Gambling Stats

fr Kartez's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 5150 Total Set Money 1087988 €
Winning Percentage 57 % Losing Percentage 43 %
Total Money 50.79 € Total Capital 50.79 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 [ 169 ] 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 [...] 244
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 14.11.09 21:00 Sgaming pl 2.70 vs. 1.59 pl Durex 250 € on pl Da Lost
rtcw 12.11.09 22:00 KiH se 3.11 vs. 1.47 gb =118= 70 € on gb =118= Won 103€
et 12.11.09 21:30 3Generationen de 1.45 vs. 3.20 fr Daddies 74 € on de 3G/// Won 107€
et 12.11.09 21:30 ESVKA ~ Division 2 cz 2.05 vs. 1.95 eu Personality Team 70 € on cz e2 Lost
et 12.11.09 21:15 aVa #K-LibR eu 2.98 vs. 1.51 fr Super Mytho Crew 215 € on fr sMc Won 325€
et 12.11.09 21:00 NL masters cz 1.26 vs. 4.83 de Nightgaming 250 € on cz NL Mts Won 315€
et 12.11.09 21:00 Impuls-Gaming e.V. ET pl 1.42 vs. 3.37 se ORDER-Gaming 100 € on pl I5 Won 142€
rtcw 12.11.09 21:00 indomitus eu 3.39 vs. 1.42 eu FallanX 150 € on eu Falx Won 213€
et 12.11.09 21:00 TAG eu 2.20 vs. 1.83 fi Dickheads 150 € on eu TAG Lost
et 12.11.09 20:45 retardzz. eu 1.70 vs. 2.42 pt puta-Q-pariu 150 € on eu retardz. Bet was cancelled
et 11.11.09 22:00 it 7.41 vs. 1.16 pl Team Infinity 100 € on pl infi Won 116€
et 11.11.09 21:30 CPC Castors fr 3.20 vs. 1.45 nl eXtensive #Apocalypse 100 € on nl alypse Lost
rtcw 11.11.09 21:30 Fixed fi 1.91 vs. 2.10 eu Rewind 100 € on fi fixed Won 191€
et 11.11.09 21:15 Valkyrie #StopNPlay pt 7.70 vs. 1.15 de HighBot 100 € on de HB Won 115€
et 11.11.09 21:00 nEophyte cz 1.26 vs. 4.86 pl suffering 100 € on cz nEph Won 126€
et 11.11.09 20:15 eXtensive #Apocalypse nl 2.11 vs. 1.90 pl Clan Military Forces 100 € on nl alypse Lost
et 11.11.09 20:15 re+play fi 1.05 vs. 19.77 pl FocuS! 100 € on fi re+play Won 105€
et 11.11.09 19:30 Vicious hellRaisers fi 3.84 vs. 1.35 fi Silence 100 € on fi Sil Won 135€
et 11.11.09 19:30 #wC.Team pl 1.57 vs. 5.91 pl #ToiToi.Team 100 € on pl #ToiToi Bet was cancelled
et 10.11.09 22:00 TAG eu 1.74 vs. 2.35 ee bossid 100 € on eu TAG Won 174€
et 10.11.09 21:30 Wolf Crazy Killer be 1.31 vs. 4.25 de roYality-eSports 250 € on be WCK Won 328€
et 10.11.09 21:00 Durex pl 2.48 vs. 1.68 pl easyfrag 100 € on pl Da Lost
et 10.11.09 21:00 nEophyte cz 4.87 vs. 1.26 nl dNan 150 € on nl dNan Won 189€
et 10.11.09 21:00 ORDER-Gaming se 1.26 vs. 4.90 de xlibres 100 € on se Order Won 126€
et 09.11.09 21:45 Team-YoYoTech gb 2.91 vs. 1.52 eu TAG 75 € on eu TAG Lost
1 [...] 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 [ 169 ] 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 [...] 244