Gambling Stats

fr Kartez's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 5150 Total Set Money 1087988 €
Winning Percentage 57 % Losing Percentage 43 %
Total Money 50.79 € Total Capital 50.79 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [ 17 ] 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 [...] 244
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 11.06.12 00:15 bacardi team pl 1.91 vs. 2.10 pl to Make odds even 2,500 € on pl bacardi Won 4,775€
et 10.06.12 23:00 Team Decerto nl 2.09 vs. 1.92 pl to Make odds even 1,780 € on nl decerto Won 3,720€
et 10.06.12 22:15 noBra!n KIK.AIM de 2.09 vs. 1.92 eu eXecutors 510 € on de nB| Lost
et 10.06.12 22:00 it 6.20 vs. 1.19 ru etcfg 500 € on it n1ce Bet was cancelled
et 10.06.12 22:00 to Make odds even pl 1.16 vs. 7.30 de a.ToOn 1,000 € on de aToOn Lost
et 10.06.12 22:00 miNd's Pro Gamers club eu 2.63 vs. 1.61 fi Finlantic6 2,500 € on eu mPG Won 6,575€
et 10.06.12 21:30 hi to u fr 2.61 vs. 1.62 de Team Inst!nct 557 € on de iNSTINCT Lost
et 10.06.12 21:30 Legendary de 1.41 vs. 3.41 fr Catharsis bullet Zealot 500 € on fr CbZ Lost
et 10.06.12 21:30 dLICIOUS GAMING * 3v3 be 2.24 vs. 1.81 pl zeroskill 1,000 € on pl zs Won 1,810€
et 10.06.12 21:30 eXecutors eu 1.21 vs. 5.76 nl NBS minimal 1,000 € on eu .eXe Won 1,210€
et 10.06.12 21:00 Team Decerto nl 2.21 vs. 1.83 de Team PDEG 1,000 € on nl decerto Won 2,210€
et 10.06.12 20:30 JoinTheForce - EUNd be 3.15 vs. 1.47 nl Effectus 1,000 € on nl e: Won 1,470€
et 10.06.12 20:00 Hungary hu 2.43 vs. 1.70 gb United Kingdom 2,040 € on hu HUN Won 4,957€
et 05.06.12 21:00 Fenneks - eSports de 2.37 vs. 1.73 pl neVerminds 1,000 € on pl nVm Won 1,730€
et 05.06.12 21:00 Team Decerto nl 4.19 vs. 1.31 de credibilis. 1,000 € on de cre. Won 1,310€
et 05.06.12 21:00 Awesome pwners! pl 1.81 vs. 2.23 de Team Inst!nct 1,000 € on de iNSTINCT Lost
et 05.06.12 21:00 Pharaons fr 1.18 vs. 6.49 eu redStar 1,000 € on eu rS* Lost
et 29.05.12 22:00 miNd's Pro Gamers club eu 1.17 vs. 6.82 nl Team Decerto 425 € on nl decerto Lost
et 29.05.12 21:00 Pharaons fr 2.16 vs. 1.86 eu Zero Empathy 2,000 € on eu 0E Lost
et 27.05.12 21:30 bobOTs - es 1.30 vs. 4.33 eu offi only 250 € on es bobOTs Won 325€
et 27.05.12 21:00 pinpals es 2.00 vs. 2.00 eu redStar 250 € on eu rS* Won 500€
et 27.05.12 21:00 Synergy cl 1.43 vs. 3.30 eu mikeh's low gamers 250 € on cl Syn Bet was cancelled
et 24.05.12 21:00 Hungary hu 1.05 vs. 22.19 cl Chile 35 € on cl CL Lost
et 23.05.12 21:45 Pharaons fr 1.34 vs. 3.98 de Lost Soldiers 399 € on fr PHA Won 535€
et 22.05.12 21:30 Poland pl 1.46 vs. 3.18 ee Estonia 600 € on pl POL Won 876€
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