Gambling Stats

cz secco's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 3026 Total Set Money 65235 €
Winning Percentage 68 % Losing Percentage 32 %
Total Money 103.00 € Total Capital 103 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 6 [ 7 ] 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [...] 145
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 07.11.10 18:00 fi 1.96 vs. 2.04 de Susi&Strolch<3 50 € on de S&S<3 Lost
et 07.11.10 18:00 red as a beetroot fi 1.50 vs. 3.01 de The Outcasts 30 € on fi RAAB Lost
et 07.11.10 11:00 Horses au 2.85 vs. 1.69 au 51 € on au ~,=,^ Bet was cancelled
et 06.11.10 21:00 super team jp 1.39 vs. 3.59 pl OCB slim 30 € on jp SUPER Won 42€
et 06.11.10 20:00 nl 1.23 vs. 5.26 de Dancing Dingos 30 € on nl fNtix, Bet was cancelled
et 05.11.10 20:00 Project GAMMA pl 1.23 vs. 5.41 eu Good friends 50 € on pl Project Won 62€
et 04.11.10 23:30 Pardubice cz 1.02 vs. 57.11 cz 100 € on cz Pce Won 102€
et 04.11.10 21:45 Vae Victis pl 4.49 vs. 1.29 dk Rage-Gaming 50 € on dk RAGE Won 65€
et 04.11.10 21:30 ee 19.91 vs. 1.05 gb Team Dignitas 100 € on gb Won 105€
et 04.11.10 21:30 schilleR eSports nl 3.16 vs. 1.46 de teamKR 30 € on de teamKR Won 44€
et 04.11.10 21:30 Wolf Crazy Killer be 6.54 vs. 1.18 fi turbot 20 € on be WCK Lost
et 04.11.10 21:00 venom.ET de 1.42 vs. 3.38 eu mikeh's low gamers 20 € on eu mLG Lost
et 04.11.10 21:00 Pharaons fr 2.48 vs. 1.67 eu [*EU*]United Soldiers of Europe 50 € on eu [*EU*] Bet was cancelled
et 04.11.10 20:00 Exorcists cz 3.27 vs. 1.44 pl Energy 30 € on pl e! Won 43€
rtcw 02.11.10 22:00 Rest In Pain eu 1.12 vs. 9.18 eu Knock Out 30 € on eu KO Draw
et 02.11.10 21:30 smashed de 1.21 vs. 5.82 at pLug&pLay 19 € on at p&p Lost
et 01.11.10 21:00 Aero Gaming gb 1.41 vs. 3.44 ee 50 € on ee Squad Lost
et 31.10.10 21:00 SPEEDLINK de 1.04 vs. 28.33 de The Outcasts 70 € on de SL Lost
et 31.10.10 21:00 Team Dignitas gb 1.19 vs. 6.21 eu EC Winners !!! 100 € on gb Won 119€
et 31.10.10 21:00 Purefragging nl 3.97 vs. 1.34 nl True Destination 42 € on nl PUR3 Lost
et 31.10.10 20:30 CodeLust fi 1.14 vs. 7.94 eu Fuzion.ET 50 € on eu fuZion Bet was cancelled
et 31.10.10 18:15 lain nl 5.35 vs. 1.23 ee freEze 50 € on ee freeze Won 62€
et 31.10.10 18:15 wiSe-guys pl 6.50 vs. 1.18 fr heroes4ever 30 € on fr hFE Bet was cancelled
et 30.10.10 22:45 team exitium eu 5.44 vs. 1.23 pl wiSe-guys 30 € on eu ext3 Lost
rtcw 27.10.10 20:00 sexy eu 5.42 vs. 1.23 eu Knock Out 20 € on eu sexy Lost
1 2 3 4 5 6 [ 7 ] 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [...] 145