/1754/506/6

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
<+/ MTM667012181025164316391010/00/07/91/3DKKKK/TKK/DDDKKKDKK/DDKDT/DDDDD/
<+/ gifty BD18010427155028350614487500/09/15/815/1KKKXDKDK/KK/KK/TK/KDD/TKKKXKKXKKKKK/KKDK/KK/KDD
<+/ zeKxa61531118302518751776940/00/411/52/4DK/T/KDDDDDKDKKX/KXTXKDDDK/K/DKDDK
<+/ vegi73851115501320182033590/01/210/101/1KKDX/DKDDTKDKKDKDDKDD/DDKKK/
<+/ crASh1088413123023225311733620/00/23/43/1K/DDDKKK/KK/KKKDTDKTDKKDKDD
<+/ GuNnEr13312820154020310921902770/03/415/94/6KKKKKDKKDKKDDDKXXKKDTDDTKKKDKDDXKDKXDDKDK
<+/ 10452494932101124144041025916430/013/1351/4526/16
Player Summary for sw_goldrush_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
<+/ zeKxa52103122312142280824596910/00/39/157/4DKDTSKDK/TKKDTKD/XDDDDDXDDKDKDKTDDKDDKKDD
<+/ vegi7514218246124382535551460/01/316/143/4/DKDKDKS/K/DDKKXKKDTDDK/KKDDXTDKDKDKKDKDKDKDDD
<+/ crASh135161231713034365928454770/01/222/103/4KTKX/DKKDKKDKKDKDDTX/KDKKTDK/KXKDKDXKDKK/KKDKKD
<+/ 1118911451325932129242581738526890/012/1394/8149/25

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
<+/ MTM5047714200212551538760/01/02/124/0DDKDKDDDKD/DDKKKD/DKD
<+/ gifty BD1137917154101327315481860/05/10/109/2KDKDKK/DKDDDKDKDKDKDDDKKKKKSKKDK
<+/ zeKxa40354101000987179100/00/04/100/0DKDKDDDDKDDDDK
<+/ vegi18891179600020831953540/02/014/91/0KDKKKDKKDDKDKKDDKDKKKKKKKD
<+/ crASh137105118800021502032540/10/111/60/1DDDKDDKKDKDKDKKXKKKK
<+/ GuNnEr907110113211154415322061/01/05/84/1KDDKDKDKDKDK/KDKKDTSKSD
<+/ 10342866672431411292103945761/19/236/5518/4

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
NC'essAh [Warmup]: goatsex
NC'essAh [Warmup]: realname plüx
[LOGIc*hungari] [Warmup]: lolui?
<+/ gifty BD [Warmup]: go
[Nonix*LAGary] [Warmup]: as you see its not that stable 110-160
NC'essAh [Warmup]: theres no goddamn goatsex on your roster
NC'essAh [Warmup]: change the name
[powi*Hungary] [Warmup]: upc rocksd
[CARTMAN*Hungary] [Warmup]: hungari
<+/ GuNnEr [Warmup]: RUP
<+/ GuNnEr [Warmup]: RUP
[Countdown]: Allies team locked from spectators by <+/ MTM
[BoRi*Hungary] [Countdown]: gl hf
<+/ gifty BD [Countdown]: never wish ur enemy gl!
[11:01]: The Allies have stolen the box of explosives
[10:48]: The Axis have recovered the box of explosives
[10:21]: The Truck has been repaired
[10:01]: The Allies have stolen the box of explosives
[9:51]: The Axis have recovered the box of explosives
[9:39]: The Allies have stolen the box of explosives
[9:04]: The Allies have loaded the explosives onto the truck
[8:50]: the truck has rammed the main gate
[8:07]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[6:51]: Allies have secured the forward bunker
[6:51]: West Security Door breached!!
[6:26]: East Security Door breached!!
[6:21]: Coolant tower 1 draining
[6:21]: Coolant controls destroyed!!
[5:48]: Coolant tower 2 draining
[5:48]: Coolant tower 1 drained
[5:47]: Coolant controls repaired.
[5:47]: Coolant tower 2 refilling
[5:47]: Coolant tower 2 filled
[5:39]: Coolant controls destroyed!!
[5:39]: Coolant tower 2 draining
[5:24]: Coolant tower 2 refilling
[5:24]: Coolant controls repaired.
[5:14]: Coolant tower 2 draining
[5:14]: Coolant controls destroyed!!
[4:57]: Coolant controls repaired.
[4:57]: Coolant tower 2 refilling
[4:47]: Coolant tower 2 draining
[4:47]: Coolant controls destroyed!!
[4:44]: Coolant tower 2 refilling
[4:44]: Coolant controls repaired.
[4:33]: Coolant tower 2 draining
[4:33]: Coolant controls destroyed!!
[4:14]: Coolant controls repaired.
[4:14]: Coolant tower 2 refilling
[4:03]: Coolant controls destroyed!!
[4:03]: Coolant tower 2 draining
[3:50]: Coolant controls repaired.
[3:50]: Coolant tower 2 refilling
[3:40]: Coolant tower 2 draining
[3:40]: Coolant controls destroyed!!
<+/ gifty BD [3:35]: gg
[3:27]: Coolant tower 2 drained
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 8:34
[Nonix*LAGary] [Intermission]: gg
[Nonix*LAGary] [Warmup]: rdy up!
[BoRi*Hungary] [Warmup]: csoki bAlu trii d0dy isl4m menaxe adze es a tobbi
[powi*Hungary] [Warmup]: és Angeeeeeel
[BoRi*Hungary] [Warmup]: shoutout to loazis crAsh s1lent jadol whiskey
[8:25]: The Allies have stolen the box of explosives
[8:15]: The Axis have recovered the box of explosives
[8:12]: The Truck has been repaired
[7:28]: The Allies have stolen the box of explosives
[6:41]: The Allies have loaded the explosives onto the truck
[6:27]: the truck has rammed the main gate
[6:15]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[6:12]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[5:48]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[5:46]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[5:45]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[5:42]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[5:28]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[5:26]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[5:25]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[5:21]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:38]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:37]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:30]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:29]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:28]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:27]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:07]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:06]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:04]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[4:03]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[3:05]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[3:04]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[2:59]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[2:52]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[2:36]: Coolant tower 1 draining
[2:36]: Coolant controls destroyed!!
[2:27]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[2:21]: Coolant controls repaired.
[2:21]: Coolant tower 1 refilling
[2:20]: Axis capture the Forward Bunker!
[2:16]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[2:04]: Coolant tower 1 filled
[1:46]: Allies have secured the forward bunker
[1:46]: East Security Door breached!!
[1:44]: Coolant controls destroyed!!
[1:44]: Coolant tower 1 draining
[1:31]: Coolant tower 1 refilling
[1:31]: Coolant controls repaired.
[1:16]: Coolant tower 1 filled
[1:13]: Coolant tower 1 draining
[1:13]: Coolant controls destroyed!!
[0:56]: Coolant tower 1 refilling
[0:56]: Coolant controls repaired.
[0:36]: Coolant tower 1 filled
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (8:34)
[Nonix*LAGary] [Intermission]: that flag omg
<+/ GuNnEr [Intermission]: :)
<+/ GuNnEr [Warmup]: SPAM FOR THE WIN
[Nonix*LAGary] [Warmup]: we didnt have tax for that
[Nonix*LAGary] [Warmup]: :(
<+/ GuNnEr [Warmup]: SAME HERE
<+/ gifty BD [Countdown]: hf
<+/ zeKxa [Countdown]: Shoutout to the polak
[14:52]: <+/ MTMcalled a vote.
<+/ GuNnEr [14:52]: restart
[14:50]: *** Level Restarted! ***
[14:50]: Vote passed!
[Nonix*LAGary] [Warmup]: omg
<+/ MTM [Warmup]: ?
<+/ MTM [Warmup]: What happened
<+/ GuNnEr [Warmup]: nice serv
<+/ GuNnEr [Warmup]: !
[14:46]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[LOGIc*hungari] [13:03]: thx bori!
<+/ MTM [11:38]: 8D
[Ocelot*Hungary] [8:31]: :D
[Nonix*LAGary] [7:46]: :))))
[Nonix*LAGary] [6:22]: ok
[4:40]: The Tank has been repaired!
[4:37]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
[Nonix*LAGary] [4:27]: sad, askdas lkd
<+/ MTM [4:23]: Seriously
[powi*Hungary] [4:21]: Oo
[3:42]: The Tank has been damaged!
[3:33]: The Tank has been repaired!
[3:22]: The Tank has been damaged!
[3:05]: The Tank has been repaired!
[3:02]: Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed.
[2:50]: The Tank has been damaged!
[2:38]: The Tank has been repaired!
[2:23]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[2:21]: Allied team has destroyed the Bank Doors!
[2:17]: The Tank has been damaged!
[2:11]: Truck Barrier #1 has been destroyed.
[2:00]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
<+/ gifty BD [0:24]: gg
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 15:00
[Nonix*LAGary] [Intermission]: we woudl like to play def
NC'essAh [Intermission]: :)
<+/ MTM [Intermission]: Ok
[LOGIc*hungari] [Intermission]: absolute zero medicwork <3
<+/ GuNnEr [Intermission]: SURE
[LOGIc*hungari] [Intermission]: :D
NC'essAh [Warmup]: :DdDddDdDdD
NC'essAh [Warmup]: gotta go to another match, can you finish alone ?
NC'essAh [Warmup]: kk, gl furthermore, bibuy
[Countdown]: NC'essAh disconnected
[14:38]: The Tank has been repaired!
[14:37]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[14:35]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
<+/ MTM [13:48]: 8D
<+/ MTM [13:48]: 8D
<+/ MTM [13:48]: 8D
<+/ MTM [13:48]: 8D
<+/ MTM [13:47]: 8D
<+/ MTM [13:47]: 8D
<+/ MTM [13:47]: 8D
[13:06]: The Tank has been damaged!
[12:48]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[12:41]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
<+/ MTM [12:33]: xp > deaths
[12:19]: The Tank has been repaired!
[12:07]: Allied team has destroyed the Bank Doors!
[11:53]: The Tank has been damaged!
<+/ MTM [11:00]: 8D
<+/ MTM [11:00]: 8D
<+/ MTM [11:00]: 8D
<+/ MTM [11:00]: 8D
<+/ MTM [11:00]: 8D
<+/ MTM [10:59]: 8D
<+/ MTM [10:58]: fuck i
<+/ MTM [10:53]: t
[LOGIc*hungari] [10:43]: .Uristen~ ELG@GYIZTA!
<+/ GuNnEr [9:28]: !_!
[Nonix*LAGary] [9:27]: LOL
[Nonix*LAGary] [9:25]: seriously
<+/ GuNnEr [9:23]: :ddd
[9:22]: Allied team is escaping with the Gold Crate!
[powi*Hungary] [9:13]: spam ftw again
<+/ gifty BD [9:09]: welcome to ET
<+/ zeKxa [8:29]: :]
<+/ MTM [7:50]: gg
[7:45]: Allied team escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 7:14 (original: 15:00)
<+/ gifty BD [Intermission]: ggs
[Intermission]: <+/ MTM disconnected
[Intermission]: [CARTMAN*Hungary] disconnected
[Intermission]: <+/ vegi disconnected
<+/ zeKxa [Intermission]: gg
[Intermission]: [LOGIc*hungari] disconnected
[Intermission]: <+/ gifty BD disconnected
[Intermission]: <+/ zeKxa disconnected
[Intermission]: [powi*Hungary] disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.