Forum » About GamesTV » Ideas » RSS Feeds of team matches?

gb goatherder
RSS Feeds of team matches? on 09.01.09 14:45

Is there any way of syndicating the feed of matches for any one team? I'd really like to pull over gamesTV content onto my team website but I can't find a way at present, short of doing it manually!

Any ideas?
de cl4ym4n
afaik not possible atm...

You could read the feed via script and filter out everything that doesnt match *teamname*... but aslong as you dont play 15-20 matches a week this would be pretty useless...^^
de arni
i've increased the number of items you can get through rss from 30 to 100 to make it possible for external filtering

please understand that we cant provide a specialised rss version for everything, filtering externally by teamID should be no problem though
gb goatherder
Hi, sorry, Which feed is this?

We tend to play 2-3 matches a week, so this sounds like a good compromise i guess - it'll enable us to pull up the upcoming matches and display them at least?
de arni
check here:
gb goatherder
Hmm would LOVE to work out something along these lines...

RSS Feed filtered to 100 matches and by game
Feed reader filters by team ID
If team ID matched - Enters details into database, if game ID not already in Database
Read feed every 24 hours.
Database used to display past / upcoming games

My Joomla coding skills aint all that good tho... this would be a decent project ^^
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