Poland vs Romania (10198 views)

pl Wrobel
pl wiaderko
pl naga
pl Xanah
pl diAler
pl r1co
pl Frag'Stealer
pl wiesiek
ro Lover
ro mili
ro eXelero
ro nebu
ro R00NNY
ro inVid
ro Bo_Bo
Group A
01.03.09 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XII
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mUnduS (Generaladmin)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 37119
The bets are closed.

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Enemy Territory TV
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de #fayntic ETTV 3
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By: Xenofreak (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 111


izbash for poland
POL 1.64
37.28 ROM
POL 1.29
72.56 ROM
> POL 1.29
> 72.56 ROM

these odds are wrong - simple math

Consider betting

72.56 on POL
1.29 on ROM

you would spend in total (72.56 + 1.29) = 73.85EUR

in case POL wins

you get ((stake)72.56 * (multiplier)1.29) - (money you put on the bet)73.85 = 19.75EUR

in case ROM wins

you get ((stake)1.29 * (multiplier)72.56) - (money you put on the bet)73.85 = 19.75EUR

In both cases you get money.

It must be an idiot who had programmed gbooky that way.
lol fuckin einstein
lol my friend, to whom basic math is a reason to be surprised
but you get more if you have your money on romania, and they win.
if they don't, you'll lose everything. :D
Not sure if I got your idea ;).

With the previous odd (current odds seems ok), you would win whatever the result.

If you wanted to win 1.000.000 EUR, you should go to the bank, take a 5.000.000 EUR loan, then, bet it according to what I laid out above, win >1.000.000EUR, return 5.000.000 + some interest to the bank, keep the rest ;)
I lol'd when I noticed that on previous matches, but I dont know how its coded :p
izi for poland !
You have € 7 on ro ROM
Possible win: € 645.12

Go go go go!!!
1.01 POL
100.00 ROM
1.01 POL
100.00 ROM
gl pol hf rom :D
You have € 240.02 €
Possible Win: € 12000.00 :D
izi for polandska :OO
gl nebu
szto eta za kljany
np for romanian maus aka mili [walc] : DD anyway gl
Succes Romania! Poate juca pentru Polonia, deci, te vad pe serv. :)
nebu ;););)
wiaderko karaj ta rifle ;]
wiaderko nie pokara bo mamy offi w impactach
no to chociaz na ettv zagrajcie
damy szanse mlodym strzelbom sie wykazac :o)
ale mowie zeby impact offi zagral NA ETTV GL :)
PL >>>>>>>>>>

w/e all money on pl
go go nebu! :D
dialer nub XD
elena all the way
eazybash for roms
easy for ksanach
gl polska hf rumuny :D
You have 129 on Romania : Possible Win : 6348.08 :DDDD
gl mili & ex :d
mili & exelero :D <3! GL!
ja tez z nimi graUem ; (
chyba na nimbusie :) tam wszyscy trenuja
no raczej nie.. w ecrew gralem z nimi dla twojej swiadomosci
moja swiadomosc przyjela. ja z loverem i zalem gralem w 1 daycupach.
Gral i to spory czas temu :) w eCrew bodajze :)
2 lata temu dokladnie ;d co tam u ciebie?
zyje, w reprze gram xddddd co prawda backup ale 1 mecz juz rozegrany wiec fajnie fajnie :P... na cc6 tez sie wybieram xd
ja musze juz gdzies tez pojechac bo malczik bedzie pierdolic ze kvazz online only
Gl Wiesiek :)
easy for POL ;d
You have € 1000 on ro ROM Cancel bet
Possible win: € 20370

i chuj xD
GL Wrobel & wiaderko & Dialer
gl r1co
polska win
good luck wrob, wisi :)
You have € 31 on ro ROM Cancel bet
Possible win: € 686.96 XD gl
gl nebu <3
You have € 35 on ro ROM Cancel bet
Possible win: € 760.9
pl jestesmy z wami xd

go,go ,go romania
gl tiger
lol. gl! lineup?
You have € 3 on ROM
Possible win: € 195.15

dajesz wiechu !! HF
come on my bitches
nebu, exelero, mili and rooney <3 gonna fuck you soon!
gg polaks xD
nubu >:P
u taci tradatoareo ... ai fugit repede :D
gg 4.0
wiesiu graj w nastepnym :((