Gambling Stats

no Trubel's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 3284 Total Set Money 88274 €
Winning Percentage 32 % Losing Percentage 68 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 [ 141 ] 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 [...] 161
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 01.04.08 21:00 Northern Allstars de 1.39 vs. 3.56 de Eastern Allstars 10 € on de EAST Won 36€
et 01.04.08 18:00 Fallen Angels cz 2.03 vs. 1.97 eu Krauts 5 € on cz FA Bet was cancelled
tf2 31.03.08 22:00 Explosion c4 it 1.24 vs. 5.19 it ask+cry 5 € on it ec4 Won 6€
sc 31.03.08 21:00 MYM.Gentleman de 1.27 vs. 4.76 de HoRRoR.T-ScT- 5 € on de HoRRoR Lost
et 31.03.08 18:30 ouTplayed pl 1.31 vs. 4.24 pl TrueTeam Multigaming 5 € on pl TT Won 21€
et 31.03.08 16:00 Spilt jp 2.76 vs. 1.57 jp Gaming yellow monkeys 5 € on jp Gym| Won 8€
et 31.03.08 02:00 Eternal Warriors pl 5.24 vs. 1.24 ca cdap-verSuz 5 € on pl eTw' Bet was cancelled
qw 30.03.08 21:00 Vicious and Evil eu 1.06 vs. 16.39 de team dropzone 5 € on de d.Zone Lost
et 30.03.08 21:00 Finland fi 1.94 vs. 2.06 de Germany 20 € on fi FIN Lost
et 30.03.08 21:00 uQuk #force'gaming nl 16.93 vs. 1.06 hr Cortana 5 € on nl uQuk Lost
et 30.03.08 21:00 pstarZ eu 1.11 vs. 10.00 eu Krauts 5 € on eu krts Bet was cancelled
et 30.03.08 21:00 9th Dimension at 1.93 vs. 2.07 fr Catharsis bullet Zealot 5 € on fr CbZ Won 10€
et 30.03.08 20:30 Firew!nd pl 6.01 vs. 1.20 eu Random Gaming 5 € on pl Fw Bet was cancelled
et 30.03.08 20:15 Fallen Angels cz 3.97 vs. 1.35 be sEKTOR 5 € on cz FA Bet was cancelled
et 30.03.08 20:00 37th Division - Spanish Squad es 1.48 vs. 3.08 fi Softcore Finland 5 € on fi ScF Lost
et 30.03.08 19:00 Random Gaming eu 2.56 vs. 1.64 pl invitium @ #team-result 5 € on pl invitium Bet was cancelled
et 29.03.08 22:00 Ukraine ua 6.98 vs. 1.17 eu Baltia-Germany 5 € on ua UA Lost
et 29.03.08 21:45 addicts klan pt 1.19 vs. 6.35 hu V@ZZE Will Vanquish 5 € on hu vWv Lost
et 29.03.08 21:30 playWithstyle/pixels it 2.18 vs. 1.85 pl esQarial 5 € on pl esQarial Lost
qw 29.03.08 21:00 Violent @ MustBePro pl 1.17 vs. 6.82 cz Steel mill workers 5 € on cz |sMw| Lost
et 29.03.08 21:00 Masuj dzika pl 1.10 vs. 11.36 pl 10 € on pl crm Lost
et 29.03.08 21:00 Western Russia ru 2.51 vs. 1.66 ua Ukraine 5 € on ru West Lost
et 29.03.08 20:00 Ukraine ua 1.42 vs. 3.39 ru Northern Russia 5 € on ru North Lost
et 29.03.08 19:30 Detonation XL nl 1.16 vs. 7.14 pl Eternal Warriors 10 € on pl eTw' Lost
et 29.03.08 19:00 Eastern Russia ru 1.21 vs. 5.86 ru Western Russia 1 € on ru West Lost
1 [...] 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 [ 141 ] 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 [...] 161