Gambling Stats

de ^Zero's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 442 Total Set Money 73180 €
Winning Percentage 66 % Losing Percentage 34 %
Total Money 100.00 € Total Capital 100 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [ 8 ] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [...] 21
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 27.01.11 21:15 Team Decerto nl 1.08 vs. 13.25 de noBra!n 875 € on nl decerto Bet was cancelled
et 26.01.11 20:00 Most Valuable Players eu 1.22 vs. 5.53 eu 765 € on eu MvP Won 933€
et 25.01.11 21:30 to Make odds even pl 1.14 vs. 8.02 gb versatile.ET 75 € on pl tMoe Won 86€
et 24.01.11 21:00 PIMMELBANDE de 1.51 vs. 2.97 pl idem 89 € on de PIMMEL Lost
et 24.01.11 21:00 Finland fi 1.02 vs. 55.40 no Norway 750 € on fi FIN Won 765€
et 23.01.11 21:00 Team Decerto nl 1.38 vs. 3.64 pl to Make odds even 250 € on nl decerto Lost
et 23.01.11 21:00 VIP.Gaming dk 9.52 vs. 1.12 de 75 € on de reVeal Won 84€
et 23.01.11 20:00 Team Germany #1 de 1.11 vs. 10.33 fr Team France #2 500 € on de 1.DE Won 555€
et 23.01.11 17:00 Team Netherlands #2 nl 1.20 vs. 6.06 de Team Germany #3 500 € on nl NED#2 Won 600€
et 19.01.11 21:30 K1ck eSports Club ee 1.78 vs. 2.28 de teamoxid 117 € on de oxid Lost
et 18.01.11 21:00 to Make odds even pl 2.68 vs. 1.60 fi red as a beetroot 125 € on fi RAAB Lost
et 09.01.11 21:30 K1ck eSports Club ee 1.40 vs. 3.53 eu 250 € on ee k1ck Lost
et 09.01.11 20:00 team - target nl 1.44 vs. 3.29 de myRevenge e.V. #sGp 367 € on nl trgt Bet was cancelled
et 06.01.11 21:00 Team Decerto nl 1.21 vs. 5.77 ca hiatus 367 € on nl decerto Bet was cancelled
et 06.01.11 19:00 team exitium eu 1.62 vs. 2.60 de teamoxid 250 € on eu ext3 Lost
et 04.01.11 21:00 Most Valuable Players eu 1.37 vs. 3.71 de SPEEDLINK 975 € on de SL Won 3,617€
et 02.01.11 22:00 WinFakt! be 1.83 vs. 2.21 pl high five 725 € on be WinFakt! Bet was cancelled
et 22.12.10 22:00 Lost Soldiers de 2.83 vs. 1.55 eu 192 € on de lost^ Lost
et 22.12.10 21:00 An Heroes fi 1.58 vs. 2.73 fi Fintastic 5 425 € on fi F5 Bet was cancelled
et 21.12.10 19:00 red as a beetroot fi 2.29 vs. 1.77 pl to Make odds even 75 € on pl tMoe Lost
et 19.12.10 21:15 SPEEDLINK de 1.02 vs. 50.03 nl vital Gaming 200 € on de SL Won 204€
et 19.12.10 19:00 stronger than hate eu 1.26 vs. 4.79 fi red as a beetroot 550 € on eu sth Won 693€
et 19.12.10 19:00 TAG eu 6.52 vs. 1.18 eu ANIMELINUXNERDCLUB 175 € on eu alnc Bet was cancelled
et 19.12.10 19:00 SPEEDLINK de 1.41 vs. 3.41 pl to Make odds even 250 € on de SL Bet was cancelled
et 19.12.10 19:00 teamoxid de 5.48 vs. 1.22 de SPEEDLINK 250 € on de SL Won 305€
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [ 8 ] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [...] 21