Gambling Stats

pl Steefan's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 4512 Total Set Money 50820 €
Winning Percentage 41 % Losing Percentage 59 %
Total Money 40237.05 € Total Capital 40237.05 €

Recent Bets

Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 09.10.12 19:00 Still One Gaming eu 3.63 vs. 1.38 de German Gaming Club 2 € on de GGC Won 3€
et 09.10.12 14:30 OUTRAGEd eSports eu 3.66 vs. 1.38 fi Improper Bastards 1 € on eu OUTRAGEd Lost
et 07.10.12 21:00 Effectus nl 3.70 vs. 1.37 pl devilry 1 € on nl e: Lost
et 07.10.12 20:00 TeAm eNigmA eu 2.04 vs. 1.96 fi 1 € on fi TECHNO Lost
et 07.10.12 19:00 bSTURZ eu 4.00 vs. 1.33 fi turbot 1 € on eu bSTURZ Won 4€
et 01.10.12 23:15 Grenades Galore us 23.12 vs. 1.05 eu Queens 1 € on us G+ Lost
et 01.10.12 22:15 Runo<3 eu 2.22 vs. 1.82 pl neVerminds 2 € on pl nVm Lost
et 30.09.12 23:45 Echelon pl 1.05 vs. 22.24 pt Royalblood 2 € on pl echelon Won 2€
et 30.09.12 23:00 eXecutors eu 16.99 vs. 1.06 ee V. dieSel 2 € on eu .eXe Lost
et 30.09.12 22:00 TAG eu 1.03 vs. 30.45 de MYSTERIOUS MONKEYS 5 € on eu TAG Won 5€
et 30.09.12 21:00 Team Decerto nl 1.02 vs. 51.24 nl Effectus 1 € on nl e: Lost
et 30.09.12 20:30 neVerminds pl 2.59 vs. 1.63 fr Loca 1 € on pl nVm Lost
et 29.09.12 22:45 bacardi team pl 1.09 vs. 12.53 eu innerSense 10 € on pl bacardi Won 11€
et 28.08.12 21:15 ProGamerS it 4.17 vs. 1.32 pl FURIA v2 2 € on pl FURIA Won 3€
et 27.08.12 20:00 Kolme Raitaa fi 3.19 vs. 1.46 nl noble 2 € on nl nobLe Won 3€
et 26.08.12 21:00 bSTURZ eu 38.85 vs. 1.03 nl Team Decerto 5 € on nl decerto Won 5€
et 26.08.12 20:45 Plan B eu 1.34 vs. 3.93 pl fractal 1 € on pl fractal Bet was cancelled
et 26.08.12 20:00 Damon ro 1.14 vs. 8.38 de Lagz 1 € on de Lagz Lost
et 24.08.12 15:00 pl 11.32 vs. 1.10 pl oXimize 1 € on pl oXimize Won 1€
et 24.08.12 00:15 hARMEN be 1.49 vs. 3.02 si m1tja 3 € on be hARMEN Won 4€
et 23.08.12 22:30 LineSport pl 1.17 vs. 6.79 pl x7-Enzo 1 € on pl LS Won 1€
et 23.08.12 21:30 es 1.91 vs. 2.10 fi red as a beetroot 2 € on fi RAAB Lost
et 23.08.12 21:00 Caution! li 2.12 vs. 1.89 eu 1 € on eu follow - Won 2€
et 23.08.12 20:00 red as a beetroot fi 1.95 vs. 2.05 eu Devastation 1 € on eu deV Bet was cancelled
et 23.08.12 16:45 turbot fi 2.56 vs. 1.64 nl aegrus 10 € on nl ae Won 16€