True Destination vs Personality Team (6555 views)

nl Sa7z
nl Mr. 1ps0N
nl Loekino
nl Banaan
no Domi
gb DarK
hr danL
hr drv4c
nl phreako
nl roach
pt sui
se vil
CB ET 6v6 EU Ladder Match
22.03.09 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: SaTz (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Total Pot: € 13730
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
gb #Anti-Gaming ETTV
By: derbinator (ettvd)
nl Teknoid-Gaming ETTV
By: haNos (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 38


glhf guys ^^
GL True D.
woot woot! gl viL, danL, Potty and DarK
Easy bash 4 I am !!
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
gl danL
so easssssssy for Personality
gl SA GAMING !! hf Banaan ...
iZi bash potty
money on you Laurens! even tho I am is a good team too! x
gl potty son
Gl potty and gl danL&drv4c
gl potty domi and loekino
Good luck Potty
Will a intresting match both teams seem to play very well @ officials!!!
This is the match of the number 3 and 4 at clanbase!
Gl tomy team and I am <3
go domi,loekino,en eageRrr

wrm speel je met ipsson eagerr is lauwer
nee joh als ik eager laat spelen ben ik kk noob:P
domi backup boy
true :D until now i have played every offi since i joined :D
toe maar..
Iemand moet het doen he! :D meneer de droogkloot gisteren > . >
:D:D was wel moeilijk communiceren als jullie allemaal van die gaynamen hebben en ik niet wist wie praatte:D de neus PLEASE.
Ach gewoon wat schreeuwen, deden wij ook :DDDDDD die server lagde toch zo hard als de neten.
SA should take it with personalities current lu problems
gl potty
isi for loekino
kom op loeki & banaan <3
Nice dat je mij weer vergeet insecure :c
Ik vergeet je, omdat ik niet insecure ben. :P
maar bij deze, go domi o/
ZoMg lol mijn fout :D

Hi <3 sup
kanker easy voor den ipson >.>
Personality should be able to take this! :)
i heard theyve got a new russian superstar :o
dr4vc is going to own the shit out of everyone cos we have similiar nicks
typo can happen pffff
indeed, but i always check what i typed before i click ok!
we were praccing and had offi -_- whine!
gogogo dr4vc, he's our new recruit
dommeltje olololz
1-1 :x
and I Am acting like children once again.
worst game ever =D
agreed fucking retarded crotards lol
still 1-1. finally agreed to radar!
this danL guy is such a retard rofl :XD
yes, I'm a retard when they're being idiots
man Im taking this game seriously but when I see 26 years old guy who is whining 30 mins because map is wrong (if I get this right) in some fucking computer game, and then trying to show how "MAN" he is I'm just having a rly big laugh. you have to know when to give up, especially when it comes to virtual world. lolz
alright, see you next time someone tries to make a fool out of you, you have no idea obviously about what happened so you really shouldn't talk
ITZ A KOMPUTER GAME3????????????????????????????????

well guess what idiot, PEOPLE play computer games and i'm not whining because i want to win points or because i love the rules, it is because i hate the PEOPLE that i'm playing against

do you understand that or is that too much for you?
so cause you hate us you make a big drama?!
yes, because i think you're retarded and we didn't make any drama, we wanted to play our map but you didn't want to and you spammed 15 mins begging us to change the map
you agreed about not double grush, k3k3 easy win anyway
but you just HAD to pick battery, right?

woah, i just realised who i'm talking to and i don't know why i'm doing that :s
just making fun of you <3<3

idiots sadly don't know he's right, why the fuck should we be "fair" after they tried to fuck us over with wanting to play battery? anyone?
they have loekino, what do u expect
wow that is a sad opponent!
yes we're really sad, REALLY

playing round 2 of radar now :D
3-1 for Sa-gaming :)
3-1 np4us
weer gewhine dan?
we hebben 1 uur lang zitten lullen enzo :XD
"danL - see you in conflict" oh dear .....

You have € 50 on eu Sssh
You won € 67.5
yes, see them in conflict, I was trying to be nice and then they act like assholes and WE are the ones that look bad, nice, you people are all very cool and smart
nice, but retarded.
don't talk to me, I'm afraid of getting infected so please restrain yourself, I will not talk to you if you promise not to address me
my penis infection is really infectable
yes, I do understand how your brain got infected, over your mouth
It was you who denied everything for atleast 15 min, until the admin came. And even then you didnt do a fuck.
you guys are seriously retarded assholes, I proposed elimination and you declined and voted battery over and over, of course you pissed me off and we were ready to play goldrush, only after you saw I'm not compromising you then started begging for elimination which you refused beforehand so you can fuck off with all your righteous comments
If im right it said in the logs that you gave us permission to pick another map, i want to bet if we took supply no problems would have occured but since we took a map nobody plays suddenly the logs are no valid proofs for you etc, and we declined your elimination for 2 min max, you declined everything for 20 min atleast and even when the admin said you kept refusing to do it, so im guessing you are the retarded assholes here not us.
gogo domi
im guessing im failing with the logs part but w/e, ill stop give a shit about this retard. every fucking official hes making problems out of nothing.
I didn't give you any permission to do anything, I asked for a possibility to play something other than two times goldrush and I asked if it should happen that only battery isn't picked, we didn't come to any agreement but even if we did it wouldn't matter because anything outside CB arrangements is not binding and that is the reason I asked on the server what shall we do, and you fags declined any sort of agreement by voting directly battery, only after you saw that we're ready to play goldrush again you changed you mind, we were right to ready up and wait for you to be ready since it says that maps are two times goldrush, I don't care what killerboy said on server since the rule is clear and he was wrong, nothing agreed outside matters unless it's done officially on the server or on CB page and I intend to push that just because you acted like assholes

and what every fucking official am I making problems out of nothing? show me you fucking asshole, if you call whining about hitboxes "making problems" then you are even more retarded than I find you

just continue to hide your maps at challenges and have fun with two same maps again
Cannot be bothered to write a serious reply on your comment after your retarded childish behaviour from yesterday.
yes, very childish of us to be ready to play
thats not it, obviously you still did not understand why i think youre childish.
because you tried to fuck us over and we saw it wasn't working so we decided to play goldrush as it was intended, there was obviously no coherent discussion with you possible so why bother talking to you anymore? I think you don't see what's wrong there

funny that you don't find childish what your team tried to do
Sorry, but i never said that i did not think my team wasn't childish they just responded on the situation they always do, every person got his own way of reacting. and clearly you start to ignore every single question.
of course I started to ignore, why should I try and further discussion when it was clear you want it your way? I tried to be nice, both few days before match and on the server, when your team acted like assholes why should I be nice anymore? if you wanted it that way, you got it, I was determined we will follow the official way and the rules, and you know I'm right with the rules and nothing outside CB arrangements is binding, we didn't agree officially on another map so we had to play goldrush 2 times and you had 10 mins between maps to ready up, I will be claiming forfeit after all this
Because you were rupped up 10min you are going to claim a forfeit? wow how sad, we did not agree on anything while you were "ready" i dont see a reason why you should get a forfeit win when we won by 3-1

ps: a admin decided that we had to do a elimination how are you going to solve that?

Edit: cannot find a rule you can claim your forfeit on, so gl trying
you're not supposed to agree on anything, maps clearly say sw_goldrush_te/sw_goldrush_te and there is no post on match page about playing a map different that the ones fixed
But still a admin decided we had to do it this way, so if you get a forfeit win then CB is seriously fucked up because they cant blame us. its not our fault he decided to take a map elimination.
Agreements and arrangements made in the challenge notes field, on the server or elsewhere are not binding. Only the official ladder rules and settings (maps, optional rules) decided on the challenge form should be followed and be considered as the correct rules.

If one clan is short of players or refuses to start the match with the rules agreed upon in the challenge form, the other clan can demand a no-show to be filled in. Remember that challenge notes, the proposed server and agreements made elsewhere are not considered to be binding rules.

it's not your fault? ok then
i will repeat it again, the >ADMIN< decided the map elimination. he also could have forced us to play goldrush again but he didnt.
irrelevant, admin should have given us forfeit win, if you think decisions can't be overturned you're wrong as shown before in CB cases
No he shouldn't, he should have forced us to play grush but he did not do that, not our fault.
it was irrelevant, 15 mins passed between maps and WE were all ready
as far as i could see that rule is discarded when we started to play. did not see it mentioned under the "during a match" rules
nope, wtf discarded lol
couldn't find the right word rofl D:
you asked us if we wanted 2 times swgold or not, we sayd no and you agreed to that. We can choose any map we want after you say that, if you like that map or not. If you would have chosen frostbite or whatever shitmap we wouldnt whine and just play cause its youre map. Its because you knew you would loose at battery from us and didnt want to take a risk, so you try to fuck us over with youre forfeit bullshit, which can be found nowhere in the rules, its only 15 mins IN FRONT of the match, not after a map. Second thing is that even an admin told you to vote for the elimination, and still you didnt want to do that after we proposed that already before an admin was there. We had the idea we could pick any map we want cause of you pming us with that question, so it was only right for us to think we could vote OUR map that WE WANTED. If you then see that you wont win and start some drama, then you are the sad person that tries to fuck us over. I bet that if we voted supply no problems would have been there. You know that yourself to. If we then see that its not going to work out, even though we are right, then we try to keep playing and give you youre elimination. However then you decide to be even bigger retards and just dont say anything anymore for 30 mins, while the admin is even there telling you what you have to do. And for the info Killerboy was talking with Barti about this while he was on the server. They both agreed to this and they are the people that will be handling youre conflict.

Whatever way you look at it, its a lost case for you. The admins that handled the match will handle the conflict, and if you seriously want to go this far by even going to head admins or whatever, then youre the worst loser i ever saw in me entire life. Even worse then myself.

keep the entertainment up ^^
I didn't agree on anything, I gave a proposition which hasn't been completed and it was not officially made on CB match site thus irrelevant completely; even if I had agreed to anything I asked for no battery which you obviously used to your advantage later on, I can equally PROPOSE to fuck all of your mothers but that doesn't have to be agreed on and until it has been allowed no agreement can be made, I never also mentioned that goldrush is either our or your map since we both picked it and I don't know what made you think you get to choose, we played your map first and it was our turn to choose for that matter.

what admin said, and even if he consulted with bartichello, can be overturned, I'll go to chief of ladders and higher because the rule is clear: Agreements and arrangements made in the challenge notes field, on the server or elsewhere are not binding. Only the official ladder rules and settings (maps, optional rules) decided on the challenge form should be followed and be considered as the correct rules.

You didn't want to ready up for 10 mins between maps and we were ready, don't know what's more there to talk about.
1. You didn't want to ready up for 10 mins between maps and we were ready, don't know what's more there to talk about.

That is no rule however you twist or turn it, learn engrish, not when the match is started already

2. I didn't agree on anything, I gave a proposition which hasn't been completed and it was not officially made on CB match site thus irrelevant completely

Then why did you even ask in the first place if you knew it was irrelevant? Now its suddenly irrelevant cause you can use it against us? If you know the rules so good you never should have asked us to change the map, youre own fault.

3. what admin said, and even if he consulted with bartichello, can be overturned, I'll go to chief of ladders and higher because the rule is clear: Agreements and arrangements made in the challenge notes field, on the server or elsewhere are not binding. Only the official ladder rules and settings (maps, optional rules) decided on the challenge form should be followed and be considered as the correct rules.

Good Luck & Have Fun

4.I can equally PROPOSE to fuck all of your mothers but that doesn't have to be agreed on and until it has been allowed no agreement can be made

It can, its called rape.

5. "danL - see you in conflict"

Accept the score and save youre face for whats left of it.
so what you're saying you can indefinitely not ready up without consequences? we'll see; I asked to see what are the possibilities, doesn't necessarily mean it's immediately valid, and I don't have to save any face, as I said, I'm willing to pursue this to the highest point I can
good luck then
3-1 np4us, we pwn every map they dont want ^^

You have € 500 on eu Sssh
You won € 675
loekino fagtard get a life please :<
keep the entertainment up ^^
easy bash np
Yeah potty you were fucking raging! x)