bugs & suggestions list on
22.03.09 12:26,
Last edited: 29.03.09 11:20
PM Box -> Outbox: read time before sent time, seems like read need +1h. (it's not affected by timezone settings)
€ aka goddamn charset: Do you really need explanation?
Date in forum: Seems like "Today" is not really today, but more like 24 hours backwards from last post the day of last post
Notifications: I'd love to see option to set country which will be highlighted, because I care about every Czech match, and 15 teams is not enough.
ETTV priority: Would be nice if GTV connects first TVs from same countries as playing teams, then ETTVoD enabled, then the rest. It sucks, when I can't broadcast Czech match, because there are 4 German TVs and no slots left...
GBooky ranking charts: Don't you like eye candy charts showing you how much you actually fail last week/month/year?
Other than http links: Currently, you can't use url tag for protocols like ftp, irc and other, because it's converted to string like http://irc//server.tld/blah. Would be nice, if we could use other links too, at least ftp and irc...
Already fixed or implemented
Team/League/Server list: view and seatch our team/league/server database, it should be search, not seatch
My Servers: wrong time for unscheduled matches - seems like if time is set when you add TV and then it's set to unscheduled, it sticks to old time
navbar.center.gif: Seriously, what's that, edited in mspaint with rubber tool? - partially fixed, needs better anti-aliasing now
Yes, I'm sure, look for example at http://www.gamestv.org/forum/14-i-need/242-splendid/ (if someone will post there today, you won't see it again...). Basically any thread with yesterday's replies, but not today's...
How exactly we rule/fail. Ranking/capital/... on one axis, time on second axis. But it's not important at all, stick to better stuff...
There's something weird with that picture, it looks like someone edited it with tool like rubber, because there are two smudges. But it's hard to notice, because it's almost same color as background. Maybe this will help you spot it...
a friend of mine always complained about it not beeing anti-aliased right and provided me with new version - guess that created more new problems than it solved
replaced with old original now - might do the anti-aliasing myself some day - pixel by pixel