To make sure that everyone that brings visitors to gtv gets linked back by us, we've implemented a feature called "Friends link Friends" into the site which you might have seen in form of the new "community" box in the lower left corner.
How does it work?
Every incoming visitor is accounted by gtv and the site he came from is put into the first position of the community box, linking other gtv visitors back to your page.
Your link will move down in the list when other sites bring in new visitors until the refering site sends another visitor - a fair concept imo ;-)
How to link?
You can link us in any way you want and have done before, for example through our linkbutton(s) or the matchinfo images.

Sites with own icons on gtv
Currently you see xfire on top of the list with a pretty prominent banner. You want the same? Its simple!
On the site you link from, create an image at http://<domain>/images/button.gif - preferably 88x31 pixels in size (otherwise we resize automatically) - gtv will automatically find the image 12 to 24 hours after you placed it there.
For people more experienced with html, you can also put the image in a different location and hint gtv for its location. Do do so, create a tag as follows in the header of your index page: <link rel="logo" href="<relative link>" />. The same rules apply as for the fixed url method.
Problem with anything?
Just reply to this thread ^^
So place gtv links on your clan or community pages to strengthen the community - Friends link Friends ;-)