Gambling Stats

nl Xo!'s Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 558 Total Set Money 114032 €
Winning Percentage 55 % Losing Percentage 45 %
Total Money 1916.72 € Total Capital 1916.72 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [ 10 ] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 [...] 27
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 12.08.10 22:00 the queens pl 1.91 vs. 2.11 gb xZist - Gaming 250 € on gb xZist Bet was cancelled
et 12.08.10 21:30 Team Survive de 3.79 vs. 1.36 pl Polish Game Control 250 € on pl PGC Bet was cancelled
et 12.08.10 21:00 Team Dignitas gb 1.35 vs. 3.88 gb Impact Gaming 250 € on gb Impact Won 970€
et 11.08.10 21:00 Team Normality eu 4.27 vs. 1.31 eu Runo<3 500 € on eu eA Won 655€
et 10.08.10 22:00 unKind gb 2.45 vs. 1.69 eu #PlixPlax 250 € on eu plixplax Lost
et 10.08.10 21:00 heroes4ever fr 1.75 vs. 2.33 fi PALLOT 250 € on fr hFE Bet was cancelled
et 03.08.10 23:00 xZist - Gaming gb 1.10 vs. 11.40 fi Left Hand Solution 1,000 € on gb xZist Won 1,100€
et 03.08.10 22:00 Frogs of War pl 1.16 vs. 7.07 pl bacardi gaming 2,000 € on pl fROGS Won 2,320€
et 02.08.10 23:00 Death in Excess us 9.47 vs. 1.12 fi Happiness 250 € on fi happy:) Bet was cancelled
et 28.07.10 20:00 Frogs of War pl 1.14 vs. 8.19 eu always stuck 250 € on pl fROGS Won 285€
et 27.07.10 22:30 darts-Team pl 3.61 vs. 1.38 pl LANheroes 250 € on pl lh Bet was cancelled
et 27.07.10 21:00 rockit.ET de 1.29 vs. 4.46 de SPEEDLINK 250 € on de Ri Bet was cancelled
et 27.07.10 20:30 imposito nl 2.87 vs. 1.53 ch kisskool 250 € on ch kisskool Lost
et 26.07.10 23:00 ofc ofc vent vent eu 1.34 vs. 3.91 gr Romeo&Julia 250 € on eu ofc ofc Won 335€
et 26.07.10 22:00 Impact Gaming gb 2.01 vs. 1.99 be OVERLOAd 250 € on gb Impact Won 503€
et 26.07.10 22:00 Ictus eu 1.13 vs. 8.60 be AntiClimax 250 € on eu ICTUS Won 283€
et 25.07.10 21:15 es 7.96 vs. 1.14 fr FaMaS 250 € on fr FaMaS Won 285€
et 20.07.10 21:30 Polish Game Control pl 1.44 vs. 3.29 pl Vae Victis 250 € on pl victis Lost
et 19.07.10 23:30 the zoo gb 3.27 vs. 1.44 eu odium 250 € on gb zoo Won 818€
et 19.07.10 22:00 Frogz Squad fr 1.52 vs. 2.91 pl head hunters 500 € on pl :h Lost
et 19.07.10 20:00 3 against the world eu 2.28 vs. 1.78 es 250 € on eu 3atw Won 570€
et 19.07.10 20:00 spirit of nl 1.70 vs. 2.42 pl team-effect 250 € on nl spirit/ Won 425€
et 19.07.10 19:00 myRevenge e.V. #sGp de 1.89 vs. 2.12 fi red as a beetroot 250 € on fi RAAB Won 530€
et 16.07.10 17:30 island breeze be 3.86 vs. 1.35 de wnbpro 250 € on de wnbpro Won 338€
et 15.07.10 21:15 Team Dignitas gb 2.10 vs. 1.91 fi Fintastic 5 250 € on gb Lost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [ 10 ] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 [...] 27