Gambling Stats

fr An7ho's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 4067 Total Set Money 621782 €
Winning Percentage 61 % Losing Percentage 39 %
Total Money 35.59 € Total Capital 35.59 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 [ 61 ] 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 [...] 195
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 06.06.11 20:15 Pornoping eu 2.27 vs. 1.79 ru etcfg 250 € on ru etcfg Won 448€
et 05.06.11 21:30 squirtles pl 1.02 vs. 67.58 eu Titanz 100 € on pl sq Won 102€
et 05.06.11 21:30 Team-Refuse gb 1.15 vs. 7.87 us Enhanced-Gaming 100 € on gb Refuse Draw
et 05.06.11 21:30 Next Evolution ESC gb 1.33 vs. 4.02 de teamoxid 250 € on de oxid Lost
et 05.06.11 20:30 teamoxid de 1.49 vs. 3.03 pl squirtles 250 € on de oxid Draw
et 05.06.11 19:30 Spot16 eu 1.80 vs. 2.24 dk NORDIC-eSport 250 € on eu Spot16 Won 450€
et 02.06.11 21:15 boozers pl 4.26 vs. 1.31 es 250 € on es delin Bet was cancelled
et 02.06.11 19:15 PIMMELBANDE de 1.99 vs. 2.01 eu silentium 250 € on eu slntm Lost
et 31.05.11 22:30 Team Decerto nl 1.55 vs. 2.83 gb Next Evolution ESC 250 € on nl decerto Lost
et 31.05.11 21:30 Rise and Shine eu 1.22 vs. 5.53 fr Epic #epic-eSports 250 € on fr epic Lost
et 31.05.11 21:15 Gravity Zero fr 5.25 vs. 1.24 cz DogSoldiers Gaming 500 € on fr GzERO Lost
et 31.05.11 21:00 Grenades Galore us 2.56 vs. 1.75 eu Rise and Shine 250 € on us G+ Bet was cancelled
et 30.05.11 22:15 Team Dignitas gb 1.52 vs. 2.93 eu Queens 250 € on gb Lost
et 30.05.11 21:00 red as a beetroot fi 2.87 vs. 1.54 eu Queens 150 € on eu Queens Won 231€
et 30.05.11 21:00 PowerMaurerClanGermany de 2.78 vs. 1.56 eu Collapsed 100 € on eu CLPSD Won 156€
et 30.05.11 20:00 intensiveNoobs eu 1.35 vs. 3.82 fi Teuva Total Dominating 75 € on eu iN Won 101€
et 29.05.11 22:45 inteRaction cz 1.53 vs. 2.90 pl squirtles 400 € on pl sq Lost
et 29.05.11 21:30 Alliance eu 2.69 vs. 1.59 fr 250 € on fr sticked Won 398€
et 29.05.11 21:30 Brotherhood of Wolf pl 1.77 vs. 2.30 eu iNmotion 250 € on eu iNm Won 575€
et 29.05.11 21:00 Skup Butelek @ #nuclear-outside pl 2.72 vs. 1.58 de 400 € on pl nudE Won 1,088€
et 29.05.11 20:00 Azure Fate es 3.04 vs. 1.49 ee glitz 250 € on ee glitz Bet was cancelled
et 24.05.11 21:30 back 2 kill pl 2.35 vs. 1.74 pl Vae Victis 250 € on pl victis Lost
et 24.05.11 20:30 Pornoping eu 2.41 vs. 1.71 de TEAM warpig| 250 € on eu Pp Won 603€
et 23.05.11 21:45 inteRaction cz 1.41 vs. 3.47 pl Vae Victis 250 € on pl victis Lost
et 23.05.11 21:00 intensiveNoobs eu 1.67 vs. 2.49 pl 150 € on eu iN Won 251€
1 [...] 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 [ 61 ] 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 [...] 195