Gambling Stats

fr Kartez's Gambling Stats ( unranked )
Open Bets 0 Pending Money 0 €
Total Bets 5150 Total Set Money 1087988 €
Winning Percentage 57 % Losing Percentage 43 %
Total Money 40.79 € Total Capital 40.79 €

Recent Bets

1 [...] 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 [ 86 ] 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 [...] 244
Date Team A Odds Team B Bet Result
et 16.01.11 19:00 kuollut rakkaus fi 4.26 vs. 1.31 be sINUS - Gaming 60 € on fi kR Bet was cancelled
et 16.01.11 19:00 - North pl 1.23 vs. 5.32 pl - South 30 € on pl South.PL Won 160€
et 16.01.11 19:00 - West pl 5.56 vs. 1.22 pl - East 30 € on pl West.PL Lost
et 16.01.11 19:00 nl 1.51 vs. 2.96 de STROHHUTBANDE 60 € on nl f1x Bet was cancelled
et 16.01.11 19:00 Desi Bros in 1.30 vs. 4.31 de PORN-Team 60 € on in Desi Won 78€
et 16.01.11 18:00 Lost Soldiers de 1.02 vs. 42.46 de noBra!n CreAtives 60 € on de lost^ Won 61€
et 16.01.11 18:00 Velvet Guns de 1.13 vs. 8.59 de sQueeZe-Gaming 60 € on de Velvet Won 68€
et 16.01.11 18:00 velerion de 1.16 vs. 7.07 de 9th Dimension Wnbpro 60 € on de vele Bet was cancelled
et 16.01.11 18:00 SPEEDLINK de 1.01 vs. 100.00 de TEAM warpig| 10 € on de warpig Lost
et 16.01.11 18:00 teamoxid de 1.04 vs. 28.51 de vaLy.sfe 60 € on de oxid Won 62€
et 16.01.11 18:00 mustasurma fi 1.78 vs. 2.28 fr Without brain 60 € on fr wb Won 137€
et 16.01.11 18:00 noBra!n de 1.30 vs. 4.34 de no Teamplay 70 € on de nB| Won 91€
et 16.01.11 18:00 Art of Wolfenstein de 1.03 vs. 29.96 de 60 € on de Team-AoW Won 62€
et 16.01.11 18:00 Legendary de 1.37 vs. 3.69 de PowerMaurerClanGermany 60 € on de PMCG Lost
et 16.01.11 14:15 Wolf Crazy Killer be 5.72 vs. 1.21 pl dwukropekha 160 € on be WCK Lost
et 15.01.11 19:30 Team Colombia. co 1.74 vs. 2.35 ua Ukraine 100 € on ua UA Won 235€
et 15.01.11 19:30 Rulers Of The Deep ee 1.25 vs. 5.00 cz Gunslingers 100 € on ee Won 125€
et 15.01.11 19:00 Desi Bros in 1.24 vs. 5.14 cz crybirdZ 100 € on in Desi Bet was cancelled
et 15.01.11 18:00 Team China cn 8.99 vs. 1.13 ua Ukraine 140 € on ua UA Lost
et 14.01.11 22:00 iNtakE.Gaming eu 1.75 vs. 2.33 pl Polish Executors 100 € on pl [PE] Won 233€
et 14.01.11 21:30 Impressive Gaming eu 5.52 vs. 1.22 in Desi Bros 100 € on in Desi Bet was cancelled
et 14.01.11 20:00 stAmin pl 1.12 vs. 9.55 pl FirE 7 € on pl FirE Bet was cancelled
et 14.01.11 20:00 pds nl 1.18 vs. 6.41 fr Sunny 10 € on fr Sunny Lost
et 13.01.11 22:15 repression ee 6.39 vs. 1.19 de Sandkastenhocker 250 € on de SKH Bet was cancelled
et 13.01.11 22:00 PowerMaurerClanGermany de 2.69 vs. 1.59 ru Pistols 125 € on de PMCG Lost
1 [...] 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 [ 86 ] 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 [...] 244