Hello! Since I am doing my last year education, I need to go on a "trial". Working in a company for 20 days, well this is my first day! And I have to say... I <3 work! My main task is programming a GUI in PHP so employees could add the work hours, subjets, etc... I'll present it to you one day! Ow yes, too bad I didn't see a hot American girl when arriving (Hi,  Anaconda). Friendly greetings,  Snake
u'll </3 work in 2 weeks :)
Naaah. Friendly people, I can smoke whenever I want, free coffee etc...
take this advice and use a template engine right from the beginning
(for examply smarty, thats the one we use ;-) )
or even better an mvc framework
lol only 20 days?
lol trial for 20 days
tahts lame :D
i had 60 :D