Gambling Stats

de kaZoo's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 135 Total Set Money 24018 €
Winning Percentage 79 % Losing Percentage 21 %
Total Money 396.67 € Total Capital 396.67 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 [ 6 ] 7
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 31.01.08 21:00 Estonia ee 1.13 vs. 8.76 lv Latvia 115 € on ee EST Lost
et 31.01.08 21:00 Trivium pl 1.08 vs. 13.07 pl fraternity 88 € on pl T Bet was cancelled
et 31.01.08 18:00 Veni Vidi Vici pl 2.56 vs. 1.64 eu Authentic Gaming 22 € on eu Auth Lost
et 30.01.08 21:00 Hungary hu 10.82 vs. 1.10 pl Poland 204 € on pl POL Won 224€
ws 29.01.08 20:30 sohei alpha de 1.14 vs. 7.94 de sohei beta 69 € on de soh Won 79€
et 28.01.08 20:00 re-play eu 1.10 vs. 11.12 fi Duck n Cover 177 € on eu re-play Won 195€
et 27.01.08 22:30 Netherlands nl 1.05 vs. 22.34 it Italy 168 € on nl NED Won 176€
et 27.01.08 20:00 neVerminds pl 22.63 vs. 1.05 pl savak 160 € on pl savak Won 168€
et 25.01.08 22:00 Chile cl 19.29 vs. 1.05 pl Poland 153 € on pl POL Won 161€
et 21.01.08 21:00 Finland fi 1.08 vs. 13.75 cz Czech Republic 141 € on fi FIN Won 152€
et 20.01.08 22:00 Western Europe eu 1.12 vs. 9.64 eu Eastern Europe 47 € on eu West Won 53€
et 20.01.08 21:30 Eastern Europe eu 1.34 vs. 3.91 eu Northern Europe 38 € on eu East Won 51€
et 20.01.08 19:00 Eastern Europe eu 1.56 vs. 2.78 eu Southern Europe 34 € on eu East Won 53€
et 20.01.08 18:00 Northern Europe eu 6.21 vs. 1.19 eu Western Europe 23 € on eu West Won 27€
et 16.01.08 21:00 onemove eu 6.01 vs. 1.20 eu Authentic Gaming 15 € on eu Auth Won 18€
et 14.01.08 22:15 Mazz nl 9.74 vs. 1.11 fr muse-gaming 33 € on fr muse Won 37€
et 13.01.08 21:00 savak pl 4.63 vs. 1.28 be EDiT 27 € on be EDiT Won 35€
et 10.01.08 21:00 dark&beyond eu 1.10 vs. 10.86 nl Friends in Forces 5 € on eu d&b Lost
et 10.01.08 21:00 kojak de 1.08 vs. 13.19 cz magic balloons 10 € on de k*jak Won 11€
et 10.01.08 21:00 EDiT be 1.20 vs. 5.90 pl diversus 10 € on be EDiT Lost
et 10.01.08 21:00 Authentic Gaming eu 1.10 vs. 10.54 cz NecroRaisers 10 € on eu Auth Won 11€
et 10.01.08 20:00 knightje de 1.36 vs. 3.75 at 9th-xXx 5 € on de knightje Won 7€
et 08.01.08 21:30 executors pl 8.65 vs. 1.13 pl Fear Factory X-Fi 13 € on pl FF X-Fi Won 15€
et 08.01.08 20:30 Chill on Fire eu 1.22 vs. 5.52 cz magic balloons 17 € on eu cof Won 21€
et 07.01.08 20:30 Authentic Gaming eu 1.10 vs. 10.99 pl savak 29 € on eu Auth Lost
1 2 3 4 5 [ 6 ] 7