Forum » Our Games » Enemy Territory » ET Problem

gb GaZ
ET Problem on 01.12.08 19:31, Last edited: 01.12.08 19:38
Ok, I have been playing today all fine, Then earlier I kept getting a window pop up saying ET.exe is not responding, send error report/dont send blablabla.

I reconnected, then got kicked for [INTEGRITY].
Reconnected again, got kicked for corrupted file/memory.

My 2.55 works fine.
What does it mean and how can I fix this?
P.S. I have reinstalled it but still wont work.
de w0nd3r
wanna playing etpro 2.60b or whut?
if yes:
gb GaZ
Also get kicked for 'GAME INTEGRITY' #20006
gb GaZ
ee Popidiot
gb GaZ
Yep, i run PBsetup.exe and updated.
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