Gambling Stats

de TheMan's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 1555 Total Set Money 508974 €
Winning Percentage 67 % Losing Percentage 33 %
Total Money 38919.02 € Total Capital 38919.02 €

Recent Bets

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [ 10 ] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 [...] 74
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 07.05.12 21:30 mikeh's low gamers eu 9.38 vs. 1.12 nl inSpiron 250 € on nl inS Won 280€
et 03.05.12 20:30 noobPatrol de 1.53 vs. 2.89 ru etcfg 5,000 € on de nP! Lost
et 29.04.12 18:30 Vination de 6.60 vs. 1.18 de Komakolonne 5,000 € on de K&k Bet was cancelled
et 23.04.12 22:00 Italian Death Squad it 23.19 vs. 1.05 eu randomZ 1 € on eu randomZ Won 1€
et 23.04.12 22:00 Worst ET Players es 4.29 vs. 1.30 de sQueeZe-Gaming 1 € on de squeeze Won 1€
et 22.04.12 19:15 national 0wners nl 100.00 vs. 1.01 de Komakolonne 5,000 € on de K&k Won 5,050€
et 19.04.12 19:00 national 0wners nl 5.79 vs. 1.21 de Komakolonne 800 € on de K&k Bet was cancelled
et 11.04.12 22:00 Finland fi 1.21 vs. 5.84 pl Poland 1,000 € on fi FIN Lost
et 11.04.12 21:00 Belgian Fraternity be 2.06 vs. 1.95 eu Nothing But Skillz 500 € on be bF Lost
et 11.04.12 21:00 miNd's Pro Gamers club eu 1.02 vs. 64.36 eu Devastation 1 € on eu mPG Won 1€
et 04.04.12 22:15 Vae Victis pl 1.40 vs. 3.52 de Lost Soldiers 1,000 € on pl victis Lost
et 02.04.12 21:30 CashPlease eu 1.42 vs. 3.36 eu 1 € on eu cP Won 1€
et 01.04.12 22:00 Netherlands nl 2.18 vs. 1.85 fi Finland 1,000 € on fi FIN Won 1,850€
et 01.04.12 21:30 bobOTs - es 4.62 vs. 1.28 pl Vae Victis 250 € on pl victis Won 320€
et 01.04.12 21:15 fr 3.16 vs. 1.46 no Chickens With Guns 500 € on no ceWEge Lost
et 01.04.12 21:15 SYMBOLES fr 1.18 vs. 6.66 nl national 0wners 1 € on fr sex Won 1€
et 01.04.12 21:00 Exorcists cz 1.35 vs. 3.82 ru etcfg 500 € on cz exo Lost
et 01.04.12 21:00 Northern-Darkness de 5.79 vs. 1.21 eu Devastation 1 € on eu deV Won 1€
et 01.04.12 21:00 sleeperzzz no 42.39 vs. 1.02 gb Eighth Wonder 2,000 € on gb #8 Bet was cancelled
et 29.03.12 22:15 es 1.11 vs. 9.83 gb encrypt 1 € on es delin Won 1€
et 28.03.12 22:00 Finlantic6 fi 1.17 vs. 6.82 eu Nothing But Skillz 1 € on fi F6 Won 1€
et 28.03.12 22:00 Italian Death Squad it 1.08 vs. 12.77 fr For the fun 1 € on it IDS Won 1€
et 28.03.12 21:30 Play With Soul eu 4.15 vs. 1.32 de wnbpro 1,000 € on de wnbpro Won 1,320€
et 28.03.12 21:00 Deutsche Elite de 4.11 vs. 1.32 de megaProGaming e-Sports e.V. 500 € on de de Lost
et 27.03.12 22:30 #causamortis gb 1.06 vs. 17.13 us Grenades Galore 1 € on gb MORTIS Won 1€
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [ 10 ] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 [...] 74