vs Black Point (4957 views)

si 2nice2kill
si JaKaZc
es Feruto
es CRaKeaN
es MiKloN
es serp1
26.02.09 22:30 CET
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Game: qw ET Quake Wars
League: ESL 4on4 Infantry Opening Cup Playoffs
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Seanza (Generaladmin)
Maps: Maridia

Total Pot: € 13544
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

ET Quake Wars TV
gb #etqw.comeback ET:QW TV 2
By: Seanza (none)
gb Black Point - Match Server
By: Seanza (none)
nl KAPOKS TV Server
By: Orrie (none)

Total Slots: 101
Viewer Peak: 54


For sure it will be an awesome match... HF & GL
GO SPAIN ,make it a party Feruto ;)
Depends on line-up. Will wait until it's announced :)
hax will do it! (:
team dei fenomeni gl!
gl and hf to both. bjorn will do it. money s on mamut. I hope though it will be a bit more exciting than the usual "boring" matches from mamut where they own and its a runover. make it exciting for us viewers pls 3lack. ty.
i hope mamut won't do it XD
just changed my bet coz of the better odds. need money! =D
I think we can do it this time... :D

RELOAt will flame the cheaters away back to their holes! :O
cacao holes? :DD
is Robertos crying again??? yeah.. I really do understand you have to rely on Reload cause you would not even smell them.
Cheaters ? xD

Before talk about our skill you must learn to plant bombs. Paquete.

See you!
At least I had a fail moment and it won't happen again. So now it's your turn to fail and I am looking forward to see it.
I think too you will not fail again ...

Not our turn to fail, we have been failed a lot of times ... so today not our turn :D

If mamut wins this night will be because they have played better as 3lack, not because 3lack have a bad day, bad teamwork, lag, ...

Since sometime spain teams don't cry (as you) when we have to play with average +30 ping, we have servers to train and play in UK, Germany, ... and our conections let us play better than years ago.

GLHF Pkounis :D
Yup, team work won't be at fault. Unless the cheats are broked xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
I've seen that they signed up for 6on6 OC :D
Need to see that "teamplay" :O

6on6 is alive again... nearly!
you will keep failing...
hard to say who will win :D

i think mamut^^

great favourite^^ :D:D
can we have a second tv server for this match pls, orrie? alien? bestik? =)
I doubt there will be need for 2nd TV ..
yeah more spaniard flame please, yeah.
I really enjoy it.
drama lol
GL gente,esta dificil pero no imposible ;)
Thanks for everyone bet that you will give me rich
You have € 239 on es 3LACK.
Possible win: € 1462.68
easy for mamut
not easy
Our players must have monitors ON this time, so not very easy for mamut :)

LOL...Spain will be a party¡¡¡
Pakt ze Bjorn!
gogo Feriuto, CRakhead and MilKman
my moniez on the underdog. MAKE IT HAPPEN ESPANARDOS!! AIIII
ye someone should finally do it, we are inactive since august damn :). gl & hf
ET ftw ? :)
cant connect? not to a pure server?
you need z_maridia_b3
cant connect to the pure server,no downloads offered
any way to overcome this? MAridia is already installed
ive got maridia but my game crashes when connecting to tv =[
Me too Am1g0 :D
me too
cant connect allthough i have maridia <.<
That bug have been reported earlier by several people. We dont know how to solve it, sorry.
thank you sd for fucking up custom content -_-
aaaahhh shit
pero al qw todavia juega gente? u.u? fer si vuelves al et pm me xD
Pues precisamente llevo 3 dias jugando al et xd con los del clan y eso y todavia meto algo xd. En fin no habia ninguna diferencia de nivel en el partido pero sabian cuando atacar mejor que nosotros y encima en un mapa la cagamos con un spam que fue mortal y suerte. En fin xd sin desilucion pero weno. A ver si nos vemos y dile al airs que cae facil.
los cojones
jajaja puta :P
expected egofail
Robertos stupid... as expected as well.