H2k Gaming vs S. N. Battalion (12784 views)

at potter
pl dialer
de butchji
de sNoOp
de wEAK
nl abort
gb rahul
gb Meez
nl Viax
de Sight
nl perfo
fi Reikkeri
10.02.09 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Highbot Winter Challenge 08/09
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: n00n1337 (Generaladmin)
Maps: Bremen_b2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 92400
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #1
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 2
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de #Outlaw.et ETTV #1
By: DeVito (ettvd)
de #RoN.et'ETTV/#3?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #4 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

de arni.name ettv 1
By: essAh (ettvd)

de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: essAh (ettvd)

fr #eNergiz TV I
By: kURS (ettvd)
fr #Muuzika-Gaming ETTV #2
By: tupAcC (ettvd)
jp #Fragpoint TV 1
By: kmkr (ettvd)

us #Ghulnah.et ETTV
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 361


could be a nice match!!
easy 4 perfo
snb roster is correct, not sure about h2k's
h2k vs anime
weak will do the rifle :DDDD
Perfo baby sweety <333333333333333333

You have € 107 on eu SNB Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1545.08
my money on perfo ^_____________&
my money on meez ^_____________&
my money on rahul ^_____________&
gl jestes gruby <3

ps.: where is gifty????
my money on butchji ^_____________&
omfg perfo and butchji in the same game.. cant decide who to spec!!!!!!

gl sight <3
SNB dont let me down<3
go h2k go!!
Gl and Hf XD
You have € 301 on nl H2k Cancel bet
Possible win: € 337.12
my money on reikkeri ^_____________&
my money on butchji ^_____________&
izi 4 h2k : D
my money on reikkeri ^_____________&
my money on reikkeri ^_____________&
my money on butchji ^_____________&
my money on none ^_____________&
I dont have any money ^_____________&
my money on Sighti ^_____________&
my money on someone ^_____________&
gL snb
Easy for SNB
gl both ...
gl sight n hentainator
my money on whoever kicks meez in the face for starting chains like this
gl hentai!
Urgh i sure hope H2K wins, Butchji didnt play very well yesterday ..
All my money on club anime
Have Fun snoop, butchji, weak and the rest of H2K.
Who plays the rifle?
pl diAler Tuesday, 10th February 2009 00:36
weak will do the rifle :DDDD
my money on national online battalion :-/
you don't have that much anyway ;)
my money on meez ^_____________&
2 ease for abort
let me win my last money's You have € 29 on eu SNB Cancel bet
Possible win: € 216.05
You have € 92 on eu SNB Cancel bet
Possible win: € 652.28
reikkeri pwns
wuho! hoi Sight gl Sight LoLzinator
my money on my idol snoop ^_____________&
what maps? gl butchji :)
The station manager is on the stream with music and he went afk and I can't kick him off the stream untill he comes back

Hopefully will be fixed in time for the 6nations game
gL hentai!
izi 4 S. N. Battalion
EPIC shoutcast fail!
blame the manager :(
yeah , i blame him for his shitty music taste:D but you:re welcome ;)
You have € 263 on eu SNB
Possible win: € 1698.98

pls make it <3
my moneyz on ma sn00pal00p
My money on Masculanse Mans, more money to win^___________________^
2 ; 2 atm
Meez: /callvote map radar

= insta win
meine fresse wie ich eigentlich auf SN setzen wollte
Close game gl H2K!
4:2 SNB
dieje perfo das ne zottekop!
4:2 wp all!
You have € 1000 on eu SNB
You won € 6460

gg <3
You have € 200 on SNB
You won € 1292

np ^^ thx SNB
You have € 92 on eu SNB
You won € 594.32
you lost for the moneyy!!
lol!. H2k second zP. imo. not winners
gg snb
You have € 25 on eu SNB
You won € 161.5

Nice game to watch except for the retards that kept connecting and trying to spoil it, gg to wonder for banning the .pl tosser :)
FU i lost half my money :(((((((((
in meez we trust!
ye and perfo helped a lil
expected, atleast with this lineup from h2k
grats Viax !
you"ll lose vs them anytime
and u cant play anytime
i can play anytime i want
ud probs play all the time nerd, maybe try cheats... OH soz :(
24/7, i'll still beat ya
we might all use cheats and try to win like that
Maybe you'll finally win something.
You must have thought the same way back then?
Thought it was time for you to start making a fool of yourself
"Overload's ET team have tonight confessed to the allegations of cheating posed at them. The rumour mill had them faced with being busted via the next upcoming 'bust list' from Killerboy, and when confronted by Crossfire with that evidence they came clean.

In a statement they said they wanted to make a point to the community that anyone can cheat and that it is the lowest thing to do. The players implicated (though confessions have at the moment only come from vila & zeto) are - acid, vila, zeto, jetro lio & kevin.

All players implicated will be banned from CC5 and site bans according to the CF rules."

guess you were one step faster here ..
gonna watch tv, hf here @ gtv
and? ... Don't see what this has to do with anything... We achieved more than you'll ever do, and you know it frustrated little baker.
Gonna watch tv? Don't you have to pracc 24/7 with team "we'll never win anything meaningfull"?
Yea playing ET on a decent level surely is achieving something in life. Kudos to you mister!
Who's talking about life ? I'm sure i'm doing better than you
You're here talking about how much you've achieved in ET. Wow you must be doing great man!
It's also a gaming website, no need to discuss real life here idiot
nope but your behavior tells alot about your life
Sadly enough for you. ET is your "real life". Enjoy!
I'm not the 17 year old that's playing everyday
haha gotta love vila, reminds me of a young kamz!
> We achieved more than you'll ever do, and you know it frustrated little baker.
> Gonna watch tv? Don't you have to pracc 24/7 with team "we'll never win anything meaningfull"?

> The players implicated (though confessions have at the moment only come from vila & zeto) are - acid, vila, zeto, jetro lio & kevin.

how can you be proud of something you didnt even deserve, kiddo ?

"et is gedaan voor mij"
See me playing?
I see you caring about it :<
So does it mean i'm not over with it?
gamestv.org gebruiken om anderen een beetje dwars te zitten ze xDDDDD ommmfffg
tlukt toch ;)
:D:D dat is dan ook het enige dat je lukt
Ik heb geen andere bedoeling dus 100% succes
stop trolling around and go away,its getting old
I'm not asking you to read
kop op de stoeprand pls
die already
You have € 3300 on nl H2k
You lost
epic fail!!!!!!
You have € 182 on SNB
You won € 1175.72

h3h3h3h3h g0 with teh fl0
i lost all my moneys :[[[[[
gg =)
You have € 200 on nl H2k
You lost
dialer zjebales xD;PPP
n1 :D
You have € 2022 on nl H2k
You lost
You have € 113 on nl H2k
You lost
You have € 30 on eu SNB
You won € 193.8

thx to rk and perfo!
snb<3333333 i knew u can do it<3

You have € 160 on eu SNB
You won € 1033.6
snb will win EC so was expected ;)
no gifty no win
no rifle no win :)
You have € 195 on nl H2k
You lost
You have € 107 on eu SNB
You won € 691.22

thats my perfo boy
h2k low- jebane szmaty wjebalem kase :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
need a replay :c
You have € 41 on SNB
You won € 264.86

no bd no win !
pretty smart to play without rifle
weak is a good rifle :>
What's the alternative? Giving forfeit? :d
matias is pretty good rifle, he could have played it. Or either recruit one (for that evening) or postpone :P ?
matias was unable to play so we took weak :U
even u would be better rifle I guess !
omfg I lost 5 € :/
what a shame :/
that they ve lost a map to us like this? ye
You have € 1500 on eu SNB
You won € 9690

You have € 30 on eu SNB
You won € 193.8
Perfo potm.
cowkip > *
nice to watch a match like this.gg 2 both teams.
and as for the nolife dude,go make your pitty jurnal somewhere else pls
ARGH MY MONEY. Sublime and now this... gg
You have € 10 on eu SNB
You won € 64.6

thx perfoheiser
lol does this mean snb is the best team atm ?
1-3 may we will see ;)
does holland have many trees? i need to plan my routes carefully
Tree's & Holland, wut?! :D
they'll suck without me though :(
You won € 1615
lol wtf?
You have € 20 on SNB
You won € 129.2
You have € 99 on nl H2k
You lost

You have € 750 on nl H2k
You lost

You have € 1000 on nl H2k
You lost
You have € 72 on H2k
You lost -_-
You have € 301 on H2k
You lost

Ok wtf?..
You have € 250 on eu SNB
You won € 1615
Thank You rahul :D You have € 29 on eu SNB
You won € 187.34 now I can keep gambling :D
haha lol
I spit out my brain.
all the h2k fanbois are sad now :<
wie ich auch sn setzten wollte :(
I did a Classic Game cast of this game, more details: http://www.crossfire.nu/journals/154254/classic-game-h2k-vs-snb