EU Winter Leagues on
13.01.09 15:24,
Last edited: 13.01.09 15:44
The year has not even passed, and yet we have something exciting for you for the next one! What could this be? More Leagues, more Speed, more Fun - Don't miss the EU Winter Leagues!
Check out the details and prepare to drive! The Leagues will include four different modes. The first should be known, as it are a 1on1 Fun League with the Shorty Mappack and a 2on2 Speed League. The other two however, were chosen by you! Christmas right before us, we fulfil wishes: You told us for some time you wanted Nadeo Pro A maps. Well, here they are! After some big brake the Pro A maps are back on track. We have a 1on1 and a Team Rounds Pro A League to move back to good old times a bit. We hope you enjoy them, as we gave the matter quite some thought.