After a long time thinking about changing things in one way or another, we finally have something new.
Extra money for people with less than 100 People with less than 100 capital now recieve 10 per 24 hours - thats twice as much as before. But there is also a new limitation to it. You only get this money if you visit the page. Like this we want to give more to active people and less to inactive or double accounts that just hang around.
Rankings changed to absolute values The rankings have been changed to the abs30 value - so the absolute money that you won or lost within the past 30 days (This does not include "extra money" ofc). It has become aparent that the old perf30 ranking highly disadvantages people with a lot of money that that have to risk a lot to get a good performance, while people with 100 or less can play high risk bets to "luck" a good performance. The absolute ranking should now reward people that persistently bet well.