Gambling Stats

ee D.I.O's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 583 Total Set Money 8741 €
Winning Percentage 26 % Losing Percentage 74 %
Total Money 389.68 € Total Capital 389.68 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [ 8 ] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [...] 28
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 09.04.08 22:15 Imsersus es 7.55 vs. 1.15 ee 5 € on ee uNr Bet was cancelled
qw 09.04.08 21:30 GRolanD.ETQW fr 1.35 vs. 3.88 se eyegaming 5 € on se eye Lost
et 09.04.08 21:30 overload be 1.18 vs. 6.41 de HighBot 5 € on de HB Lost
et 09.04.08 21:00 neVerminds pl 1.33 vs. 4.04 sk ESVKA 2nd div 5 € on sk e2 Lost
et 09.04.08 21:00 menTiz eu 1.08 vs. 13.27 cz inteRaction 5 € on cz iR Lost
et 09.04.08 21:00 de 1.78 vs. 2.28 eu goestoHollywood.ET 10 € on eu gtH Won 23€
et 09.04.08 21:00 Rebellion pl 15.70 vs. 1.07 pl idem @ multiplegaming 5 € on pl rL Lost
et 09.04.08 20:30 France fr 11.57 vs. 1.09 fi Finland #2 5 € on fr FRA Lost
et 09.04.08 19:30 South.Poland pl 4.02 vs. 1.33 pl East.Poland 5 € on pl South. Draw
et 09.04.08 18:00 North.Poland pl 5.28 vs. 1.23 pl West.Poland 5 € on pl North. Draw
qw 08.04.08 21:30 [1stCav] Multigaming pl 2.07 vs. 1.93 it Team VagrantS.EtQw 10 € on it VgS. Lost
et 08.04.08 21:30 Impact Gaming gb 1.06 vs. 18.53 fr dESIRE 5 € on fr dESIRE Lost
et 08.04.08 21:15 8Bits hu 2.13 vs. 1.89 pl ElitePlayers 10 € on hu 8Bits Lost
et 08.04.08 21:00 de 5.92 vs. 1.20 de 5 € on de Nbg Lost
et 08.04.08 20:00 Punk'd ee 1.23 vs. 5.32 ee Yawnwarriors 5 € on ee yW Bet was cancelled
qw 08.04.08 20:00 pHys1x Multigaming eu 1.32 vs. 4.11 be Team Arctic 5 € on be Arctic. Won 21€
et 08.04.08 19:15 South.Poland pl 15.52 vs. 1.07 pl West.Poland 5 € on pl South. Lost
et 08.04.08 18:00 North.Poland pl 1.63 vs. 2.60 pl East.Poland 10 € on pl East. Lost
et 08.04.08 04:00 Ellipsis ca 2.46 vs. 1.68 us Kill 4 Fun USA 5 € on us K4F Bet was cancelled
et 07.04.08 21:30 Impact Gaming gb 1.08 vs. 13.00 eu TAG 5 € on eu TAG Lost
et 07.04.08 21:15 Ile de France fr 1.09 vs. 12.52 fr Paca 5 € on fr ** Lost
sc 07.04.08 21:00 MYM.Gentleman de 1.12 vs. 9.17 se NaW-merz 6 € on se merz Lost
et 07.04.08 21:00 team - target nl 1.24 vs. 5.13 de dreamTheater 8 € on de dtheater Lost
et 07.04.08 21:00 Incomplete fi 5.50 vs. 1.22 nl overload 10 € on fi Inc Lost
et 07.04.08 21:00 The Gathering Clan gb 29.17 vs. 1.04 eu hardboys 5 € on gb TG Lost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [ 8 ] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [...] 28