cornu vs (5673 views)

nl vApor
nl DiZoR
nl fusi
be mIstiek
bg Mirage
gb SYko
nl sJee
be Negativ
pl tevion
pl Libra
pl hunter
pl pipens
pl rwz
pl OnliQ


QuoteWe are pleased to be in the play-offs, I think no-one expected to see us playing in the play-offs. We've made progress in the last months with our stable lineup: The nlRambo brothers Fusi & DiZoR and our "golden duo" bg Mirage & be mIstiek + We got some nice Whiners nl vApor & gb Syko and our Backups be Negativ and nl Sjee. I think the most people will see executors@the6thSens as the favorite for this match but we gonna do our best
05.03.09 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Freshcore Cup
Manager: phase (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 12400
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
de ## -HoheLuft- ## | ETTV #3
By: blAckmAmbA (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de Ana's ETTV #3 [old]
By: w0nd3r (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


gl & hf
oh yea!!! :D
and he's off to see a joker on stage -_-
hmmmm hunter is still playing
GL cornu!
Vapor <3 You have finally managed to write it right! =)
gl m1stiek and cornu u better win i got my money on u
gl vap0r love u
You have € 12 on cornu
Possible win: € 33.6

Gl Boyz :) <3
WINNE is alive :o

NP for Krypton of course :D
it's mIstiek you little monkey
krypton = mistiek so then mistiek = krypton

GL Krypton! :d
hunter and pr0lame the hackers?

gl syko
clearly proven in war :(.

lol krypton well gl anyways lol
OMG izi 4 executors !!
gl syko and vAp
3 weeks ;p
nega own them hard :O!??!
wished nega would come online or pick up his phone -_-
ye sry I was not at home
gl syk :]
gl kript <3
gl vap don't fail with rifle :DD
izeh for mirage :>
Syko is playing this one! :D :D :D
well thats jsut great

gl Syko nd vAp!
Make me rich!
gl cornu!
executors gonna bash.
Huppp :D
gl Cornu;)!
make me a richYY
gl syk0
GL Mirageous you sexy beast! and gl to syko, sexy little girl! <3<3
hf DoE :o
gl mistiek.
Rape them!!
good luck cornu !
GL vap
hf syko
Op goed geluk cornu,
gl anyway, hopefully you guys win
vAp low and other med what makes med- team Cornu. Gl syko!
You have € 30 on cornu
Possible win: € 136.5
als wij med- zijn wat zijn jullie dan wel niet o0
Its because vAp always make lame comments if we play ettv and so do i now
rofl if we are med- then you are low max:D
why you bet on us then? xd
That does make sense, although you are right about their teamskill.
gogo vapor
gl mistiek <3
ty mate, ask me if you need a merc sometime, often bored. ;p
a low+ max merc :D:D <3
gl mistiek

gl vap, syko
gl&hf mistiek and mirage


You have € 9 on nl cornu
Possible win: € 31.5
3-3 after 1st decider - siwa oasis...
very retarded guys who dont want to play vs our normal lineup in a dicicer very retarded.
Seriously this isn't our problem that u can't play 2nd decider. U started this match and u must finnish it.
why you wont play the decicer sunday its onley 1 map ;\ this is not fair imo
i wrote to tevion that if ur team (cornu) can't play next decider tonight because some players can't play, you can play in next day or saturday or sunday. i apologize but i cant join @ server because i played my official game tonight at the same time.
This is most stupid thing I've ever heard. The match was in progress and we must play even 3rd decider. We could finnish game later if both clans agree, and we didn't agree. Phase I see that you've never seen situation like this, when decider didn't showed the winner. And vap plx stop writing those shit about your normal lineup, cause u need to replace only one player and u had a backupboi.
There are people, which wake up the morning and go to work or school and it is more important than play in ET at 23 cet. You think differently, because you probably are not doing anything and you can play till 2-3 cet. If you think that it is fair - sorry you are fuckin wrong. Good luck in the next round.
If he have no time for playing, he shouldn't play at all. 23 cet isn't late. If they have no time, they could rescheduled game on 20.30 or 21.00 cet. And YES I'm not doing anything. I'm only existing...
YOU DONT THINK THE MATCH IS GNNA LAST more than fuckin 2 hours. and btw phase, tevion isn't in our team, so they lied aswell bout we have to play it that night!
Then start to play 3o3 if u're not ready for longer playing.
negativ is way better then the guy who had to go ... pretty retarded reason for losing :S
5-3 exe :/, gg
5:3 exe won
gg wp
request replay to spec hunter :/
lol, if you see the skilldifference from hunter in grush and in attack oasis it's pretty obvious he's not clean at all. Another match won cause of 1 cheater, great!
fair game imo about replacement, vap try to be mature for once in ur young life and show some respect :p
will spec hunter sometime then, dunno about that
3-5. good score