Tyrant vs Team Plasa (4868 views)

gb cApo
gb D2F
ie Vaako
fr Mistfits
ch Barry
it Sponge
gb Assasin
at Scorch
at jaN
at Tamschi
it Vegt4
de rAiNBOW
ru aLKz
22.02.09 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET Masters: Division 2
Hosting: Crossfire.nu
Manager: r4INBOW (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7279
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #RoN.et'ETTV/#4?
By: cl4ym4n (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 34


gl hf both
Add Barry and remove Spie plz :D
gl team plasa don't let capo call you cheaters
no capo i don't hack
You even admitted it :/
hope this will b fun
desire2fire = win! all moneh on tyrant

edit: just seen capos in the lineup = all moneh on plasma
GL vaako,spie,sponge and best of all barret :D

to sponge: babarapupi?

capo i was messing around ffs!
learn to reply jesus
Gunrus is still around LOL.
gl capo and assasin!
Gl Mistfits ! (& Tyrant btw)
tamschi jan und scorch ihr dicken hässlichen ööösis gl hf ihr bobs
gl spastis :)
gl Vegt4
thx my lovely polak <3
izi plasa
no p3RF? gL Tyrant
ye, we aint playing for tyrant anymore.

GL cap n co, u'll rly need it^^
I know lol. Hopefully i won't be playing :p
ow :/
gL capo
gl capo & co
no tace, no win
gl tyrant :)
Go, Go Mistfits !
Gl Mistfits compagnon de region Rhone-Alpes!go!
gl austrian powners!! :)
GL cApo and D2F :)
I know who I will be speccing (Hi2u Vaako)
missfist tu pues
Gl Vaaky
gl barret , sponge <33
Gl Vaaky my valentine <3
gluck scorch & vegta
gl Scorch Vegt4 Rainbow
mumpelz spiel
GL tyrant
gl tyrant
Gl all, seems like this will be fun :)
Hope i'm back from work in time :P
gl tyrant, capo!
gl plasa
hau rein skortschi
gl cap, d2f and vak :D
busted jan oder werlcher jan ist das ?
peinlich hacker name plasa
link plz. Sonst heißt das ja dass ich auch busted bin :o
gl & hf, barry!!! sponge :*
You have € 1250 on at plasa
Possible win: € 1337.5
4:0 Plasa gg wp tyrant
junge junge junge MOICE
wp plasa
wp plasa
i winzord sum moneh :)
You have € 107 on at plasa
You won € 114.49