Gambling Stats

de Alex.fu's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 2587 Total Set Money 1605995 €
Winning Percentage 58 % Losing Percentage 42 %
Total Money 33817.33 € Total Capital 33817.33 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [ 9 ] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [...] 121
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 17.01.12 21:00 France fr 1.60 vs. 2.67 no Norway 10,000 € on fr FRA Bet was cancelled
et 15.01.12 21:00 PowerMaurerClanGermany de 2.01 vs. 1.99 ru etcfg 1,000 € on de PMCG Won 2,010€
et 14.01.12 15:30 NtF niettefilmen nl 1.23 vs. 5.35 eu team manto 1,000 € on nl NtF Won 1,230€
et 11.01.12 20:00 turbot fi 10.81 vs. 1.10 eu Queens 4,000 € on eu Queens Bet was cancelled
et 08.01.12 21:00 Play With Soul eu 1.29 vs. 4.42 de PowerMaurerClanGermany 250 € on eu pw5 Lost
et 15.12.11 21:30 Old Stars Sweden se 1.73 vs. 2.38 ru etcfg 1,000 € on ru etcfg Won 2,380€
et 05.12.11 17:00 to Make odds even pl 3.21 vs. 1.45 gb encrypt 250 € on pl tMoe Lost
et 05.12.11 16:45 priests+ it 2.57 vs. 1.64 fi avenue69 500 € on fi ave Won 820€
et 29.11.11 16:45 SURE #srv de 2.58 vs. 1.63 fi turbot 250 € on de SURE Won 645€
et 28.11.11 17:15 Fuck Off And Die pl 5.47 vs. 1.22 pl Threesome 250 € on pl 3soMe Won 305€
et 27.11.11 21:00 gaming2perfection eu 1.99 vs. 2.01 eu Queens 1,000 € on eu g2p Lost
et 21.11.11 21:30 zeroskill pl 2.12 vs. 1.89 de PowerMaurerClanGermany 1,000 € on de PMCG Lost
et 15.11.11 22:00 Anexis eSports de 1.50 vs. 3.02 eu Queens 5,000 € on de Anexis Bet was cancelled
et 14.11.11 20:30 Anexis eSports de 1.45 vs. 3.23 eu gaming2perfection 500 € on de Anexis Won 725€
et 13.11.11 19:00 HighBot de 1.09 vs. 11.73 de teamoxid 250 € on de oxid Lost
et 06.11.11 21:00 disQonnect de 1.50 vs. 3.01 pl back 2 kill 250 € on de dQ Won 375€
et 02.11.11 21:00 Hells Angels pl 2.45 vs. 1.69 de PowerMaurerClanGermany 250 € on de PMCG Won 423€
et 30.10.11 21:00 TEAM warpig| de 1.58 vs. 2.73 de Team xlibres 250 € on de xls Lost
et 30.10.11 21:00 eu 34.43 vs. 1.03 de PowerMaurerClanGermany 1,000 € on de PMCG Won 1,030€
et 30.10.11 20:15 Exorcists cz 1.53 vs. 2.89 cz Bones 250 € on cz bones Lost
et 27.10.11 21:00 Team Decerto nl 1.24 vs. 5.25 pl back 2 kill 2,000 € on nl decerto Won 2,480€
et 26.10.11 21:30 Catharsis bullet Zealot fr 1.81 vs. 2.24 eu bSTURZ 250 € on fr CbZ Bet was cancelled
et 25.10.11 20:30 TEAM warpig| de 2.87 vs. 1.53 de PowerMaurerClanGermany 1,000 € on de PMCG Won 1,530€
et 24.10.11 21:30 TAG eu 1.85 vs. 2.18 de teamoxid 250 € on eu TAG Lost
et 23.10.11 22:15 Cortana hr 2.31 vs. 1.76 de teamoxid 250 € on hr Cor Lost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [ 9 ] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [...] 121