England vs Scotland (6684 views)

gb hYpe
gb Cupp3r
gb Starzi
gb p0k3rface
gb Potty
gb miXer
gb Crumbs
gb Sean
gb Scuba
gb Kevlar
gb slasheh
gb Pedro
gb Gabt
19.02.09 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: 6ish Nations
Hosting: Crossfire.nu
Manager: tace (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 10124
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #RoN.et'ETTV/#3?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)
de d-hosting.de|ETTV
By: eLemenT`Uther (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 41


cupper looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
mega fu
no smurftang no win
remove sheep and add cupper n smurftang imo imo imo
c'mon the scots!
go go england, gl scotland my second nature!
lol easy for england :) gl dem
nice Seychelles flag
blame gtv and whoever created team scotland on it
the problem is rather the nonexistance of a scottish flag on gtv ;)
You have € 30 on SCO
Possible win: € 486.6

Make me rich :P
Scotland got this shit on the lockdown. Gl Sean & Stormeh :D
rape them scotland :o
rape them scotland :o
omg Sean omg!

Gl :D
i think we all know whos gunna win
We'll be coming...
We'll be coming...
We'll be coming down the road.
When you hear the noise of the Tartan Army Boys...
We'll be coming down the road.

gl guys and scuba, stormeh, sean and kev <3
needs more smurftang
+onehunderdandthausand :c
stormeh <33333 gl m8!!!
made the entire team watch braveheart before this and eat 2 haggis' each. probably not gonna be close sadly, but fun anyway. :D

You have € 61 on sc SCO Cancel bet
Possible win: € 582.55

all my money go jock power! (bb money)
no irn bru?!?!?!
fuck, we're gonna lose now! i forgot the bru!!!!
Did u invite them all to your pub, m8? Good luck, my fingers crossed. . .
Its not needed. Scotland has a crate of this :D

GL all

scotland will win!
gl Scuba : D
If sheep actually plays then really easy for us english peeps :D

GL sean & stormeh!
go Scotland!! oh wait its not vs those hentai bumbuddies....go england!!
go seaaneh
gl sean & stormeh!

...and ross assuming he hasn't been kicked yet...
gl demented and tekno :)
Bring it on my fellow Irn Bru lovers!!!!
Kevlar to win
you know it stu!!!! shoutout incoming :P
<3 scotland
<3 scotland too :D
gl Sean and stormeh. Imo izi 4 England though

hf both.
gl pedro
scuba ehoehoh! gl säxy
hej sexxeh!<333
izi for SCUBAH
gb Hype
gb tyyrd
gb crumbs
gb NotoriouS_
gb miXer
gb Potty/Starzi

gl the jocks!
GG STORMEH & miXer!!!!
england + gl
gl starzi and scubbabubba
gl england !
wow, that notorious guy fuckin pwnt
:( unlucky boys! :D