Gambling Stats

fr Kartez's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 5150 Total Set Money 1087988 €
Winning Percentage 57 % Losing Percentage 43 %
Total Money 50.79 € Total Capital 50.79 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 [ 83 ] 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 [...] 244
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 27.01.11 21:00 theORYGINALS pl 1.33 vs. 4.07 eu Team-Imperium 140 € on pl b2k Bet was cancelled
et 27.01.11 21:00 Pistols ru 1.32 vs. 4.13 de venom.ET 70 € on ru Pistols Won 92€
et 27.01.11 21:00 Team Atrox eu 1.78 vs. 2.29 eu nOu way 130 € on eu atrox Won 231€
et 27.01.11 21:00 Izi 4 Pandas @ National eSport eu 1.54 vs. 2.85 cz Exorcists 60 € on cz exo Won 171€
et 27.01.11 20:30 high readiness forces pl 1.59 vs. 2.69 cz 50 € on pl hrf Lost
et 27.01.11 20:30 Lost Legion Clan eu 2.48 vs. 1.68 cz sEnsitive eSports 50 € on eu LLC Won 124€
et 27.01.11 20:15 spanish hack thor es 4.56 vs. 1.28 ee estonias beath 30 € on es sht! Bet was cancelled
et 27.01.11 19:30 Exorcists cz 2.51 vs. 1.66 cz crybirdZ 70 € on cz exo Lost
et 27.01.11 19:15 budA de 2.06 vs. 1.94 ro Boby 50 € on de chiller. Lost
et 26.01.11 22:00 High Ability pl 1.38 vs. 3.64 fr #FamOuS 100 € on pl hA{ Won 138€
et 26.01.11 21:00 Pistols ru 1.33 vs. 3.99 fi 100 € on ru Pistols Bet was cancelled
et 26.01.11 20:30 Art of Wolfenstein de 3.91 vs. 1.34 de Team Survive 100 € on de survive Lost
et 26.01.11 20:30 to Make odds even pl 1.36 vs. 3.81 pl wiSe-guys 100 € on pl wiSe Lost
et 26.01.11 20:15 VIP.Gaming dk 2.57 vs. 1.64 nl Verdiend 128 € on nl verd Bet was cancelled
et 26.01.11 20:00 Most Valuable Players eu 1.22 vs. 5.53 eu 200 € on eu MvP Won 244€
et 26.01.11 20:00 idem pl 1.35 vs. 3.82 ee Juurviljad 100 € on ee JRV Lost
et 23.01.11 22:30 Czech Republic cz 1.05 vs. 20.98 cl Chile 500 € on cz CZE Won 525€
et 23.01.11 20:00 Team Iceland is 1.82 vs. 2.22 pl Team Poland #3 500 € on is ICE Won 910€
et 23.01.11 20:00 Team Germany #1 de 1.11 vs. 10.33 fr Team France #2 500 € on de 1.DE Won 555€
et 23.01.11 17:00 Team Netherlands #2 nl 1.20 vs. 6.06 de Team Germany #3 500 € on nl NED#2 Won 600€
et 23.01.11 04:30 Canada ca 1.07 vs. 14.84 au Australia 877 € on ca CAN Won 938€
et 20.01.11 22:00 Team Poland #1 pl 1.10 vs. 10.73 hu Hungary 108 € on pl 1.PL Won 119€
et 20.01.11 21:00 Rulers Of The Deep ee 1.51 vs. 2.96 se addicted 2 id 110 € on ee Won 166€
et 20.01.11 20:00 b!rdZ de 1.87 vs. 2.15 ro low skill 110 € on ro {Ls Bet was cancelled
et 20.01.11 20:00 epinephrine pl 2.61 vs. 1.62 eu Kot Da Vinci 100 € on eu vinci Draw
1 [...] 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 [ 83 ] 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 [...] 244