United Kingdom vs Germany (4663 views)

gb Vexx
gb .madbone
gb Jeebs
gb Sn4p
gb System
gb pred4tor
de cronic
de j4b
de abnorm
de rex
de scream
de booster
18.02.09 22:00 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: ClanBase NationsCup XII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Seanza (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Ark

Total Pot: € 14927
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
xx ET.tv EU Shoutcasting
By: neobsen
Listen to neobsen
Language: English

Total Slots: 125
Listener Peak: 22

ET Quake Wars TV
gb #etqw.comeback ET:QW TV 2
By: Seanza (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 85
Viewer Peak: 68


should be a good game gl hf ;)
I trust in the yermans!
go germany :)

hf gl
gl germany
ezbash for tea drinkers!
Vexx isn't English.
dont fail with tv this time plz!
It was my fault :|
did seanza ask you about tv info?
I wrote the wrong ip for tv and when i realized that we were playing.
but he still drinks tea :P
Epic match, looking forward to this :)
me too. gl and hf to both teams. dont know who to bet on >.<
lier u didnt watch it
np for mr. j4b ;)
bet on germany ^^

thats good shelly^^

u already lost ur money when u bet on FI

so bet on germany now and win much more money ;)

hmmmmh I really dont know....
macht mich reich...wenn nicht bekomme ich von euch die Kohle zurück...
habe übrigens noch 6 polnische Hitboxen...zu verkaufen...

You have € 181 on de GER
Possible win: € 836.22
You have € 650 on GER
Possible win: € 1898
who won?
they're 3-3 atm. Germany set time of 10.87 mins on meridia_final
who are thoose german newcomers ? :O
you might know j4b. he played et before if im correct.
he played rtcw with return to germany
or something ilke that.
unqualifizierte beiträge sollten gelöscht werden :P
delete this pls
I put 1000 dollars on GER so win please for my money
I bet 1000 German marks on them too so win!
glhf :)
You have € 68 on de GER Cancel bet
Possible win: € 320.96

Please win that's all my money
ezbash 4 Vexx and his team -> Jeebs (and his dog), System (and his brain disease), pred4tor (and his hax)
gl ger
hf ger
meh changed my mind in last minute. "sends prayers towards fortuna"
for those who can't connect to shoutcast, just reconnect with the above link (dns is down)
scores ?
Germany won. Playing last round now.

Germany 2-0 on Valley and then full hold on Ark. So 3-0. UK playing for 1 point.
sauber j4b ;)
ggs <3 my mates ;P
4-0 germany :)

g to the gizzhouse :D
i lost my bet

wp jerries
gg very n1
yes iam rich
well played, nice teamwork there
ty Germany! :)
You have € 2000 on gb UK
You lost

my last bet on uk
we even fail in qw nice
125 € on de GER Won 411€

thx :D
You have € 200 on GER
You won € 658

rofl nice ger lol
nice one
Its nice to see arrogant twats fail.
j4b fkn gangster |0/ 4got to bet ><
You have € 35 on GER
You won € 115.15

went all-in lool
You have € 40 on gb UK
You lost