Gambling Stats

de hitman1510's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 241 Total Set Money 2556 €
Winning Percentage 73 % Losing Percentage 27 %
Total Money 255.58 € Total Capital 255.58 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 [ 6 ] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 20.04.08 19:00 Hungary hu 1.25 vs. 5.00 it Italy 10 € on hu HUN Won 13€
et 20.04.08 18:00 Detonation XL nl 1.31 vs. 4.25 eu Personality Team 10 € on nl Deto Won 13€
et 18.04.08 22:00 Trivium pl 1.19 vs. 6.35 pl vodkateam 5 € on pl T Lost
et 18.04.08 22:00 Previous eu 1.25 vs. 4.95 eu Personality Team 5 € on eu << Won 6€
et 18.04.08 20:00 eXert @ 54th Gaming pl 1.43 vs. 3.31 eu Divine Intervention v2 5 € on pl 54th Won 7€
et 18.04.08 20:00 vodkateam pl 1.46 vs. 3.15 nl Detonation XL 5 € on nl Deto Won 16€
et 17.04.08 22:00 Team Vagrants it 9.47 vs. 1.12 eu oceans6 54 € on eu o6 Bet was cancelled
et 17.04.08 21:45 Norway no 1.22 vs. 5.46 pt Portugal 17 € on no NOR Won 21€
qw 17.04.08 21:30 Vicious and Evil eu 1.14 vs. 8.33 de w4sp 10 € on eu VAE Lost
et 15.04.08 21:30 blurred-vision pl 5.36 vs. 1.23 pl 1stCav eSports Club 10 € on pl 1stCav Won 12€
et 15.04.08 21:30 overload be 1.33 vs. 4.01 fi Incomplete 50 € on be ovr Lost
rtcw 15.04.08 21:15 gc60 be 1.15 vs. 7.71 eu rtcwcon 12 € on be gc60 Won 14€
et 15.04.08 21:15 euGaming eu 3.77 vs. 1.36 fr !FAMA$! 25 € on fr !FAMA$! Won 34€
et 15.04.08 21:00 One4One eu 1.14 vs. 8.35 fi replay/ Identical.v2 20 € on eu one4one Won 23€
et 15.04.08 21:00 Lost Soldiers #alpha de 1.15 vs. 7.84 pl Military Intelligence section 6 10 € on de lost^ Won 12€
et 15.04.08 20:00 Anti #Gaming nl 3.26 vs. 1.44 pl High Quality 10 € on pl HQ` Lost
et 14.04.08 22:00 TAG eu 1.38 vs. 3.66 gb UnKind 20 € on eu TAG Lost
et 14.04.08 21:15 skR. eu 7.87 vs. 1.15 ee kustoM 13 € on ee kM Bet was cancelled
et 14.04.08 21:00 it 34.35 vs. 1.03 eu kirwa kirwanderin kirwurit 20 € on eu Kirwa Won 21€
qw 14.04.08 21:00 Team-CoolerMaster gb 3.60 vs. 1.38 pl @ UCP 5 € on gb TCM Bet was cancelled
et 14.04.08 20:00 54th Gaming pl 1.50 vs. 3.01 fi Finnish Unknown Soldiers 20 € on pl 54th Won 30€
et 14.04.08 20:00 Team-Poland 3on3 pl 1.25 vs. 4.98 no Norway 20 € on pl POL Lost
et 14.04.08 19:30 The Gathering Clan gb 1.43 vs. 3.34 eu UME e-Sports 6 € on eu [ume] Won 20€
et 14.04.08 19:30 p00ners nl 6.00 vs. 1.20 pl vodkateam 5 € on nl p00n Lost
qw 13.04.08 22:30 Four Kings gb 1.08 vs. 12.78 us The United Force 29 € on gb 4K Won 31€
1 2 3 4 5 [ 6 ] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13