Forum » About GamesTV » Ideas » Player of the match vote

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ee sCope
Player of the match vote on 31.03.12 01:40
I had an idea, what if you could add "player of the match" vote to some more skilled games (2-3 stars), is that possible?

What do you guys think?
ro Stary
31.03.12 12:04, Last edited: 31.03.12 12:58
Not a bad idea tho, the player of the match should be generated automatic based on stats :D or average between stats and votes
it krazy
ee Nukits
Not bad idea :p
nl h3ll
Sounds good ;o
de mental
well, pushes only the ego which get called mvp of the match but why not
pl promyy
+1, i really like this.
pl fanatic
Quote by StaryNot a bad idea tho, the player of the match should be generated automatic based on stats :D or average between stats and votes

based on stats.. oh well and now every player will play rambo for stats just to get some stupid mvp award of the game :D
generally it's a good idea but it should be possible to vote for every player, so for example I can vote for "PlayerX" who did amazing doc run or made some awesome revives.
pl Robert
Quote by StaryNot a bad idea tho, the player of the match should be generated automatic based on stats :D or average between stats and votes

what if someone gets shit dmg and kills, but those few kills he makes are important e.g. getting 3 guys on full and team progresses well through objective, securing parts few times in awesome 1on1 and shit
fr Rashomon
Don't generate it on stats that would be stupid. But a vote system, why not
fi Blindi-
seems like KRP has some voting to do if this idea goes through
de seareal
vote like a pool ya digg'
us ceres3
Group of players will vote for the same player over and over again.
This kind of a system can only work if there is something like a committee of say 20 SELECTED people who vote on the MVPS of each match.
nl saKen
Quote by fanatic`
Quote by StaryNot a bad idea tho, the player of the match should be generated automatic based on stats :D or average between stats and votes

based on stats.. oh well and now every player will play rambo for stats just to get some stupid mvp award of the game :D
generally it's a good idea but it should be possible to vote for every player, so for example I can vote for "PlayerX" who did amazing doc run or made some awesome revives.

not like they don't do that now :D
au biggz
allowing viewers to vote would mostly be ok, although matches involving certain countries (po..*cough*), would result in a player being voted MvP even if their team gets rolled.
fr Kartez
inb4 fanboys voting for their idol
fr Le Rapk
I'm agree with fanatic
ee sCope
Quote by ceres3Group of players will vote for the same player over and over again.
This kind of a system can only work if there is something like a committee of say 20 SELECTED people who vote on the MVPS of each match.

that could work :)
se vimm
nl h3ll
Quote by vimm

u drunk?
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